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For the next twenty four hours, me and the others have kept an eye on the quintuplets. We each took turns feeding and changing them, I swear if I wasn't part cold one or didn't have any help I would be losing it.

Now we are heading to the castle, the guys are still upset about not using my powers before hand but stopped when Alec used his powers on them. On the way there I have my head on Alec's shoulder "how much do you want to bet that everyone on the castle will lose it by the amount of stuff I have?"

Alec chuckles "it isn't a matter them losing it but the matter of when everyone loses it" when we get to the castle, I have the boxes at their normal size before we bring them inside. Jane and I bring in the babies aka I levitate them inside while Demetri and Felix complain like bigger babies then my babies at all of the luggage. Alec grabs some help and all my stuff if brought to the throne room while Jane and I take the babies to the Upper Guard suite.

When I make sure they are sound asleep and perfectly fine do I leave them, I go to the throne room where the rest of my boxes are "you" I see Aro look at me, I can hear his mind and he loves how he has a powerful being like me here "have a lot of clothing"

"I know" nodding my head "you wanted to see me"

"Yes" Aro smiles "simply to see you again as you left without saying a word"

"Hmm" nodding my head "well I'm going to go to my kids" walking back to my kids, Alec is beside me " it just me or did something seem off?"

"With Aro anything can seem off" he mutters "I wonder why the Cullens decided to wrap three of the boys in pink blankets while the rest in pink and one in blue"

"Who knows" shrugging my shoulders "I'm just glad, I'm picking one of them up"

"Ciri" Alec stops me "have you never heard...don't wake a sleeping baby?"

"And have you ever heard" picking up North "the babies are just too cute not to hold?" North then starts to cry and wake up the others.

When I look at Alec, he gives me an 'I told you so' look. So I flip him off.

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