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Christian POV:
Today was the day. Today was the day I married the man of my dreams. Last night I had not slept at all. I felt like I had been drinking monsters for a week nonstop! Everything was moving in slow motion, I hadn't seen Ashley all day. It was pure torture! Currently I hadn't seen him in 8 hours and had another 4 to go. Ugh. Right now I was in my dressing room, nervously pacing all over. What if I messed up? What if I said something wrong? What if Ashley changed his mind?

"Stop Cc, just calm down. You love each other" I had to tell myself in the mirror. Realizing that the wedding was in about 3 and a half more hours I started to get ready. All of the guys were our groomsmen. Except Jake was our best man, since it was on his couch we met. Adrienne was the maid of honor, well Juliet was the bridesmaid. Ashley's little cousins were the flower girls, and ring bearer. They were so cute! The wedding would definitely be small and simple but I knew it was perfect.

Adrienne and Jinxx had rented a hotel somewhere near here for her part of the night. I had accepted what was going to happen, I knew it would be better for everyone. Sitting down in a chair in front of the mirror I grabbed a stick of my favorite black eyeliner. Running my eyes, and using a little black eyeshadow I was done with makeup.

I got my own dressing room since I was technically taking the place of the bride. Ashley was with all of the other groomsmen. Me, Adrienne and Juliet had separate dressing rooms but we were able to see each other. Walking over to the black body bag hanging on the corner, I unzipped it. Inside was my black tux. It was all black except for Crimson touches, like the buttons and tie were crimson. I quickly put it on and tied up my shiny black shoes.

I left my hair Curley, I remember Ashley saying he liked it like that one time when we were cuddling. Placing a black bandanna in my hair I decided I was done getting ready.

This was literally the biggest day of my life. Of my life, of Ashley's life, of Jinxx's life, of my sisters life. Finally ready I went to see if I could go talk some of my nerves off with Juliet. Because I had a lot of nerves right now.

Hesitantly I knocked on her door, just to make sure she wasn't changing. "Who is it" she called with her sing song voice. "Me" I called back. Almost instantly the door opened and I was pulled in. "OH MY GOD CC! You look so handsome! Ashley will pass out when he sees you" she gushed hugging me. She was wearing a crimson dress. It was a simple floor length one sleeve dress. The neckline and sleeve were lace and jewels. Ashley picked them out. "Thanks Juliet... I'm just so nervous" I admitted blushing a little.

"And why in gods name are you nervous? That man loves you more then he loves hairspray" Juliet smiled warmly. This made me laugh. "I don't know, it just all seems so perfect. So surreal" I blushed even more. "Don't be nervous, you both love each other" she hugged me. Suddenly my eyes noticed a sparkle on her finger. NO WAY!!! "Juliet! What's on your finger" it was my turn to gush now.

"Can you keep a secret? Andy proposed to me this morning! He was gonna announce it tonight at the wedding" she cheered jumping up and down. "Let me see the ring them" I squealed. She held out her hand. The ring was a silver braid, encrusted with diamonds. One big diamond rested in the middle. It was breathtaking! "Juliet it's beautiful" I gasped. "Christian Robert Mora! This is your day not mine, now come on they are calling you! It's time" she grinned. My mind reeled "Wait what! I thought the wedding wasn't until later". "We lied, we knew you would have siked yourself out" she smiled like she was the smartest person in the world. Of course they tricked me.

I followed Juliet into the hallway before the aisle in the church. The large wooden doors were shut, once they opened my life would be changed forever. First the flower girls went, then the groomsmen. Then the best man. Then Juliet went. Then Adrienne. I was next. Ashley's grandfather took my arm. "You got this son" he whispered in my ear. That literally meant the world to me. Right now my legs felt like jello, I probably looked like I was drunk as I walked down the aisle.

Ashley was standing up on the podium, he looked flawless. His black and white tux, some of his hand and neck tattoos poking out. I loved that man. We maintained eye contact the entire time I was walking up there. Ashley's grandfather placed me next to Ash and went and took his seat. My side of the church, where my family should have been sitting was practically empty. Sadness filled me for a second but then I remembered, this was our day. No time to worry!

The priest went through all of the vows, me and Ash exchanged a humorous glance when they said "Until death do you part". Haha, we kicked deaths ass bitches! Finally it was our turn to speak. "Do you Ashley Abrocket Purdy take Christian Robert Mora as your lawfully wedded husband" the priest asked. "I do" he smiled steadily back at me, sliding a ring on my finger. Now it was my turn! "Christian Robert Mora do you take Ashley Abrocket Purdy as your lawfully wedded husband" the priest asked. There was absolutely no question "I do". "By the power vested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you husband and husband. Mr. Purdy you may now kiss your husband" the priest smiled.

Me and Ashley exchanged glances. I saw something shiny running down Ashley's cheek, he was crying. This was the only time I had seen him cry besides that time I had seen him try to get my mom to kill him at my house. Taking my thumb, I wiped the tears away and pressed my lips to his. It was the most loving and endearing kiss we had ever had together, it was official. We were married! The entire church erupted in cheers.

The reception was a ton of fun, surrounded by people I love. Andy announced him and Juliets engagement. We all just hung and drunk, I was basically attached to Ashley's side the entire time. It was the most romantic and fun time I had ever had. Finally around midnight people started to leave. By 1230 everyone was gone besides Adri, Jinxx, Jake, Andy and Juliet. We were all staying at a nearby hotel.

We all drove to the hotel, in the back of my mind I knew what was about to happen to my sister. Just before we were about to go into the hotel Jinxx pulled me aside. "Cc, your like a brother to me. I want to let you know that I would never do anything to ever purposely hurt your sister. Thank you for handing her over to me and trusting me. You should see how happy it makes her" Jinxx said in front of the hotel. Adrienne was talking to Juliet, probably about the change.

"I trust you. Just take good care of my little sister, it was her 18th birthday yesterday for gods sake" I smiled. But I meant it, Adri was Jinxx's now. Not mine. Her heart belonged to Jinxx. There was nothing I could do to change that. Adrienne walked over and hugged me. "Thank you Christian Coma. For letting me have love" she cried into my shoulder. "I love you baby sis. Now go, do it!" I smiled, tears now running down my own face. We all disappeared into our own hotel rooms. Ashley somehow managed to keep my kind of what was happening to my sister just a couple doors down;)

-------SEXy TIME;) ;P--------------

Jinxx POV:
Me and Adrienne both headed into our hotel room. We were both silent. "Jinxx I love you so much" Adrienne smiled her beautiful smile. If I still had a heartbeat it would definitely speed up whenever I looked at her. "Are you ready" I asked quietly. Probably more nervous then she was. What if I couldn't stop? That wasn't an option! I had to stop! She nodded and bared her neck to me.

I first pressed my lips to hers, leaving light feathery kisses along her jawline to her collarbone. She moaned, oh god. Baring my fangs I made my way to the central artery in her neck. At this moment in time I wanted nothing more then to taste my sweet love. To have her be able to stay with me forever. Opening my mouth I closed it quickly on her neck.

Sucking her sweet life source from her body I felt her tense up. Thankfully, I didn't feel much addiction to her blood. After a couple of seconds I pulled away. Her eyes were drifting shut, the last words she mumbled to me were "I love you Jinxx. Marry me?" before she passed out asleep on the bed. "Of course" I smiled and laid next to her on the bed. So, I guess I was engaged to the love of my life. My heart soared. I just snuggled with her sleeping body, waiting for her to wake so we could complete the transition. I just thought about our wedding for about 8 hours until she woke.

"Jinxx.... Baby it hurts" she cried making my heart shatter. "I know, I know! It will pass soon and then we can complete it" I promised squeezing her hand. "Love, I just want you to know that I meant what I asked you last night. Will you marry me?" she was stiff from pain. "And I just want you to know I meant my answer. Yes" I placed a tender kiss on her lips hoping to relieve some of the pain. Almost instantly she calmed down.

A couple minutes later the pain had passed completely and I no longer needed to kiss her. Not that I was complaining before;) We both completed the change together, and it was done. We were bound.

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