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Adri POV:
Finally the guys got me checked out of the hospital! That place reminded me of death and sadness. But I did think it was pretty cool that I got to stay in the vampire wing! Now that I've been around vamps and got to know them I don't really think they are that scary anymore. Which is kind of weird I guess considering what Andy did... But I try not to think about that, it wasn't his fault. Christian and Ashley both offered to carry me to the car but Jinxx insisted that he be the one to do it. Jinxx was very sweet, and even more handsome. But I wasn't falling for a vampire, there was no way! Not that I had anything against them but I was not crushing on one! Juliet helped Andy to the car, like what had happened had never happened.

I was glad she had forgiven him, I just hoped he would forgive himself. He seemed like the type of person to get mad at himself. I especially hoped this wouldn't make things awkward in between us. We had come so far and I didn't want this "Sammi" person to ruin everything! There were so many of us we took the big van home. I tried to stay mostly close to Ashley and Jinxx because I knew them the best and Christian had dozed off. Poor kid.

Most of the ride was spent with my head on Ashleys shoulder, dowsing in and out of conciseness. Hey, being in the hospital and being all drugged up takes a lot out of you.

The ride home was spent quietly, Ashley stayed and talked to me well Everyone else chatted quietly about this "Sammi" person. She must be pretty powerful if she could overcome a powerful vamp like Andy. "Ashley tell me a story" I smiled tiredly. "Hmm... What story should I tell you?" he tapped his chin grinning. "OOOH! Tell me how you got changed! Into a vampire you know!" I begged. His mood changed instantly, suddenly becoming serious and somber. "I will tell you that story tonight, that's not a car ride story" he said grimly. "Oh, sorry. Didn't know it was a sore subject" I apologised, he already had enough to worry about.

"No no! You deserve to know, I am technically your uncle. I will tell you tonight" he smiled slightly. His smile was smaller then before but enough for me to see his pointy teeth. My body suddenly became numb and everything went black. Then I could see something!

A man was walking down the street, wearing a black business suit and carrying a shiny black briefcase. I couldn't see his face, it was raining to hard. He was in danger, I could feel it. I noticed movement behind him. One by one 4 young men crawled out of the shadows. All of them were wearing black, had plenty of tattoos and had black hair. Once again I could not see their face, but their physique itself seemed familiar. The first man, who had a tattoo sleeve on both arms lunged at the brief case carrying man. Attacking his neck, the others followed. All attacking different blood hotspots. His wrists and both sides of his neck. The rain was still to heavy to see anything but sillouhettes. Finally the man stopped moving and the vampires pulled away. It was like a movie, I got closer and closer to his face until I could begin to make out small details.

Horrified, as I got closer I began to recognise who the man on the ground and who the vampires were. I had seen that man before, there used to be pictures of him all over my house. Now there was just one of him on my bedside table, it was my father. The
I saw who the other vampires were and knot grew in my stomach.

The first one was Ashley, the second Jake, the third Andy and the fourth Jinxx. Ashley the man who shoulder I was currently resting my head on. Jinxx the man who had managed to capture my heart in less then a week. Jake the man who had made sure I got my own room in our new house so I could feel more comfortable. Andy the man who had managed to take back his body quick enough when possessed to spare me my humanity. All had dark red eyes, almost like the very color of my fathers blood. I had just watched all of them kill my father. Be monsters, the very monsters that tore apart my family.

The very monsters who had captured my brothers heart and then stopped it from beating. Suddenly my eyes opened I saw a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Hey Adri! How was your nap? We will be home in like 10 minutes" he smiled kissing my forehead. I almost had a heart attack on the spot. Me and Ashley were the only ones sitting in the back row of the van, everyone else sat in front of us. So here I was sitting with the very people that killed my father and my only protected was asleep.

I tended up and scooted away from him as far as I could. He frowned "Whats wrong? Bad dream". "M-M-Monster" I managed to stutter out and he seemed to see the fear in my eyes. "Adrienne are you okay? What happened" he asked concerned. With every word he said his fangs poked out a little, the fangs that punctured my fathers neck. "Red eyes, so many red eyes. Like his blood, like my fathers blood" I mumbled and borrowed my head in-between my knees and chest.

This seemed to get everyone's attention as sobs racked my body. "Jake read her. What happened to her" Juliet said after a long silence. I felt Ashley grab my wrist, I tried to pull away but his vampire strength was to much for me to overcome. I then felt another pair of hands placed on my cheeks, Jakes I'm assuming. The entire van was silent until Jake spoke "You realise if i do this she will have to relive whatever did this to her".

"Jake I don't think we have a choice right now. We can use Jinxx to try and regulate her emotions and Ashley to keep her still." Juliet sighed her voice cracking indicating she was crying. No, they couldn't make me relive that! I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and started to struggle even more. The car door opened and Ashley picked me up and carried me out, I was struggling with all my might the entire time. His arms were like steel chains keeping me locked in place. Tears were flowing so furiously out of my eyes that I couldn't see where I was. "Where was Christian? Where was Christian" kept running through my mind. What if they hurt him. Sobbs crippled my body at the thought of them hurting Cc.

I managed to open my eyes, I was in my bedroom. Ashley was still holding me. He was sitting on my bed cris cros apple sauce, his arms around my torso and neck. Kind of like how Andy was holding me, bringing back terrible memories. This made me struggle even more. Jake spoke pain in his voice "Please don't hold her like that. Its upsetting her even more, its how he held her that night" he pleaded. Ashley changed how he was holding me immediately, this calmed me down a little bit.

He now had one arm locking my arms in place, the other keeping my legs from moving. Once again Jake placed his hands on either side of my face. The world plunged back into darkness and my body went numb again. I was forced to watch everything all over again, knowing who everyone was and what was going to happen. The crimson eyes, hungry for murder.

Suddenly his hands pulled away from my face, he took a sharp breath. I stopped struggling, I was too tired. I could barely even keep my eyes open, I needed to sleep. Everything faded into a deep, dark and dreamless sleep.

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