Mama Jinxx

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Christian POV:
"Adri" I called nervously. Jinxx wouldn't do anything, I was positive! Ashley rubbed my back with his hand "Don't worry, Jinxx wouldn't touch her". "I know, I know" I told myself just as much as I was telling Ashley. "Hey, Adri is in bed right now. I helped her unpack and then we had some mama Jinxx time" I heard Jinxx behind me. "Why did she need mama Jinxx" I half chuckled half asked seriously. Obviously she would be pretty emotional right now. "Look it, she's trying really hard to make this whole living with vampires thing work. Just for you and Ashley. She really supports you guys but is still a bit scared since your dad.... Can't say I blame her one bit" Jinxx sighed sitting on the black couch.

"I'm just glad you could help her, sometimes I feel like she shuts me out just because I'm her brother. And I'm glad she supports me and Ashley" I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Me too babe, I know she means a lot to you so she means a lot to me" he smiled. All of the sudden something really weird happened, and at first I was confused. But then remembered what was happening.

"Ashley... I think I need to feed" I blushed sheepishly. He immediately got up "Oh My God! Christian I'm so sorry! Your a newborn AND you just got your newborn face! For the next week or so you will probably have to feed every day or so. It's been about 24 hours since you last fed". Ugh, this whole feeding once a day was going to be VERY time consuming. Especially since I wanted to be around Adri as much as I could right now.

Whatever, Ashley practically dragged me outside. I could feel my thirst begin to grow. Flicking my tongue over my teeth I felt my teeth were beginning to sharpen. At first it was just a faint noise but it quickly became stronger. "thump thump- thUMP THUMP- THUMP THUMP" horrified I realized it was my very own sisters heartbeat. "Ashley... Get me out of here" I said through gritted teeth. "Babe, I was so stupid! Newborns hunger comes more often and increases faster. Eventually it becomes so strong they kill the closest human to them" he mumbled driving as fast as he could.

My throat began to burn, worse and worse. There was nothing I could do but sit there and wither away in pain. Finally Ashley pulled over in front of what looked like a forest. Honestly I couldn't really tell, my vision was clouded with red.

Opening the car door with lightning speed my nostrils perked immediately. Right away I could tell that there was an entire family of elk about 2 miles east. Without even telling them to my legs started running in that direction. Ashley must have known where I was going because he ran side in side with me there. I could feel my powerful legs tensing and clenching every time I lifted off from the ground. Never before had I felt so powerful.

My razor sharp teeth in my mouth, ready to kill. The forest passing by me like the side of the road in a car. Except I'm sure I was running faster then most cars could go at this point.

About 15 feet away from the elk I stopped. Remaining perfectly still, I was in hunting mode. Nostrils flaring, instincts took over. It was just me, the predator and the elk family, the prey. Nothing to protect them now. My legs tensed up and I pounced, first on the large male then on the mother. Quickly draining both. Next I drank from all 3 children. There was not a single drop of wasted blood anywhere on the ground or trees.

After all this only was my thirst officially quenched. I might have felt a little bad for the animal family but it was either them or my human sister. "Wow babe, I've never seen such clean and quick work" Ashley gaped motioning at the 5 elk carcasses on the ground. All completely unharmed besides the fact they had no blood left in their body. The only way you could tell was 2 bite marks in their neck.

Blushing I replied "Err... Thanx". "After watching that I'm kinda hungry, do you mind if we head over to the local prisoner yard" he asked leaning on a tree. "Your gonna kill people?" I asked nervously, trying to block thoughts of my father out of my head. "Only the worst of the worst criminals. Rapist's and child and women abusers. a People who have no family and don't deserve to live" he took my hands and looked me in the eye to comfort me. "Fine, but only the worst criminals" I gave in.

We made our way back to the car, guided by moonlight and our vampire senses. Once there, Ashley drove to the nearest penitentiary. All it took to get in was a flying leap over the fence. He disappeared for about 45 minutes, leaving me feeling guilty. What if he killed a guard or something? Finally he came back out, wiping the corner of his mouth. "Wife beater and child molester. Age 73" he confirmed when he saw my worried look as he got in the car. I nodded briskly, as if I was approving.

We drove out, full of our favorite food. On our way home I lightly caressed Ashley's leg as he drove. I could sense him sending glances in my direction. Once or twice he even moaned. Looking over I saw a growing bulge in his pants. "What if we didn't go home tonight" I nibbled on his ear, earning another moan. "Son of a bitch" he groaned and pulled off to the side of the road.

I chuckled "Really? The side of the road? That's the best you could do". "Yeah, that's the best I could do with you rubbing my leg." he moaned as I kissed him. "Take of your clothes" I growled possessively making me chuckle. Lets just say we had a LOT of fun that night.

THANX SO MUCH FOR READING GUYS! Literally your stars, comments and reads mean the world to me💖 Please just keep me coming! I love getting your feedback.

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