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When we go to the battlefield, we see a pyre for the dead newborns. We also see a newborn that was saved "why do you have a newborn?" Alec demands

"We offered her sanctuary for her surrender" Carlisle tells us, we see a newborn come out and Leah I think went to attack but Jacob gets ahead of her and his bones are soon crushed. We see a naked Jacob and Alec covers my eyes with his hand.

"The newborn dies" Alec states

"No" Esme begs "please, we'll take responsibility for her"

"No" I hear Jane's voice, Alec removes his hand and I see the wolves gone and the elite guard are here "you won't, brother"

"Sister" Alec nods his head, looking at the newborn I create a ball of energy before blasting the newborn who turns to ash.

"Brother" Jane asks "I assume you can fill me in on what to tell the masters?"

"Yes" he confirms "also you'll be happy to know that me and Cirilla are a couple"

And that my sister is apparently a virgin I tell them through a mind link, the guard stare at me and I shrug my shoulders then to Bella and her very pregnant stare before they burst out laughing. Felix and Demetri grab each other falling to the ground as Jane looks away trying to compose herself. I blocked their minds from Edward so none of them know what I said.

"What's so funny?" Edward demands just then Bella screams, we look at her as we see a wet stain on her pants.

"Oh my god" Bella cries "the babies are coming!"

~Time Skip~

"Alec" I ask, we are at the Cullen residence waiting for Bella to give birth when I ask Alec "do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Sure" he nods his head "when were you thinking?"

"Tonight? Go to the movies?" I ask "the new movie Annabelle: Creation is coming out"

"Sure" nodding his head "what time?"


"Okay" I smile at him "want to get some dinner before then?"

"Why not? I mean there are already a bunch of missing people"

"Really?" Rosalie Cullen judges us "more dead people?" Just then we hear screaming and blood, we hear something break. Looking over we see Jasper trying to run, his eyes black.

"Are you going to stand there and do nothing?" Edward demands when he runs out just as Emmett grabs Jasper. I go into the back "where are you going?" Once I'm in the back where Bella is, I see her on the bed sleeping. Four of the babies are sleeping wrapped in blue while one is in pink. Oh, there all girls.

"Bella doesn't want them" I look at Carlisle "but Rosalie wants to"

"I'll take them" I say "Bella signed it the forms" I've been forging Bella's signature for years. Carlisle sighs nodding his head before leaving to tell Rosalie the bad news. I snap my fingers and five baby carriers, I put each baby in the carriers.

Using my Psionics, I bring the babies out of the room and the vampires watch as I levitate them babies out of the room and to the living room "oh my" Rosalie faints, I didn't know vampires could faint.

"Rose!" Emmett runs to his mate, Felix grabs Jasper when he goes to run at me.

"Ooh!" Jane smiles "babies"

"I need help carrying them" I have two go to Jane, two to Demetri and the last Alec takes.

"Their all so adorable" Demetri looks down

"Let's go" Jane says "oh" looking at Carlisle "Caius will be interested in knowing Bella is still human"

"Remember" Alec reminds them "the Volturi don't give second chances"

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