Im not a vampire

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Christian Pov:
Everyone got up and headed into the kitchen. As soon as I deemed it safe to get up without being caught I grabbed the side of the couch and managed to pull myself into a standing position. Quietly as I could, I tiptoed behind the doorway by the kitchen so I could hear what they were saying. Andy's voice was the first I heard "Ashley how could you do this! You know what happened to his father! He won't be able to handle this, and all for your own personal reasons". You could tell that Andy was trying not to yell, probably because they thought I was I the other room. "Look it. This may be hard for him at first, but with us to help him he will make it" Ashley replied cooly.

"Do you understand that your now permanently bonded? And Cc had no choice in this matter" Jinxx growled, something fell on the ground breaking. Permanently bonded? What the hell are they talking about?! Now I was truly curious. "Ashley. Do you understand that CC's life like he knew it is over? All because of your feelings? You may not have seen the pain he was in but the rest of us did and it was heart wrenching" Jake snarled, something broke again. "GUYS! Look it! I know that we are all going to make this work and that everything is going to be ok. Even cc! He's my soul mate for Gods sake" Ash snarled back, anger filling his voice. "You better make this work Ashley. You just killed your best friend" Juliet said sadly and started to walk out of the room.

Taking her footsteps as my cue to go sit down and pretend I heard nothing I started to run back to the couch when another one of those pain attacks started to happen. This time it felt like my entire body was being ripped apart-limb by limb. Once again blackness consumed, and this time I welcomed it.


In my mind images of all my friends and family dead and bloody kept scrolling back and forth. But the most painful image to see was Ashley dead, bloody and broken. When I saw it I just broke down in tears, but I wasn't sure if I was actually crying. This was all happening in my mind? "NO ASHLEY! NO" I screamed in anguish as his body was covered in more and more blood every second. It was like invisible knives were stabbing him all over. Looking down I realized not only was Ashley being stabbed, but that wherever Ash was stabbed so was I. As impossible as I thought it, the pain level increased. It was just me, my pain, the images in my mind, the darkness and my screams. All I felt was pain and sadness.

I honestly wasn't sure which I felt stronger. I just kept screaming and screaming in my mind. My body crippled in pain. All of the sudden it was like a dark veil had been lifted off my face. My pain vanished completely, as did the images in my head and the darkness.

Everyone surrounded me on the ground, faces pale and ashen. Like they were witnessing my funeral. Looking up I saw a tear slide down Juliets face. "GOD DAMMIT YOU RUINED HIM" Andy screamed. What he did next surprised me the most, he punched the granite countertop. Immediately the entire thing broke apart, becoming almost like dust. Everyone gasped, you could hear a pin drop in there. Andy, now breathing heavily with anger looked back at me.

His once striking blue eyes were a deep Crimson with gold flecks. My breath hitched in my throat. What had just happened? What was wrong with my friends. As quickly as I could I dragged myself into the corner of the room. This was not happening. This was not happening, I kept telling myself. "WHAT THE FUCK ANDY! YOU SCARED HIM" Ashley growled, hate dripping through is voice. "ANDY SCARED HIM? DID YOU NOT JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENED 5 MINUTES AGO? THAT WAS YOUR FAULT" Jake exploded launching himself at Ash.

From the look in Jakes now crimson eyes I saw what he planned to do. He was going to kill Ashley, it was like something in my soul wouldn't let that happen. As if on instinct I felt myself throw my body inbetween the two. All of the sudden it was like my entire body was hit by a million pounds of cinder blocks at once. Once again the room went pin drop silent. "Monsters. Your all monsters" I muttered, suddenly panicking. I needed to get out of there, now! Scanning the room, I made my way in between Jinxx and Juliet. The two least scary so far. As soon as I made it past them I broke into a full on sprint. In a matter of about 3 seconds I found myself inside Jake's room.

The familiar navy blue walls covered in guitar posters held so many memories. Like that Dimebag Darrel poster I got Jake for his 14th birthday. Or the poster from the KISS concert we went to together. Lies. All lies. Locking the door I sat on the ground next to the window. This was not happening, I found myself begin to hyperventilate. A noise next to me startled me out of my almost panic attack.

Looking up I saw the window opening. Who was it? Once again I started to panic, until I saw that familiar cowboy boot climb through the window. It was Ashley. I should have been terrified, I should have screamed, I should have found something to protect myself. But I didn't do any of these things. In fact I did the stupidest thing I probably could have done. I got up and flung myself onto Ash, wrapping my arms around him. Tears started to flow out of my eyes, my body shaking. "Oh Ash" I let out a whisper in between sobs. "Chuppie I'm so sorry" Ash whispered his voice cracking and I realized he too was crying. But Ashley never cried.

"Wha- Wh- What's wrong with me? Am I crazy" I sobbed harder into his arms. "No sweetie, your not crazy" he smiled sadly into my hair. "THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME" I felt a sudden surge of anger course through my body. Pulling myself away from Ash I punched the thing closest to me, which happened to be Jakes wall. Before I even realized what I was doing I had punched a fist sized hole in Jakes wall. Ashley sighed, "come sit with me darling". Darling? That was a new one. I followed him, and sat on the bed next to him. "Now c, you have to promise you won't get mad or tell anyone what I'm about to tell you" Ash said his voice full of sadness. I just nodded, I honestly didn't care as long as he told me what was happening to me. "Well it's kind of complicated" he started...

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