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I laugh as Jessica and Renee fight with each other before Bella came out, Renee and her got into a fight when I got Phil to tell Renee that he loves Bella and that he fucked her since Bella can give him children. Aka I made this up, I just wanted to cause drama—thank you powers.

"I want a young hot wife!" Phil yells at Renee, many people have been recording this moment "Bella she's both!"

"Ah!" Renee punches Bella, Charlie tries to interfere but he gets punched by Phil.

"What was that for!" Charlie yells

Using my powers I have Phil yells "that's for being Bella's father and being all Renee could talk about!"

"What" Alec whispers "are you doing?"

"Turning this event into something fun" I whisper back, we then see Phil and Charlie get into a fist fight.

While for Bella and Renee "God! Your such a brat Isabella! Ever since you were little!"

"You have always been a stuck up bitch!" Bella yells "I needed a mother! Not be one myself!"

"Oh please!" Renee scoffs "your more like me than you care to admit!" Bella and her fall into the messed up cake, no one interferes since I'm making sure they don't.

I then use my mana manipulation to have a storm be created, as I do this people start to cry—mainly the women—as rain hits them and ruins their outfits "My wedding!" Alice yells

"You mean my wedding?" Bella yells as Renee rips out her hair piece thing along with some hair.

"Carlisle" Alec is firm as he waved Carlisle over, when the coven leader is before us Alec stated "Bella Swan will be turned today or die but Edward's hands, the Volturi are done giving you second chances"

"Please" he begs "I'm sure we can"

I use my energy manipulation and kill most of the guests, the vampires remaining stare at me along with the wolves "I'm really tired of this shit! Either turn or kill Bella!" I want to go home to my babies.

"You have one hour" Alec curtly informs them "decide" We head inside to where the Cullen's, Denali's, the wolves and the human are. They stare at us "well?" Alec demands

"Well what?" Edward snaps

"Edward!" Tanya scolds

"It seems they need motivation, my love" I say loudly enough "if Bella Swan isn't turned in the next ten minutes, the Denali's shall share your fate" shock and fear comes through the Denali's "now Edward, decide. Kill Bella or turn her"

"Does it have to be Edward?" Kate asks "or can it be someone else?"

"It has to be Edward" I cross my arms "he brought her into this world, he is responsible for that"

"My mate is correct" Alec wraps his arm around me, I smile leaning into him smelling him. Home, I feel at home with him.

"Do something!" Irena yells "I did not come here just to die because you can't do shit!" I then hear something else they also invited a member from the pack that killed Laurent

"I need more time" Edward cries, people start to argue that has me take my phone out and record this.

"Enough!" Carlisle yells "please, give us more time to turn Bella"

"No" I snap "how long does it take one person to be bit? A few seconds? He's her blood singer, Edward is responsible for her turning or her dying. Now" snapping my fingers "hurry the fuck up! Oh Irena is it?" She nods her head "which wolves killed your Laurent?"

"What?" She asks

"Alec and I will help you kill the beasts that took your loves life" I inform her "before we kill you if Edward keeps delaying!"

We will? Alec asks me in my mind

We will I confirm now how long do you think it'll take before these idiots turn Bella?

They won't he hums

After ten minutes "ten minutes are up!" I announce

"You gave us an hour!" Edward exclaims

"That was before" Alec said "now death to you all" he let's out his mist that surrounds them all "or Edward does something"

"Edward!" Everyone yells

When he doesn't do anything, I set my phone down on the mantle still recording. Going over I kill Alice Cullen first then Jasper, dry crying is heard as I do this. I then go to Rosalie and Emmett Cullen, they beg and try to fight but I don't care. When I get to Esme I rip her head off and more cries are heard. Turning to Carlisle, I was about to kill him but we smell blood and look over to see Edward draining Bella. Too little, too late.

"Edward no!" Bella cries "don'" but her voice trails off as we hear her heart slowly stop. I kill Carlisle, when I do this Edward has blood running down his face.

"Alec?" I call out, he goes over to Edward and rips his head off. After he is done, we make sure all the Cullens are burned.

Going to my phone to end the recording "Let's go" Alec pulls my hand

"First" I look at Irena "let's go kill the wolf that killed this Laurent"

"No!" Billy begs "please don't! Ciri" I look his way "do you remember when you were kids and you played with Jacob?"

"That was before" crossing my arms "before he become a jackass" looking at Irena "let's go"

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