Where is Adri

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Adrienne POV:
"Hey c, do you think you could show me my way to my room" I asked my brother, mentally pleading for him to say yes. "Err... sorry, I wouldn't be much help. I know this house about just as well as you do" his smile faltered. I knew he felt bad, Ashley came around the back of the car with a suitcase. I also knew Ashley and Cc loved each other, you could just sense it whenever you were around them. But I still hadn't got very comfortable around "Ashley" or any of his other friends. Especially since they were know the reason I was an orphan.

My eyes started to tear up "Not here. Not right now." I told myself. There was absolutely no way in hell I was showing fear in front of these creatures. I opened my mouth to reply when a cold hard hand placed itself on my shoulder "I would be happy to show her to her room! It's right next to mine" A cool voice said from behind me.

Turning around I got a clear view of who was talking to me. It was one of the other vampires, Jinxx I think his name was. He was by far the hottest. His shoulder length black hair, chiseled jaw, striking blue eyes. Almost too perfect, in an unnatural way. "Yeah! That would be great" Cc smiled like it was the greatest idea on earth. Probably because he couldn't be killed by everyone surrounding him, nope that was just me. Yay!

All of the sudden I felt him grab my suitcases from out of my hand. "Umm.. I can carry that" I pleaded. I was not a very outgoing and bold person, I was really quite shy. And right now I was surrounded by vampires who killed my family. "No, I insist" he grinned and began strolling along with MY bags. Cheeky bastard. Huffing I followed behind him, I didn't want to make him mad. Who knows what he could do. I walked in silence behind him, trying to make as little nose as possible.

A few seconds later he spoke softly "You know you don't have to be afraid of us. We would never hurt you or anyone you love". "What about my father" I whispered softly stopping in my place. Instantly I regretted what I had said.

He stopped walking too. It was almost like a wave of emotions overcame his face. His eyes changed color, now they were a dusky black grey color. Like they held galaxies inside of them. "This is your room. Come inside, we need to talk" he said gruffly walking both of us inside the room and closing the door behind him. Making sure to lock it. Never before had I regretted saying something so much in my life.

"Can we err... Sit down? I want to make things right" he gestured to the bed awkwardly. Nodding briskly I sat down, mostly out of fear. "Look it. Ever since I met your brother I regretted killing ever single person. I realized that they all had families and stories and hurt a lot of people. Ever since I met your brother 4 years ago I haven't killed a single person. I am so sorry for what I did to your family and I know there is nothing I can do to take it back but I only hope in the bottom of my unbeating heart that you can find a way to forgive me" he said solemnly. Placing his palms on mine.

Not in a romantic way, but like a way of mourning. By now my face was freely flowing with tears. I moved a hand to wipe a tear off my face but instead felt another colder one. Jinxx's. "I know you guys feel bad and in really trying to feel more comfortable around you it's just hard. You know? My father was a drunk and was probably about to leave my mom anyways. I found letters he was writing to some girl Sammi from Nevada. He was planning on leavings in 3 months but then he died" I cried finally letting go off the awful secret that had been inside me for so long. Not even my brother knew.

And there was no way I would have the heart to tell my mom. It would crush her more then she could take. I had never looked up "Sammi" either. I didn't want to know.

"God Adri I'm so sorry" he gasped placing his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't take it anymore, I honestly could care less right now if he was a vampire or a fucking zombie. I needed a hug. Letting a sob out of me I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. Just sobbing. He wrapped his arms back around me, just comforting me. Making me feel better.

After what felt like hours but had probably only been like 15 minutes I let go. I honestly didn't even want to know what my eye makeup looked like right now. "Everything is going to be ok. I promise" he whispered in my ear. Just those words seemed to make me feel better. The only person who had said those to me was Christian. Every night before I went to bed, when I was crying about my dead father and dead beat mother.

"Would you help me unpack" I sniffles smiling slightly. He grinned "I would love too". We actually got to know each other well unpacking. Jinxx was pretty cool, and really funny. Apparently he could play violin too! I knew I would have to have him play for me one time. After about 3 hours spent unpacking we reached the final box. I knew what was in it and couldn't wait to open it.

My record player and vinyl collection. I had probably hundreds of dollars worth of records. I would but 1 or 2 new ones each week. I took it out as gingerly as I could and placed it on my desk. Flipping through my pile of Vinyls I found throne I was looking for. Blink-182 "Greatest hits". I placed it on the player and Dammit started to play.

"Can I have the honor of this dance me lady" Jinxx fake bowed making me giggle. "It would be my honor to dance with thy" I smiled and we started to dance. It felt like we were dancing for hours. Once we went through ever song on a vinyl we would take turns picking s new one. Jinxx made really surprising picks, like he picked some random Back vinyl I didn't even know I owned. Looking at the clock I saw it was only 930 but I felt very tired.

Jinxx must have noticed because he walked me over to the bed and tucked me in. Taking the MCR vinyl off the player. I barely felt him tucking me into my covers I was so tired. The last thing I remember is Jinxx turning off my lights and closing the door.

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