2 months

470 33 6

Christian POV:
So I was starting to wrap my brain around Adri and Jinxx. Or as Ashley had named them "Jindri". God I loved that man!

Right now we were sitting in the living room watching Metal Evolution. It had been a week since I found out they were dating, I was dreading the day she turned 18. I wasn't ready to lose my little sister, not now not ever. They were sitting on the couch together. She had her head on Jinxx's shoulder, their breathing synced.

Adrienne was practically asleep, her eyes slowly shutting. Jinxx kept shooting her small smiles and look, kissing her forehead. It made me happy, sad and confused at the same time.

Ashley was sitting next to me, kind of like how Jinxx and Adri were sitting. "Babe, are you ok? You seem stressed" Ashley whispered in my ear worried. "Can we talk? In private" I admitted laying me head on his cold hard chest. "Of course my love" he smiled reassuringly to me. "Guys me and Cc are gonna go to our room for the night. See you all tomorrow." Ashley stood up pulling me with him. "Bye guys! I'm going out hunting, sexual predator at the sheriffs office" Jake chirped happily getting up grabbing his coat. "I think me and Adri are gonna head to bed too" Jinxx stood up holding my little sister in his arms.

"You sleep together now? Guys come on it's been a week" I scoffed. "Dude, you know nothing happens. We are mated" Jinxx replied harshly. I knew he was telling the truth. It would pretty much kill Adri if they did anything. But I was still mad! "Whatever" I dragged Ashley to our room. Juliet and Andy were on their 12 month anniversary so they won't on a week long hunting trip in the woods. They would be back in like 3 days.

We sat on our bed, Ashley placed a loving hand on my leg. "Ok, spill it! Why are you being so unfair towards Jinxx and your sister?" he questioned instantly. I gulped, a little embarrassed "I don't know ok! I'm just not ready for her to become a vamp, she had her whole life ahead of her! She got a full ride scholarship to college, a good one too. Now she will never go. She might even end up pregnant, who knows? I just don't want to see her get hurt" I cried into Ashley's loving arms.

"She really doesn't have a choice who she falls in love with, its up to fate. Her and Jinxx are like you and me, inseparable! How did you feel when Adri didn't want us together?" Ashley wiped a tear off my face, kissing my lips lightly. "Your right, I need to accept them. There's nothing anyone can do about it" I finally felt better. "She's going to be fine, just like you were. A little confused at first but fine in the end! She has already decided not to kill people, just like you and how to complete the change" Ashley smiled lovingly.

"She won't have to go through that terrible pain I went through right" I cringed at the memory. That was most definitely the worst pain I had ever felt. "No, and I still feel terrible about that... I should have told you before hand" his voice cracked at the memory. "Don't worry, the pain was worth it to be with you" God we were such an adorable couple!

"Do you know how they are going to do it? The bite and the change I mean?" I questioned resting my head on his chest. "Jinxx was talking about it earlier, he rented out an isolated cottage for like a week. The forests around it are stocked with animals of all kinds. That way she will not come across any humans and have a wide selection of animals. I'm assuming both the bite and final change will happen there" Ashley explained. It made me feel a bit better knowing it was planned out. That she had a say in the whole thing.

"Will she get a cool black and white face like us" I chuckled. "Sadly no, only males get those" Ashley smiled ruffling my hair. His fangs poked out a little bit every time he smiled, sending chills down my spine. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asked noticing the change in my attitude. "Nothing, it's just that every time I see your fangs I get a little creeped out. Thinking that those murdered people" I admitted sheepishly.

He frowned "My fangs are what set your sister off too. I'm sorry, but I can't retract them. I would if I could". "Its ok, i get it! I still love making out with your fangs. But I was just wondering, your fangs along with the rest of the guys seem more pointy and protruded then me and Juliet's? Why?" I questioned looking into his deep dark brown eyes.

"Two reasons. One- You and Juliet are 'vegetarian" vamps. Therefore you aren't as strong as any of us, and you don't really need your fangs as much. Second- your fangs get more noticeable with age. You and Juliet are new vampires so your fangs are not very noticeable" he laughed. "Oh... That's cool" I replied tiredly. I needed to get to bed soon!

"Thank you Ashley, you always know exactly what to say" I gave him a hug and kiss. "You mean the world to me" he smiled into our kiss and pushed us back onto the bed. Now we were both looking at the ceiling, our arms around each other. "Well you are my world" I replied lovingly.

We just say there enjoying each others company, loving every second of it. Almost as much as we loved each other. In that moment the world came full circle in front of my eyes. All the pain, humiliation and sadness I had ever felt amounted to nothing next to the joy and happiness Ashley had brought me. And nothing ever would. Everything that had happened to me happened because I needed to meet Ashley, so we could fall in love. Had you told me 6 months ago I would fall in love with my best friend I would have laughed at you. Not knowing I would soon fall deeper in love then I ever thought possible.

"Christian, I have been wanting to do this ever since your name was etched on my back." he said getting on one knee. "Will you marry me?" his words made my heart flutter. Metaphorically of course! I knew my answer right away "Of course Ashley Purdy, I'm so glad to call you mine".

-----SEXY TIME--------

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