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Christian pov:

"ASHLEY PURDY!!!!" And a door slamming is the first thing I heard when I woke up startling me into consciousness. Cracking one eye open I was shocked. Everything was so much clearer, it was like I had been disabled for 18 years! "Christian baby, are you okay? I can worry about my grandma later" Ash whispered softly into my ear. "Ash... Everything is so beautiful" I smiled speechless. My ears started to pick up a noise. It sounded like a.... Car? Ashley house was almost a mile off the road. "Well I hate to break it to you but after a couple days most of that will wear off. New vamps have heightened senses" He chuckled. "You better go talk to your grandma" i whispered giving him quick peck on the cheek and pushing him out the door before he could respond.

Right now I just wanted to be alone and get used to my new body. I still couldn't get used to how clear everything was. On Ashley's bedspread I could see every intricate stitch, on his Mötley Crüe posters I could see every wrinkle in the leather and every stud. Walking over to the window I was amazed. Never before had I noticed just how amazing nature was, how beautiful every blade of grass and how intricate every tree was. There was an entire world outside that I had never noticed. I heard Ashley coming back up the stairs, I knew exactly when he would open the door. "What did she say? Poor thing must be scarred" I frowned, feeling bad for Ashleys poor grandma. "Once I told her that we were mated and how that was the only way you could survive she understood. In fact she practically jumped for joy at her new son in law" he pressed his lips against my neck kissing me lightly. "Good, speaking of parents... How am I going to tell my mom?" I asked genuinely nervous.

I had no idea how my mom would react to me having a boyfriend, let alone me being a gay vampire. Or if she would even believe me. "We can wait, you choose to tell her when your ready" he smiled lovingly. Ashley was just so sweet and caring! My mom deserved to know "right now! Lets go" I smiled and headed for the door. "Wait! Chuppie I love you very much but you are a newly turned vampire. You probably shouldn't be in direct contact with another human for about a week." Ashley said nervously standing in front of the door. Would I really kill my mom? "No Ashley, I need to do this now. You will protect her if I try to go after her right?" I said sternly. "Fine, but at least drink this" he replied grudgingly but handing me a white plastic bag. Kind of like the bags they put IV fluid in. Eyeing it suspiciously I looked at Ashley "Deer blood" he confirmed so I drank it.

And man did it taste good! Better then I ever thought deer blood ever could. It tasted like the forest, like the beauty of nature in one bag. In almost no time flat I drank all of it, Ashley grinned and wiped a smear of blood of my face using his thumb making me blush. "I'm so glad we don't have to worry about this anymore, now nothing can keep us apart" he smiled gently and wiped his eye. "Wait a second, is THE Ashley Purdy crying?" I giggled wiping a tear from my own eye. "You ready to go meet the family?" I mocked and pulled Ashley down the stairs. Already everything was sort of beginning to look more normal, as amazing as it was to see everything it was kind of a sensory overload.

It was a little awkward being around Ash's grandma now, but I'm assuming that will get better. Besides if my family reacted the way I think they would then I might need a place to stay. Finally making it outside I was able to fully take in the smells and sights of nature. It was even better outside then through Ashleys window. Waves of grass flowed and rippled through the horse pasture as the horses muscles moved gracefully under his shiny and silky flank. For a couple of seconds I just stood there taking everything in, Ash with his hand in mine. Everything was perfect right then and there.

"We better go now" I sighed sadly but Ash pulled me back. "Babe why are you so nervous to tell your family? And if you're so nervous then why tell them so quickly?" he asked as leaving me to wonder the same thing myself. "Because.... I just need to. Ever since my dad.... She just hasn't been right and I can't do this to her again" I answered quietly thinking about what life with a dad would have been like. "Its ok, I understand" Ash smiled sadly at me and led me to the car. We took Ashleys black truck to my house, jamming "Pantera" the entire way. The music seemed to take away all stress of daily life and even what I was about to do. Like it held my worries so I didn't have too.

It felt like too soon that I was pulling into my driveway. My sister Adrienne ran out immediately, and flung her arms around me. "CHRISTIAN ROBERT MORA HOW THE HELL COULD YOU JUST DISAPEAR FOR 3 DAYS WITH NO WORD" She cried softly into my arms. "Shhh... I'm sorry, crazy weekend at Ashleys" I replied stroking her hair to calm her. "Listen I kind of have a big announcement to make so can we go inside?" I smiled softly wiping a tear from her bright blue eyes. She got them from our dad. "Sure, but mom has been worried about you" she chucked softly wiping the last tear from her eye. I had kind of been Adrienne's parent figure as we were growing up. Like I said, ever since my dad died she was kinda gone. Just going through the motions, not really feeling anything. As soon as I walked in the house my mom came running down the stairs "Christian! Where were you?" She asked me grabbing my shoulders. "Sorry, I was at a friends house. Must have forgotten to tell you" I led quickly just to ease her worry. "Ok but as long as you weren't at that Ashleys house. He's always been different, never seems to change either?" she frowned. "Hi ma'am, sorry I didn't mean to keep him so long. But I thought you already knew" Ashley chirped in brightly.

"Err... Yeah, didn't see you there Ashley" my mom quickly replied. Ashley didn't seem bothered by her previous comment, in all honesty she seemed a little amused. "Look mom I have a big announcement to make. Can we all go sit in the living room" I plastered on a fake smile, like always when I was home. "Of course, good bye Ashley" she smiled and tried shooing him out the door. "Umm... Actually he's a pretty big part of my announcement" I quickly added in before she could completely shove him out the door.

Almost immediately all color drained from her face, leaving her looking ashen. "You monster! I always knew your secret! And all your other friends too, all monsters every single one of them. Now you've taken my son! What next? Jinxx or jake gonna take my Adrienne?" she yelled angrily at Ashley. I saw his eyes flash red, his inner animal was coming out. "MOM! stop, he's my mate. We were made for each other" I argued, pushing her away from him. My voice cracking from emotion. "OH YEAH! Did you ever know how your father really died? Found in his car- bite wounds all over his body. Not a single drop of blood left in his body. Didn't take me long to figure out who did it either. It was your 'friends'. It was just a game to them, new bloods hunting a human man with his whole life in front of him and his 2 kids and wife" my mom screamed sending the whole room silent. "That... That's not true. How would you know it was Ashley" my stomach dropped, my throat clenched up. "Cc we were just newly turned that week. We had no idea what we were doing and i regret it every day. It was me, Jake, Jinxx and Andy" he cried.

My entire world came crashing down. My true love had killed my father but now I was eternally bound to him? I still loved him in my heart, I could feel it. What do I do?

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