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Christian POV:
The second the girl walked out I noticed happen to Jake. But quickly dismissed and focused on the red head girl in front of me. She explained that her parents were both either dead or out of the picture. "Wait? Did you say Jake killed your dad?" I asked mortified. Not that Jake had killed her father but that that had been her father doing that to her. "Err... Yeah. At the mall" she mumbled. "So! Ariel, are you hungry" Adrienne popped in trying to change the subject. "Umm... Yeah a little bit. Them I will be on my way" she shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "What do you mean you will be on your way? Where do you have to go?" Juliet asked kindly. "I will find somewhere, thanks for saving me but I should really get going" She said awkwardly.

"Nonsense! Your staying with us, we have an extra room once Adri moves in with Jinxx which has basically already happened." Ashley smiled kindly. "I guess that would be great, thank you" she smiled kindly for the first time since she got there. "Now about that food" Adrienne hustled into the kitchen dragging Ariel behind her. I snuggled into Ashley's side enjoying his scent. We all sat back down on the couch, all the couples together. Seconds later Ariel and Adrienne sat down next to each other and Jinxx and a couch. Ariel eating a sandwich.

Jake broke the silence "So how are you and Ashley's wedding plans coming along". Me and Ash both hit a blank "Umm... Haven't really thought about it at all? We know it's the same day as Jinxx and Adri but that's about it" I admitted. Ariel spoke "You guys are getting married". The room was quiet, please tell me she wasn't a homophobe. "Err... Yeah, we are" Ashley finally said. "That's cool, you guys are super cute together" she smiled slightly at us. We all breathed out a sigh of relief. "So we've been told" Ashley grinned a toothy grin.

"Woah... Dude, your teeth are really sharp" she said not even realizing the true meaning of her words. "Umm... Yeah, they are implants" Ashley lied quickly. Ariel simply nodded and went back to watching television. Once again, the room breathed a sigh of relief. We sat in silence for a little while longer until something weird started to happen to Ariel. She started full out screaming, like screaming Bloody Mary!

A flake of her face fell out, like Ash. Then another piece, and another? Soon all that was left of her was a big pile of Ashes on the floor. "What the actual fuck" Andy gasped. "She was a spy from Sammi, I knew the second she walked in the room" Jake stated matter o factly. Like it was common knowledge? Why would Sammi send a spy? "Why would Sammi send a spy?" Ashley echoed my thoughts. "To get information on us" Juliet sighed. "Guys, now she knows that Ashley and Christian are engaged" Andy pointed out. That couldn't be good, it could be many things but it couldn't be good.

"You realize she probably sent another virus here, one of us is probably infected" Adrienne said softly. She was right, Sammi was inside one of us waiting to attack. "Does anyone feel weird" Jinxx asked solemnly. Everyone shook their head no, hmm... She was good at hiding this!

******1 And a half months later*****
Christian POV:
No one has had anything weird happen to them yet. I was starting to doubt wether or not Sammi was even inside of us. In about 2 weeks me and Ashley would be married and Adrienne would be an official vampire. Or a vegetarian one at least!

We had most of the wedding planned out so far, just small details were left to figure out. Ashleys grandfather was going to walk me down the aisle, in place of my father. It would have a color scheme of Black, White and dark red. Like a blood red. How fitting! I literally couldn't wait! Sammi was the lowest on my list of things to pay attention to right now.

Tonight was game night. Everyone in the house gathered together to play a game of someone's choosing. This week Juliet got to choose and we were playing candy land? As soon as we finished Adrienne fell asleep on the couch, she had been really stressed lately. I think she was worried about Sammi and secretly afraid of becoming a vamp.

"Me and Adri are gonna head to bed" Jinxx laughed and picked the now asleep Adri up from the floor. We all nodded and headed to our own rooms. Me and Ashley were cuddling, like we do every night. Suddenly a piercing scream filled the house. Adrienne. What was wrong? I ran into her and Jinxx's room to find out. What I saw rattled me to my core.

Jinxx was cuddling her, tears rolling down both of their faces. "What's wrong?" I yelled. "I don't know, she just started crying and spazzing out" Jinxx sobbed. Jake walked in, "I can read her. See what she's thinking" he sighed remembering the last time he had to do that. Just as Jake was about to place his hands on her face she stopped completely and just hugged Jinxx. By now everyone in the house was gathered outside their room. Ashley and I were hugging, he was protecting me."Baby what happened" he cried tears of joy now. "I had a dream that I was happening again! That terrible night Andy was possessed. Except tonight it was worse" she sobbed into his arms.

Andy stiffened at her words. I shot him a reaffirming look, I knew how bad he felt about that. It felt like a weight had been lifted off the house. "Sammi is gone. She was planning something worse but all the positive energy in the house scare her off" Ashley smiled. And he was right, we could all feel it! We were free once again! I just hope she doesn't come back.

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