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"This is really extravagant" I say to Alec as we look around the wedding, we arrived about ten minutes ago.

"Yes" he agrees

"I know when we get married" I smile "I know I'll be a bridezilla" he looks my way, we then hear a screech and look over to see my mother Renee before us.

"Oh Cirilla!" Renee hugs me before pulling back "you must be Alec" clapping her hands "did you bring my grand babies?" Alec gives me a 'is she serious?' look.

Just as I was about to say something, we hear some yelling. Looking over we hear yelling and Alec pulls me aside as Renee goes inside "so that was your mother"

"Bella fucked Jacob" I state hearing what is going on "let's go take our seats" going over to the brides side we see some of Bella's high school friends.

"Ciri!" Angela, a nice girl stands up and hugs me "it's been so long"

"Hi Angela" looking over I see the others "Mike, Jessica, Eric"

"Who's this?" Jessica motions to Alec as she eyes him.

"This is Alec" I pull Alec to me smiling at him "he's my husband and father of my children"

"Husband?!" They exclaim while Alec is stoic but his mind says something else. I thought you didn't want anyone knowing about the babies

Jessica Stanley was eyeing you in front of me I lean my head on his shoulder I'll cut that bitch if she tries to go after you

So violent he tsks

"So Jessica" I ask "wh"

"Ahem" we look over to see Carlisle here "due to some unforeseen events, the wedding is canceled" many people whisper. I merely look in Carlisle's mind to see that Edward called off the wedding because he found Bella fucking Phil.

"I wonder what happened" Jessica excitedly says jumping up and down as people start to question Carlisle with what is going on.

"What happened?" Alec asks

"One moment, first" I use my powers and push Jessica, Renee and into the large cake. We all watch this and laugh. They then get into a fight that one of them pushes the other.

"What did you do?" Alec whispers

"Bella slept with her stepfather"

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