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Okay, my sister is officially the worst. I'm supposed to be resting at home from the wolf scar when Bella's ex boyfriends sister comes back saying she saw Bella jump off a cliff and now her ex is going to get himself killed.

I hate my sister is the only thought going through my thoughts. All I have with me is my phone, passport, and some cash. I asked Paul to get me some clothes since it was clear Charlie wasn't going to and Bella was cliff jumping. So he did, but my clothes are all summer like clothes so I have a floral small romper that shows my scars and some heels.

"He's going to reveal himself" Alice says, apparently she can see the future

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"He's going to reveal himself" Alice says, apparently she can see the future. Looking out the window until I'm slammed into the seat in front of me and groan in pain. I see Bella get out, getting into the front I try to think calming thoughts and not let my powers unleash.

"So your Bella's sister?" She asks

"And your the bitch that decided to bring me to Italy when I should have been at home resting from being attacked by a bob cat" she looks away before turning to me and smiles "what?"

"It's time" she grabs my hand and we head through the streets of Volterra to this clocktower, once here Alice is about to open the door but stops and says "I shouldn't have brought you here"

~Third Person POV~

When Alice and Ciri head inside Demetri is shocked to see Ciri. He thinks his life is made much easier since Ciri is now here, Edward is shocked to hear what Demetri is thinking and looks towards Ciri and frowns when he can't hear her thoughts. But he covers his nose when he smells her scent, it's more mouthwatering than Bella's.

"Now guys" Alice smiles taking her scarf and sunglasses off "it's a festival, we wouldn't want to create a scene now would we?"

"No" Felix grinds his jaw "we wouldn't"

"What happened?" Demetri asks Ciri gesturing to his chest then pointing to hers.

"Ask Bella" the vampires look at her, she just stays quiet.

"Jane" Edward says, the vampires turn to see Jane come down to them. She stops and looks at Ciri surprised, before turning to the other people in the room.

"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" she says looking at them before turning around and heading back to the throne room.

"Just listen to her" Jane tells them, because Ciri still has some strong pain killer coursing through her she's not as with it as she would normally be. Demetri seeing this, goes over to her and picks her up bridal style bringing her to the throne room.

On there way there Edward looks at Ciri then to Bella "Bella? Who is she?"

"She's my younger sister"

"Half sister" Ciri corrects

"No" Bella says "she's my full sister"



"Half" Ciri insists

"Full" Ciri has Demetri put her down and that's when Ciri says "Half" the girls say the same thing for the next minute their voices getting louder and louder.

"Fine" Ciri says "I'm your full sister"

"No, half" Bella puts a hand to her mouth and Ciri claps her hands smiling pointing at Bella.

"Ha, you just said half so I'm your half sister"

"Ugh" Bella complains "I hate it when you do that"

"Can we continue?" Jane asks, she and the Volturi guards found it amusing how Ciri won the debate. The group soon walks, then gets to a man shaped hole in the ground. Jane goes down first, then Alice, then Bella when Edward pushed her down. When Edward turned to Ciri, one of her stitches came loose and he smells her blood. His eyes turn pitch black and Demetri puts himself in front of Ciri, he knows Aro wants to see Ciri alive and not dead.

Felix grabs Edward and forces him down the hole, Demetri turns to Ciri "let me take you to the throne room a different way" Ciri nods her head, using her telepathy Ciri heard Edwards thoughts and she doesn't need to be in the same space as him currently. Demetri bends down and carries her to the throne room, once outside it's just when the others arrive. Felix keeps his hold on Edward when Edward thrashes to get to Ciri.

"Let's go in" Demetri motions to the door, when she and he go inside Aro and Alec are surprised to see Ciri here. Marcus looking at Ciri then to Alec sees a mate bond between them, raising his hand Aro takes it and smiles seeing what he suspected.

Ciri looks at Alec and recognizes him "Hey its Mr. Stalker"

"I am not a stalker" Alec crosses his arms

"Well, when you followed me home for three days..."

"You were being stubborn and had a blind fold over your eyes" he reminds her of the events "you nearly fell off a cliff three times"

"Are you sure?" she asks



"Really" the two had been taking one step towards each other and now they are close enough that everyone wonders if they'll kiss, Ciri hearing this turns around fast hitting Alec in the face with her hair irritating him.

"Well maybe your crazy"

"Crazy?" he asks "for the past whatever months you've been having a blind fold on and nearly getting yourself killed"

"How did you know I've been putting a blind fold on for the past whatever months?" she crosses her arms and winces at the pain. Alec looks down and his eyes darken seeing the claw marks on Ciri's chest.

"What happened to your chest?" he runs to her fast and inspects the wounds, Ciri slaps his hands away which causes more of her stitches to break. Just as the others come in after minutes of Alice and Bella trying to calm Edward down. Felix has to grab Edward again since he's tried to attack Ciri. Demetri helps his friend and the two manage to keep Edward subdued.

"Ah" Aro smiles seeing the group "look at this Bella is alive after all" standing going to the group "I do love happy endings" taking Edwards hand that's being held by Demetri "ah La Tua Cantante, her blood appeals to you so much" looking at Bella "how can you stand to be near her? And her sisters" looking at Ciri who is still slapping away Alec who is trying to help "is so much more mouthwatering than her sisters" Bella who is being held back by Alice frowns hearing this, how Ciri is more mouthwatering than herself.

"Aro" Alice explains "can hear every thought a person has ever had from one touch"

"A soul reader much like young Edward" Aro looks at Edward then to Bella and Ciri "yet he can't hear Bella's or her sister's thoughts"

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