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"Okay" Felix falls on the couch "Ciri, please" looking at me "I am begging you, please tell me we have everything packed" I think for a moment "oh god" he groans

"Even Heidi doesn't have this many things" Demetri comes out and falls on the armchair "and she loves to shop" looking at Alec "who's going to inform the masters?"

"I already did" Jane gets off her phone "Aro wishes to see all of the clothes" we look at the many boxes before looking at me "before ordering anything" looking at me "Ciri? Anything else?"

"Well" I look away

"Well?!" Felix and Demetri exclaim before they start to cry like a bunch of babies.

"It's not really clothing"

"Then what?" Alec asks, I grab the key card to the next room and we go down one flight and open the room to show them the purses and jewelry "oh my god"

"Woah" Demetri and Felix breathe


"Also?" They ask, I go to the room adjacent and open the door to reveal a bunch of paint, canvases, art supplies, and a bunch of fabric.

"Oh my god" Alec breathes "we are going to need more boxes"

~Time Skip~

"After three hours" Demetri falls on the couch in the plane, Felix joins him.

"It's finally over" Felix groans. We look around at the many boxes that fill the plane, snapping my fingers I shrink all the boxes before placing them in the overhead bin.

"You" Demetri looks at me angry "could have done that all along?! Why didn't you?!"

"You never asked" is my response and Felix catches Demetri when Demetri tries to attack me, I levitate the babies into the plane and have them safely fastened. They slept the entire way here, they are such good babies.

"Pika" I look over at Pikachu who is in Alec's arms and Boo Boo who is in Jane's "Pika?"

"Yes Pikachu" I tell him? Her? Really need to have that question answered on what to call Pikachu "they are mad"

Just then I get a phone call, answering it without looking at who is was I hear her voice "Cirilla!"

"Renee?" I ask "what do you want?" I pick up a bottle of water to drink it.

"I heard you have a fiancé" I spit out the drink which hits Jane's face, Demetri and Felix cover their mouths. Alec raises his eyebrow.

"I have a boyfriend, a new boyfriend" I state "who told you that?"

"Bella" I will kill her, I hang up then.

"Alec?" I ask "do you still have that recording from about a week ago?"

"Why?" He asks

"I just want to play it"

"Play what?" Jane asks

"Bella Swan telling her dad she's a virgin" Felix and Demetri burst out laughing.

"She actually told her dad she was a virgin?" Jane asks with a smile on her face.

"Yes" nodding my head "but Charlie knew she wasn't since she was nine months pregnant looking" Felix and Demetri laugh harder.

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