Raccoon boy

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Christian POV:
We drove to our new house. Ashley was the only one in the car who had seen it. Me, Ashley and Adrienne were all joking around in the car. It seemed like Ashley really liked her. But I could tell Adrienne was still a little bit tense around him. I shot her a smile in the mirror. She gave a weak smile back and looked out the window.

The house looked like your average middle class family house. A dark cherry red with white shutters. Two stories, a good size. "This all ours" I smiled hugging Ashley and Adri. Adri immediately tried to escape, something about "Personal space". But I didn't buy it. Ash grinned in that way that made my heart flutter. "Yeah, me and you, Andy and Juliet, Jinxx, Jake and Adri each get their own room." he kissed my forehead making me blush. "Errr... C can you show me to my room so I can unpack" Adrienne asked nervously.

My heart dropped "I'm sorry Adri, I know just as little about the house as you did. I've never been here" I admitted. Before she could reply Jinxx walked over placing a cold pale hand on her shoulder "Dont worry! I can show her her room". I knew this would make her nervous but I also hoped it would help her be a little less afraid of my friends and boyfriend. "Yeah, that sounds great" I smiled guiltily at her. "Great! Her room is right next to mine" Jinxx smiled.

Me and Ashley made our way into the house a couple minutes after Jinxx and Adri. The kitchen was grey, with black grey and white freckled granite countertops. White cabinets. It was very nice, spacious enough for a couple of us to be in there at once. Not that we would be using the kitchen very much anyways. We made out way into the living room. The walls were white. There was a black sofa in the middle of the room in front of a flat screen with various game consoles surrounding it.

My eyes scanned the walls until it met something very familiar. There were 5 rectangular picture frames. Almost all of them had a face, or a portion of a face in them. Each had what appeared to be half of a face in them, but each face was very striking.

Covered in black and white paint you couldn't see their natural skin. Every single face was different. One had black pointy shadows all around his eye. Like black bat wings on each side of his eye. The rest of his face was covered in white paint. The next one almost looked like the joker. He had a black diamond surrounding one eye. A line connected the black diamond to his jet black lips. The next face was kind of like the 1st face but had many more lines and a black line on his mouth. Almost like stitches. His eye was also much more elaborate. Once again the rest of his face was covered in white. My eyes reached the next picture frame, which rattled me to my core. I had seen that face before. Squinting, I tried as hard as I could to remember. Suddenly my brain was filled with a flash back. A flash back to the night I had gotten bitten. When I woke up and saw that person in the corner. The raccoon eyes one. My breath hitched in my throat and Ash wrapped his arm around me.

"Is that you" I asked curiously. "Yes, I wore my newborn paint when I was finding my mate. The rest of the people up there are Jake, Jinxx and Andy" he explained sitting me down on the black sofa. "Wait. Do I get one? Why doesn't Juliet get one?" I wondered. "Yes, you get one. I've just been waiting till you remembered mine. And no Juliet doesn't get one. Only guys get one, its kind of like a mating call. Also when we get REALLY angry they show up on our face. Its also kind of like a warning to our mates to leave us alone." Ashley chuckled. I got excited "OOHH! Can we go get mine! Is that why there is 5 frames up there?" I dragged Ash up the stairs to the first bathroom I found before letting him answer.

"Can I paint yours? It's kind of a ritual since I changed you and all" Ash grinned sheepishly. "I could think of no better person to paint my face then you" I admitted blushing before placing a tender kiss on his lips. Ashley smiled ear to ear and grabbed a black and white compact and a couple different size brushes out of the bathroom cabinet. For a long time it was quiet, just the strokes of a small wet paint brush on my face. Ash's big warm fingers moving carefully over my face. I had no idea what he was doing, but I trusted him with my life. My life and what was now my afterlife.

*in sponge bob narrator voice* 1 hour later

"Alright babe, I think I'm done! I hope you like it" Ashley kissed my forehead lightly and stood up pulling me up with him. He covered my eyes and stood me I'm front of what I was assuming was the mirror. "Ready" he asked nervously "ready" I replied confidently.

He removed his hands from in front of my eyes. I was amazed. There was absolutely no way Ashley had just painted this on my face. The area around my eyes was black, kind of like Ashleys. There was a thick pointy streak coming down from the corner of both my eyes. Then on my cheeks closer to my nose there was two almost upside down dear drop shapes. One on both sides of my face. The point of them coming down just past my lips. My lips were now painted jet black. I immediately loved it.

"Babe... It's perfect" I smiled my eyes tearing up a bit. "Im glad you love it. But there's one thing you have to do to finalise it. Drink the blood of the one that changed you. Sandra left hers in a little vial on a haystack." Ash held out his wrist for me. I felt a little sick "You expect me to drink your blood? That's terrible". "Honey, it's not like I'm human. It won't even hurt" he cooed me. We argued for a couple more seconds until I finally gave in. At first I was super nervous considering I had never bitten anyone before.

But then instinct kicked in. My teeth elongated into fangs, I could feel his cold blood in his body. I bit down on his exposed wrist, it was like fireworks in my brain. It tasted like true love. This was better then anything I had ever felt before, even sex. A couple seconds later I heard Ash say my name a couple times so I reluctantly pulled away.

"Wow, you pulled away really fast. I figured I would have to pull you off. You have amazing self control" Ashley swelled with pride. "Umm... Thanks?" I blushed. "Come with me babe" Ash pulled me into the living room. Without warning he pulled out a switch blade knife and cut my hand a little. Not enough to hurt or even scar but enough to draw blood. He took my bleeding palm and pressed it up against the empty rectangular frame. At first it was just my bloody hand print but then it began to morph.

I was too transfixed by the picture frame to even be mad at Ash for just randomly cutting me. As I watched the painting i saw it began to take shape. A head, Black hair, soon I realised it was me. My blood was turning into a picture of me. About 30 seconds later my picture frame looked just like everyone else's. Half of my war paint covered face was showing. I loved it!

But then I remembered something. Where was Adri?

Sorry guys if I didn't do a very good job explaining the war paint. But quite honestly I'm sure you know what it looks like considering your reading this fanfic. But yeah, sorry about the warpaint. Oh and WHERE IS ADRI OMG! Guess you will find out next chapter.

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