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"Imogen" I find her behind the counter, she looks up and smiles "Charlie"

"I know" she tells me " need to head back to Forks, it's all apart of the journey" she comes over and places a hand on my shoulders "we'll meet again" a couple hours ago my former father Charlie who is a neglect father called telling me I need to come back home.

"Alright" we hug "I'll miss you"

"Don't worry my dear" pulling back "besides your powers are developing very nicely"

"Oh, I can get the DNA test" smiling, she smiles back.

"See..." waving "once we get that I can get custody of you" I nod my head smiling

~Alec Volturi's POV~

I watch from a distance as the girl that bumped into me months ago helps an old woman who is her mother probably in the shop, Gypsy Haven. When I bumped into her she had a blind fold on and for some reason every time she went in the wrong direction almost hit something, I was losing my mind. Then when I was back at the castle my mind was on her and nothing else, Jane's noticed but I always waved her off.

"What are you staring at?" I fall from the roof I was on and when I land on my back I see Demetri and Jane on the roof staring down at me.

"Nothing" standing I wipe the dirt from me, they jump down from the roof to stand in front of me.

"I don't think it was a what but more of a who" Demetri asks looking at the store "were you staring at?"

"Who?" Jane asks, I then see that girl put on a blind fold and go to throw away some trash.

"Really?" I growl "what is with that girl and blindfolds?" Demetri and Jane look at the girl.

"What's her name?" Jane asks

"I've been calling her blind fold girl" Jane and Demetri give me a 'really' look.

"So for the past few months" Jane looks at the girl who misses throwing the trash in the trash bin before falling into it "you've been watching a girl that blind folds herself?"


"What's she like?" Demetri asks


"Then why watch her?" Jane asks instead

"Because" I can't think of a reason

"Sorry" we turn and see the girl I've been watching talk to a guy with tan skin, black hair and blue eyes "I was just"

"Being blind folded and walking anywhere?" He asks

"Yeah, sorry" waving her hand "I'm trying this thing"

"What's the thing?" He asks

"My grandmother she's a seer and she told me that wearing this will lead me to the man of my dreams" she says seriously nodding her head, then two soon laugh. I growl

"I'm Mac"

"Cirilla" beautiful name I think "most people call me Ciri"

"Like the Witcher?" He asks

"Exactly" she smiles "yeah my dad loves the series" she waves "and I'm blabbing" she folds her hands and blushes

"It's fine, you work here?" he points to Gypsy Haven

"Yeah" nodding her head "my grandmother owns the place"

"I know I'm being forward" he says "do you maybe want to...go out?"

"Uh" is she going to say yes? Is she dating someone?

"Brother" I'm snapped out when Jane glares at me.

"What?" Growling my eyes dark

"Your showing your powers" Demetri points to my hands, looking down I pull back my petrifying mist. Looking back at the scene, I see the guy kiss Cirilla's cheek. Demetri and Jane hold me back from going to reveal our kind by killing that human.

"Calm down" Jane growls, I then see Cirilla bump into someone else.

"She is going to get herself killed" I growl

"Jane" Demetri says and soon I fall down in pain. The next thing I know I pass out from the pain. When I wake up I see I'm in the throne room: the kings, my sister, Demetri, Felix and Santiago stare at me.

"Alec" Aro says "Demetri and your sister have informed us you've been watching a human girl and nearly killed another human when she was asked out, care to explain?"

"I don't know, I bumped into her months ago and I haven't stopped watching her" Aro stands and takes my hand, when he lets go he nods his head.

"I wonder" looking to Demetri "Demetri bring the girl here"

"Why?" Caius demands

"Curious about something" looking at me "Alec you are confined to the castle, no leaving until Demetri brings the girl in"

"Master" Demetri says "I can't get a tenor on her"

"What?" I ask just as Aro asks

"Alec" I hear Caius say my name and I look down seeing my powers let out.

"Is the girl dead?" Marcus asks

"I don't know" shrugging his shoulders "I can't get a read on her"

"Well that is a problem" Aro says

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