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Adrienne POV:
A loud bang from the room next to mine woke me. Then I heard screaming and yelling. What was going on? I mentally remembered where Jinxx's room was. He was on the other side, that must be Andy and Juliets room.

At first I felt a little scared but then I remembered CC and Jinxx's promise. I would be fine I reassured myself. More noise, and more. There must be something really big happening in there, To make that much noise. Maybe I should go check to make sure everything was ok. I had heard of stories were vampires got killed by vampire hunters and shit. Personally, I would feel pretty guilty if that happened and I didn't even make an attempt to go see what was happening.

Crawling out of bed, I grabbed my Little Mermaid slippers from my bedside. I was still wearing my clothes from earlier, Jinxx had not taken the liberty of putting me in my pajamas. Thankfully.

Making my way down the hall I started to hear screaming, and yelling. Very loud yelling. They were 2 doors down from me. Hesitantly I opened the door, hoping not to see some crazy vampire killer. Thankfully I didn't see a crazy vampire killer. But it was evident something was up. Andy had Juliey shoved up against the wall. His hands cupping her breasts. From where I was standing his breathing seemed harsh and irregualar.

Juliet was just as rigid. Her face was struggling to get away from his searching lips. Tears streaming down her face. Juliet immediately flipped her head to me, sending my presence. She looked shocked "Adri sweetie... You better leave. Andy is unpredictable when he is angry". I agreed wholeheartedly! Right now I wanted nothing more then to leave that awkwardness. Plus Andy was pretty scary.

His face had black markings on it. Like shadows leaping out from his eyes, and some sort of stitch coming from the corner of his mouth. Andys eyes were also pretty scary themself. They were a deep dark red Crimson color, he had no pupils either. Just all red. As I went to leave, Andy turned to face me.

I wasn't sure if he could actually see me, considering his little scary eye problem. He grinned wickidly. "Juliet thinks she can protect you. Thinks she can protect everyone. Well guess what! She cant" he laughed angrily and sadly at the same time. I was terrified right now. Backing away slowly I was hoping with all my heart that he couldn't see.

Before I knew what was happening I felt a strong arm grab me around my waist. Jinxx. "Jinxx just let me see her! I'm not gonna hurt her" Andy cooed manically. "Andy listen to me. You haven't fed in at least a month. Your not in the right mind, leave the girl alone" Jinxx said slowly. Inching me out the door as slowly and inconspicuously as he could. "No! I want Adri" Andy roared flipping out.

It was like slow motion, he flipped his arm out grabbing my wrist. Before Jinxx could stop him he grabbed me and twirled me around so that I was now in Andys arms. He had one of his arms across my waist, keeping me close to him. But not in the nice comforting way like Jinxx did. His other arm was around my throat. Tight, but not right enough to completely cut off breathing.

This had to be a nightmare, I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "Aww... Look at the little human! Crying and afraid, just how I like my dinner" he grazed his teeth on my neck. I could feel that they were sharp, ready to puncture.

Juliet and Jinxx stood looking in absolute horror. "Andy please give Adri back. She's only human, and your best friends sister" Jinxx pleaded, obvious fear in his eyes. "Oh I already got rid of their father? What's one more in the family gonna do" he sighed. This absolutely broke me inside.

Tears flowed harder and faster down my face then before. There was absolutely no way that he said that. You could hear a pin drop besides my muffled sobs. Where was Christian? How could he like this monster? I couldn't take it anymore. I mustered up all the strength I had left and tried to escape.

Of course I didn't succeed. The next thing I knew Andy had me pinned up against the wall, teeth centimeters from the main artery in my neck. "My little pet! Silly thing trying to escape. You need to be taught a lesson" Andy cooed sickly in my ear. By now my heart was beating rapidly. Tears were freely flowing down my face. Just as he opened his mouth to bite me he pulled away.

He roughly grabbed my breast, it really hurt. I was mortified. Juliet gasped, tears flowing down her face. Smearing her makeup all over the place. He led a trail of rough sloppy kisses down my neck into my breast. Jinxx growled "Don't touch her Andy! I swear to fucking god" and leaped across the room. Juliet must have seen because she leaped too.

Right in front of Jinxx, preventing him from saving me. "Jinxx he's stronger then us and you know it. The only person in this house stronger then him is Cc and he's not even here" she growled pushing him back. She turned back to Andy "Andy babe, this isn't you! Please stop" tears streaming. He just chuckled sickly in reply and ripped my entire shirt off.

This left my top half completely exposed besides my black Victoria's Secret bra. I felt his large pale hands trail their way up my bare legs. God damn me wearing athletic shorts. This was it I was going to be raped, right in front of Jinxx and Juliet. There was nothing any of us could do. His lips crashed onto mine violently, Jinxx growled even louder as he watched. Juliet growled as well, probaly from keeping Jinxx back. His hands moved around my body until he found the clip on my bra. His fingers Unclicked it. It fell to the floor next to me, leaving my top half completely exposed. Andys tongue tried to invade my mouth, I resisted screaming through my nose. He slid my shorts and underwear down painfully fast, I heard Jinxx yelling and Juliet crying. Suddenly all I felt was pain, red hot pain. He had raped me. It felt like it was never going to end.

Andy pulled away without warning.
Suddenly Andy got a look of panic on his face. Like he was losing control of something. He closed his eyes for a couple seconds like he was trying to concentrate, growling like a wild animal. He let out a shriek before calling out "I WILL BE BACK! Dont think I forget about Ashley" and I felt his body pressure leave mine. At first I thought I was free but then I felt more pain my body then I thought humanely possible. After about 3 seconds the pain was too much and everything went black. The last thing I saw was Andy collapsing next to me.

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