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"Just stay by my side" Alec and I hold hands as we stand before the Cullens house, we see a bunch of humans inside "we don't want you to expose our...what is that god wet awful dog smell?" I sniff the air and there is something terrible smelling.

"Ciri!" We turn around to see the wolves, Embry runs over and hugs me. When he lets go, Alec keeps his arm around me "who's this?"

"Alec meet Embry, Quil and unfortunately Jacob" I introduce "guys this is Alec"

"Hi" they wave to each other

"So the party?" I ask, we soon head inside. When we do, we see Bella who looks irritated at Jacob and then fearful at Alec and I smile. I notice she looks about six months pregnant now. How did they lie to an entire town about her alien pregnancy?

"Why is she terrified?" Quil asks

"Because Alec's a vampire" I answer, the boys all stare at me "oh Alec, don't be mad these boys are wolf shifters" I see Jacob snap his head to us and goes to Alec.

"Your a leech"

"Jacob" Bella grabs his arm "don't, he is not someone you want to mess with"

"Listen to your whore" Alec informs him "we don't want anything bad to happen, now do we?" We see Bella go to Alice who stares off into space in horror.

"Alice?" Bella asks

"What's going on?" Jacob goes over to Alice who stares horrified.

"You aren't going to Seattle" Bella states

"No" shaking her head "their coming here" looking at me "and their after you"

"Me?" I ask

~Time Skip~

"It'll turn into a bloodbath" because Alice needed to inform her coven, the wolves aka Jacob demanded they be there. When Alice said I was being targeted, she had me and Alec join. I love how he is making the Cullens on edge by his presence.

"They'll be here in four days" Alice tells them

"Who's behind it?" Edward asks

"I didn't see anyone I recognized" Alice says "maybe one"

I look and that's Riley Biers "I recognize him, he's a local" Edward voices my thoughts "Riley Biers, he didn't start this"

"It's probably that vampire you pissed off, she must be using your blind spots" Alec growls holding me close "Cirilla is in danger because of you waving that blood whore"

"Why you" Jacob goes to attack but we see black mist come from Alec and encase him "what is this?"

"It's my paralyzing mist" Alec speaks "to anyone I can cut off their senses but it's worse to humans than to vampires, though I've never tested it on shifters" smiling "shall we see if you can walk after this?"

"No" Carlisle steps forward "Alec, please don't. He's just a child and"

"I don't give a fuck if he is a child Carlisle" looking at him "he needs to learn his place"

"Ciri" Embry begs "please"

"Alec" I place my hand on his arm "this is all just very stressful, it's because of Bella he is this way and he doesn't want to direct his anger at her because of her...state" she puts a hand on her belly "don't do anything rash, please" Alec looks at me before the mist goes back to his palms.

"Thank you" Quil thanks either Alec or me, who knows.

"Either way" Jasper says "there aren't enough of us to deal with the army"

"Hold up" Jacob demands "what damn army?"

"Newborns" Carlisle states "our kind"

"Are your eyes red?" Bella looks at me "are you a vampire?"

"For a newborn" Alex proudly looks down at me "Cirilla has the best control I've ever seen"

"Your a vampire?" Carlisle asks "how is it your heart still beats?"

"How my heart beats is none of your business" snapping at him, Alec wraps his arms around me and my face is in his chest. I smile as I breathe in his scent of bourbon and oak.

"Back to the army" Rosalie speaks "there aren't enough of us"

"Yes" nodding his head

"Who are they after?" Embry asks "besides Cirilla"

"They were passing around Bella's scent" I look in the vision and see my blue bra and a red blouse be passed around.

"Okay" Jacob states "we're in"

"No" Bella shakes her head but I can tell she's loving this "no way, you'll get hurt"

"We aren't asking for permission" Jacob tells her

"Carlisle, Edward" Bella complains

"The more protection for you" Edward tells her

"We'll need training" Carlisle adds "training Jasper can provide" looking at Jacob "do you think Sam would agree to an understanding?"

"As long as we get to kill some vampires" Jacob smirks looking at me and Alec, I growl and using my powers he falls in pain.

"As you can see" Alec rubs circles on me back and I look at him forgetting about Jacob "my mate is one powerful and vengeful newborn"

"Alec?" Carlisle asks "do you think you could help?"

"Is the elite guard here?" I'm using a shield to shield Alec's mind from Edward.

"Not that I know" he says "they are currently dealing with the Romanians last I checked" looking at me "I'm here for Ciri"

"So does this mean you like me?" I ask " me like me?"

"Yes" nodding his head "and I will not help you, I will watch but I'll train my mate privately" my toes curl from when he says that.

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