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Christian POV:
Jake sped home, shooting anxious looks at the now unconscious girl in the back. From the slivers of light shooting over her it looked like she had naturally red wavy hair, pale freckled skin and light pink lips. Most of her face was caked in dried and wet blood. Her eyes were already starting to blacken. We hadn't seen what color eyes she had because she had fallen asleep almost instantly. Her face was tear stained, her button down shirt and bra ripped down the middle. No pants, just underwear. Poor girl, why were there people like that in the world?

We pulled into our driveway minutes later. I hopped out of the car before it even stopped, grabbing the young girl out of the back. Jake and I laid her on the couch, placing a wet cloth on her head. I made sure to cover her with a blanket, since she was very exposed. Everyone must have heard the commotion we were making because seconds later Juliet, Andy, Jinxx, Adrienne and Ashley were standing in the living room. "Babe, who is this girl?" Ashley asked confused. "You guys might want to sit down for this" Jake sighed, leading us all into the kitchen.

"Glad we got home early, wouldn't wanna miss this" Andy chuckled pulling out a chair for Juliet. "So what happened and how did it end with that half naked girl in our living room" Jinxx asked apprehensively.

"Look it. Me and Jake were just leaving the mall when we heard some screaming a little ways away. A couple parking rows away a man was.... attacking this girl. Jake killed the guy and we grabbed the girl. We couldn't just leave her there, so we took her with us to help her" I explained in one big breath. Everyone looked shell shocked. But I couldn't say I blamed them. "Was she being... raped?" Adrienne whispered almost afraid of the answer. "We think so, that's why Cc put the blanket over her. A lot of her clothes are gone or ripped" Jake admitted.

"Let me and Juliet clean her up and get her some clothes, she's bound to wake up eventually" Adrienne volunteered. "Yeah, that would be great, thanks guys" Ashley said grimly. We all just waited in silence for her to wake up, to hear her story.

Adrienne POV:
We took the girl off the couch, keeping her wrapped in the blankets to keep her body covered. Her face was caked in blood, it made me absolutely sick. But I could tell it was making everyone else in the house a little antsy so I volunteered to clean it off. Sucking the poor girl dry before she wakes up wouldn't do is much good.

I pressed the cool wet washcloth to her cheeks, then her forehead, then her chin, then her nose. Finally I had gotten basically all of the dried blood off her face. It appeared to have come from a cut under her eye, a cut on her forehead and a cut under her lip. All were bleeding quiet a bit but didn't look deep enough to create scars. She was very beautiful, besides her black eyes.

Me and Juliet dressed her in a pink tank top and some black pajama pants. She borrowed a bra from Juliet because it looked more her size and some clean underwear from me. Her private parts were also bruised, it looked like she had been raped. This made my heart break.

We worked in silence, both in awe of the sadness of the whole thing. We left her in Jakes room since he was the only one without a girlfriend or boyfriend. That way the room would have less in and out, Jake could sleep on the couch for a little while. Until the girl got back on her feet and found her family. When we finished we just left her in the bed and left, all that was left to do now was wait. To wait for her to wake.

Girl POV:
**Thump Thump** my heart beat **thump thump** it beat again. Where was I? The walls around me were navy blue, covered in posters. I took a couple seconds to read some of the posters, they were for some of my favourite bands! "Pantera", "Black Sabbath", MCR, INK, SWS, "ACDC" and more. Memories of what happened last night flooded back into my mind and got scared. Touching, so much touching... Why wouldn't he stop? Tears welled up in my eyes. And then that guy came and attacked the evil man, another carried me off and I passed out.

Please tell me the man who had taken me were good men. Looking down I saw I had been changed, hopefully By another girl. I never wanted to see another man again. Pulling myself up into a sitting position I wobbled out of the bed. One step, two steps, three steps and I was at the door.

Terrified I opened the door, my heart beating a million miles a minute. Everyone in this house could probably hear my heart beating it was going so fast(;)). My pale feet were chilled against the icy wooden floor. Following a hallway I found myself passing several other doors until I reached what appeared to be a living room. I could hear the television on so I approached it as quietly as I could. "Your awake" a young girl stood up and faced me, smiling. Shit!

Panicking I tried to back up but ended up falling right on my ass! Classy! "Are you ok?" a male voice spoke from behind me. Turning around I saw a shirtless man with shoulder length hair and the word "Outlaw" tattooed across his abdomen. "I'm Ashley, we found you last night.... We won't hurt you" he sighed sticking a hand out to help me. Tentatively I took his hand, he pulled me up with extreme ease. "So, what's your name and where are your parents?" he asked. I answered solemnly "My name is Ariel and my mom didn't want me and I think one of you guys killed my dad last night". "What do you mean we killed your dad" Ashley asked nervously. "Someone attacked him well someone else carried me off" I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Suddenly I noticed 5 other people in the room with me. Fuck my life.

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