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"I wonder" Aro looks to the girls "if they are an exception to my gifts as well?" walking up to Bella "my dear?" Bella hands him her hand, after a moment he sees nothing "nothing" walking over to Alec and Ciri "Cirilla?" Ciri turns to him "may I?"

"May you what?" she asks "are you asking me out? Oh since I'm back here I can go out with Mac" clapping her hands, but puts a hand to her chest wincing in pain. Ciri doesn't know why her healing isn't working like it should be.

"Maybe you should get that checked out?" Aro suggests, motioning to her bleeding chest. It's not bleeding very badly but it's bleeding.

"Powers" Caius reminds Aro

"Ah yes, after we see if your immune to my gifts" holding his hand out to Ciri, Ciri takes a moment to think before handing him her hand, looking around "I see nothing" walking away Aro thinks before turning to Jane who has been by Alice and Bella "let us see if they are immune to all of our gifts? Jane?"

"No" Edward finally realizes what's about to happen and goes to attack but can't because Demetri and Felix have their grips on him tight. Alice runs in front of Bella who just falls down in pain when Jane uses her powers.

"No! No! No!" Bella yells trying to get to Alice but Alec runs and holds her back, Ciri goes to the steps and pulls out some gauze and cleaning wipes that she bought in the airport along with a needle and some thread. She doesn't pay attention as she hisses from the pain when she cleans her wounds, Alec hearing Ciri his in pain runs to her and takes the wipe from her and wipes the wounds.

"Thanks" Ciri mutters, Alec stays silent sitting on the steps with Ciri. They all watch as one of the witch twins helps someone.

"Ahem!" They look at Aro who smiles at them "it seems a Janes gifts don't affect you or Bella"

"What are Jane's gifts?" Ciri asks confused "when did she use them?"

"A few minutes ago" Caius tells her "nothing happened"

"Is something supposed to happen?" She asks

"I can cause intense psychic pain" Jane tells Ciri.

"Oh so like this?" Everyone sees Ciri's eyes turn a glowing pink and they all hold their heads feeling pain, pain one would feel if it was Jane's power.

(Forgot to show what her eyes look like when she uses her Anodite powers in Character and Background)

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(Forgot to show what her eyes look like when she uses her Anodite powers in Character and Background)

When Ciri stops, they all look at her. Aro amazed before saying "yes, but not on the scale which you just used yours" Ciri looks down when she doesn't feel blood pouring from her, she sees her wounds are healed but she has scars left.

"How did you do that?" Bella demands, everyone sees blood coming from her eyes. Edward does everything possible to not attack Bella, since her blood isn't as intoxicating as Ciri's.

"Why should I tell you?" Ciri asks

"I'm your sister"

"Only because Renee is a whore and spread her legs to wet any guys dick" Ciri comments

"She isn't a whore!" Bella yells

"Is too, your one also" Ciri smirks when Alice has to hold Bella back from attacking Ciri "what? The truth hurts"

"Bitch" Edward goes to attack Ciri but a magenta glow comes from Ciri's hand as she uses her telekinesis on Edward lifting him from the ground and throws him against the walls like a rag doll.

"Stop! Stop!" Bella screams "your hurting him!" Ciri drops him and Bella runs to him "why did you hurt him?"

"He tried to attack me" Ciri mockingly says waving jazz hands feigning terror "he was both scary and stupid" the Volturi chuckle at Ciri, the kings smile amused with her. Getting up she takes out a blind fold putting it on "now if you shall excuse me I'm going to find my way home" doing the exercise Imogen recommends she does every time she's very far from home so that she can get use to using her powers to get home.

"Really?" Alec grabs her arm "your going to walk home?"

"Yes" looking at him "now" putting her hand up she tries to find his face and when she does she pats his cheek "thanks for the help, but I'm heading home" when she takes a step she forgot she's on steps and clumsily falls down making Alec look at her annoyed.

"Do you even know the way?" Caius asks amused as she walks into a beam falling down, Alec face palms himself.

"I'll let Mother Nature be my guide" she gets up and walks into the beam again "like last time"

"Yeah" Alec grabs her blind fold taking it off "and like last time you'll end up falling off a cliff" well if Alec wasn't there Ciri thinks, she would have used her energy manipulation to make a makeshift bridge for a moment.

"And did I fall?"


"See? I'll be fine" walking into the door because she wasn't paying attention. Alec throws his hands up in the air exasperated with how Ciri is acting, said girl soon opens it was surprising strength to everyone and then she leaves.

"You were only fine" Alec follows after her "because I made sure you didn't die" the two then argue as Ciri tries to leave the castle, but everyone in the throne room knows Alec won't let her leave so easily.

"Alec's mate will truly challenge him" Aro says happily

"He needs a good challenge" Jane inwardly is happy that her brother found someone like Ciri.

"Wait!" Caius demands realizing "did we ever get her name?"

"Oh? Did I not say?" Aro asks, Caius and Marcus shake their heads no "it's Cirilla, Ciri for short" looking at Bella "now what to do about you?"

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