Stakes in the coffin

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Christian pov:
"CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN DOBT LEAVE ME HERE! IT'S ALL GOING TO BE OK" I heard Ashley call to me from Jakes front porch. But honestly right now I could care less. He gave me 2 options, kill someone or have sex with him by the end of the week or die. Even if I was killing a fucking rapist I would still feel bad! By now my legs were getting tired of running, my lungs were on fire.

Stopping in front of a park I found a tree to sit under, its great big branches shielded me from the rest of the world. Here I was sitting with the vampire virus coursing through my veins, killing me each second I didn't complete the change. Sure, sleeping with your soul mate doesn't sound that bad but once I became a vampire I assumed I would be killing people more regularly. Did I even want this? Could I even do this? Maybe I could just let myself die and then me and Ash could live happily ever after in the afterlife. Without killing or forced sex. A sound behind me caught my attention. Turning around I saw Andy walking up to me. "Hey c, there's no need to cry. Your going to be ok" he smiled sympathetically taking a seat on the ground next to me. "How do I know? What to do?" I asked staring off into the distance.

"Well, I can't answer that for you. Only you can. But i can tell you what Juliet did. She's been a vampire for about 9 months now. She picked it up incredibly fast, not that I doubted her for a second. With my expert help she would be civilised in a week." He smiled dreamily, obviously proud of himself and his "expert training". "Just get on with the story" I urged him, I really wanted to hear what Juliet did. Hoping it would help me make my own decision. "Err... Sorry, got a little distracted there. Well anyways! Juliet and I decided that it would be best if she and I formed the bond instead of her killing someone. In fact, she has never actually tasted human blood. Only animal blood, kind of like a "Vampire Vegetarian" Andy explained. "Wait did you say Juliet doesn't need human blood to survive? Only animal blood?" Now I was getting excited, if I could just sleep with Ash I could drink animal blood for the rest of my existence! "Yeah, she will never be as strong as the rest of us and other human drinking vampires but she is still much stronger then a typical human" Yes! This is exactly what I needed! A loophole! If I slept with Ash I would never have to kill or even drink a human in my life, or death!

"Hey Andy, thanks for this. It really help-hel-helpe-" Once again pain consumed me. It felt like I was being bashed onto a concrete sidewalk from outer space and then my body was being set ablaze. The pain was unbearable, I couldn't breathe. I tried to breathe but all that was coming out was screams of agony. Suddenly I felt wind, except the wind was scorching my skin. Had something gone wrong with my transformation? This could not have been normal. I just wanted it to end. The endless pain seemed to last for hours. You would think that eventually I would go numb, but no. The pain stayed fresh and constant on me, never wavering. Finally the world started to black out. Soon everything was black and I passed out.


"We're going to have to Change him soon. Did he say what he wanted to do before his spasm? These are only going to get worse until they eventually kill him" Someone said, it sounded like Jinxx. Wait, kill me? But I had a week? "No, he didn't say. But I think he's leaning towards the physical bonding with Ashley" Someone else said, Andy. "WAIT! You said he had a week! It's been 24 hour's?!" An outraged Ashley said. I decided to keep my eyes closed, I knew that they wouldn't say all of this to my face. Everyone was always trying to protect me and never told me anything. "It looks like something in his body must be speeding the process along. By me calculations he has about 2 days left." Jinxx said anxiously. I felt Juliets long manicured nails on my forehead "Guys he's awake, has been for a couple minutes".

Shit. How did she know that. Must be some crazy vampire power I decided. "Chuppie did you hear that" Jake asked cautiously, like he was praying I hadn't heard anything. "Yeah, so I only have 2 days left to live and have to make a decision soon" I admitted. Why? Why does the bad stuff always happen to me? Not only did this effect me, it effected Ash too. It was always the ones I love. "So have you made a decision sweetie?" Ash asked kindly, sympathy in his eyes. Blushing, I replied "err... Yeah I think we have". "So by the way you said we and the blush on your face I'm guessing you chose some smexy time!" Jake cheered. This only made the blush on my cheeks darken "Jake stop it! This Is a matter of life and death for him." Jinxx scolded him."Can't say that I'm complaining" Ashley grinned cheekily.

This turned me absolutely fire truck red. "Guys we better leave, we want to get this done as soon as possible. Before he has to suffer any more pain" Ashley said, once again serious. He grabbed my wrist and led me out to the car. "Where are we going" I asked shyly, nervous about what was about to happen. I mean people! THIS WAS MY VIRGINITY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. "I figured my house, no one is home. Does that work for you?" He smiled placing a hand on my outer thigh. Not in a sexy way, but a loving way. "So like what's gonna happen? how will we know its complete? The change I mean" I asked worriedly. "Well from what I know we will have some sexy time and we will both fall asleep afterwards for a really long time and when we wake up you will be a vamp and we will be permanently spiritually bonded as mates'' Ash answered seriously.

"Well... Please be gentle... This is my first time for everything. Even my first kiss" I admitted blushing furiously. "Aww! That's so cute! I get to be your first everything! And don't worry, i'll be gentle" he chuckled. The rest of the 3 minute drive happened in a comfortable silence. Finally we pulled into Ash's driveway, getting out of his car my legs were like jelly with nerves.


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