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~Ciri's POV~

When I thought of home I felt content, happiness. It wasn't until I blinked that I realized I'm no longer in Volterra but back in Bologna. Here I look around before I see Imogen and some older man with blonde hair hair talk.

"Cirilla!" Imogen smiles seeing me, she comes over and hugs me swaying us side to side

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"Cirilla!" Imogen smiles seeing me, she comes over and hugs me swaying us side to side. I keep my eyes on the blonde guy, why do I feel a connection to him? "Oh" Imogen pulls back "I have someone who's been waiting his entire life to meet you" pulling me to the man "Cirilla meet Arthur, your father" I whip my head to Imogen then look at this man who smiles at me.

"Hello Cirilla" his voice deep and musical like "it's so good to finally meet you" looking at me up and down "your even more beautiful than your grandmother told me"

"Why now?" I ask finally after being silent for some time "Renee hasn't been in my life since I was like two, why didn't you come for me then?"

"My sweet baby girl" he wipes some tears that fell "I wanted to so badly, but your grandmother told me that until the time was right which seems like it almost never is could I come get you"

"What?" Looking at Imogen, I feel betrayed and hurt hearing this.

"My dear" grabbing my hand "I know this is a lot to process but you need to go back to Forks"

"What? Why?" Placing a hand on my hip "you told me my fate is connected to Forks, then to Volterra and now Forks. Why?"

"My dear" she looks at me serious "have I ever done anything to make you question me?" Not until now "when I say trust me trust me"

"Mother" Arthur says, she looks at him for a few moments before turning to me "Cirilla" I look at him after a moment "even though I hate it too, my mother has never been wrong about something"

"Fate" Imogen smiles laughing "is a funny thing, you don't know where it will take you"

"What she means" Arthur clarifies "your fate isn't set into stone so it's best not to question it"

"But aren't there philosophers that have been questioning the fact that maybe we should question fate?" I ask

"Yes" nodding his head "but those people are all dead for questioning"

"Um...on a completely unrelated note" waving to my chest "how come my healing wasn't like it normally was?" They look at my scars, they then look to each other having a silent conversation.

"Maybe it's your human half" Imogen tells me "I'm sorry my dear but we do not know" she then claps her hands "now, you need to head back to Forks"

"Why?" I ask

"Because it's all apart the journey" she soon disappears.

"Always hated it when she does that" Arthur says after a moment "let me take you back to Forks, I doubt you've learned how to use the astral field to its full extent yet" holding his hand out.

"Will it hurt?"

"No" shaking his head, I take it since for some reason I feel like I can trust him. After a few minutes I smell the wet and dreary scent along with that of being in a forest. Looking around I see I'm back in Forks at the side of the Swan Household.

We go up the steps, at the door Arthur knocks and soon it's opened to a worried Charlie Swan. Seeing me he frowns glaring "where's Bella?"

"Isn't she here?" I ask

"No" crossing his arms "who's this?"

"Let us in" Arthur is using his powers, his eyes flash a bright pink and soon we are going inside. Closing the door Charlie sees Arthur look around "no pictures of Cirilla?"

"She's just a responsibility, if Renee had taken her and not Bella then you'd have more baby pictures" a pant of hurt goes through me "Cirilla is just a liability thrown on me since it would have been bad if the Forks Chief of Police got rid of his ex wife's bastard daughter" he puts a hand to his mouth.

"Cirilla" Arthur orders "go upstairs, now and pack your things" I do, leaving Charlie and Arthur alone.

~Arthur's POV~

Why did I listen to my mother? This isn't the type of person I wanted my daughter to know as a father. No wonder Bella Swan is the way she is, she has a negligent father and a whore of a mother.

"Who the hell" Charles Swan asks but I cut him off, using my powers.

"You will sign over your parental rights of Cirilla to me" I order

"I will sign over my rights to you" he agrees

"You will send Bella Swan to a mental institution" waving my hand conjuring a pamphlet of an institution run by aliens "when you all ask for Dr. Alister Sparrow" handing them pamphlet he opens.

"I will call for a Dr. Alister Sparrow" he grabs his phone and I watch as he dials the number, holding it up to his ear "yes, I'm looking for a Dr. Alister Sparrow"

"When you tell him your name tell him Arthur Draconis told you that you need your daughter committed" I order

"Yes Dr. Sparrow" Charles answers "my name is Charles Swan, Arthur Draconis told me to tell you I need my daughter committed"

"Now tell him your address" I say and he does "good, now tell him Arthur Draconis wants him to inject Bella Swan with serum 789 when he sees her"

"Arthur Draconis wants you to inject my daughter with serum 789" he replies.

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