our forever begins now

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Christian POV:
I slept in Ashley's arms that night, snug as a bug. Honestly, I couldn't remember the last time I slept so good. I finally woke up, surrounded by the sweet smell of Ashley. Bubblegum, hairspray and alcohol!

Last nights events occurred to me, I started to tear up with joy. I looked at my ring finger, I had forgotten to look at the ring last night with all the excitement. It was beautiful. The ring was sterling silver, it had what looked like half a heart and a single diamond on it. Examining Ashley's finger I saw they were identical, except his half heart was facing the other way. So our rings would form a full heart. They were absolutely perfect<3

I could feel Ashley starting to wake up, I felt bad. Hopefully I didn't wake him! "Hey fiancé" he smiled in his husky morning voice. Just the word made me melt, I loved him so much! "Hey fiancé" I kissed his cheek back. "You ready for a shower" I grinned standing up, fully aware I was still naked. "You know I can't resist with you" he stood up next to me, also naked. We headed into the bathroom making sure to lock the door.

========. SEXY TIME .=========

Finally we were done and clean so we got out and started to get ready for the day. It was about 9:30 so we still had a good amount of day left. I chose to wear an "Ice Nine Kills" shirt that Juliet lab partner Spencer had given her. Lately, I was actually starting to REALLY get into the band. They had a lot of talent. Some black skinnies and vans completed my everyday outfit. But I couldn't have felt any more different then before. I was ENGAGED!

Ashley said that he was going to his grandparents today, so I decided I would go to the mall and buy him a present. Today I kept looking in the mirror not because of my hair but because of the silver band on my finger. The way it sparkled, the way it gleamed the way it made my knees feel like jelly. Me and Ash headed into the kitchen, both proudly wearing our rings. Ashley grabbed me a deer blood bag out of the refrigerator and another that I chose not to think about where it came from for himself.

We made small talk, both overjoyed during breakfast. Juliet and Andy would be getting home tomorrow so it was Adri was the only girl in the house. Ashley left around 1030, I gave him a kiss and hug before he left. We were like a regular married couple! Marriage also scared me a bit though, all the fights that could happen and all the bad things publicly with a gay marriage. But deep down I knew that it would all be ok in the long run.

After about 10 minutes to Ashley leaving Jake walked in the door. Jinxx and Adri were still asleep, or more like Adri was and Jinxx was watching. Vampires didn't need to sleep, but they still could. When they did sleep though it was for about 6 hours tops and they rarely dreamed. If you did dream it usually meant something big was about to happen.

Jakes eyes were back to their dark brown color so I knew he had fed last night. "Hey dude, I'm going to the mall. You wanna go" I asked as I watched television and he did some weird ass excersises on the living room floor. He finished a push up and thing and said "Sure, just let me shower first" and headed into his room. Jinxx and Adrienne finally walked out of their room. "Jinxx and Adri I'm sorry about last night, what I said was uncalled for and untrue" I felt the need to apologize. "It's ok dude, I'm sure it would be just as hard for me if it was my sister" Jinxx admitted sitting on the couch next to me well Adrienne ate some fruity pebbles on the kitchen table.

We watched the show until Adrienne came and joined us. She snuggled herself in between me and Jinxx. "In Between my 2 favorite people" she grinned at her corny saying. Her happiness just radiated off of her, it was contagious. "Did you get a new ring Christi- HOLY SHIT IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING" She screamed jumping up from the couch. "Woah dude, what is she talking about" Jake asked walking into the room. "I already knew" Jinxx chuckled confusing me. "Err... Yeah it is" I blushed furiously as everyone stared at me. "How did you know Jinxx? It happened last night" I asked to break the silence.

"You have no idea how long Ashley has been planning this for. I was at the mall and saw Ash inside a really fancy wedding ring store. I went and talked to him and he confessed everything" Jinxx smirked. Little bitch!

"Cc this is amazing" Adri gushed. I saw her wipe her eye "Adri are you crying" I smiled a bit, a little touched and a little confused. "The real reason Jinxx saw Ashley at the ring store is me! He proposed to me last night. Please don't be mad" she full on cried. "Thats amazing! I'm happy for you" I smiled honestly. "Thank God! I thought you would be mad" she wrapped her slender arms around me. "You guys should have a joint wedding, in two months" Jake smiled. "That's actually a really good idea, if it's ok with you and Ashley of course" Jinxx grinned. "That's an AMAZING idea! Count us in" I grinned whole heartedly.

"Now you and Jake better get to the mall!" Adri smiled shoving us out the door. "Wait! I need my keys" Jake banged on the door smiling. "Check your back pocket" Adri called back out and Jake checked his pocket. He found his keys. "How did she do that" he chuckled and we walked to the car. The entire way there we headbanged to the radio. Safely, of course. No car crashes today!

The first store we checked was hot topic, we each bought a shit ton of stuff. We basically walked around all day just walking into random music and record stores buying whatever we felt like. We only decided to leave when the voice came on the loudspeaker telling us the mall was closing in ten minutes. Carrying all of our bags to the car was actually harder then it looked, considering we had about 30 each. Finally we were outside our car, putting everything in the trunk when we heard a strange noise. It sounded like... female screaming? "What the hell is that" Jake asked motioning for him to follow him. About to car rows over in the completely empty parking lot the noise got louder. We saw two figures on the ground, one was the girl screaming and the other was silent.

The silent one seemed to be on top of the girl, attacking her. Finally it clicked, we needed to help her! Jake went and sunk his teeth into the disgusting mans neck well I grabbed the girl. She was crying and hung onto me for dear life. I placed her in the back of our car, she passed out almost instantly. Looking over I saw Jake was done and heading towards the car. "That makes me sick" he spat in disgust at the man. I nodded in agreement and we drove home in silence. The girl with us the entire time.

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