Sammi Strikes Again

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Christian POV:
Sunlight streamed into my closed eyes, waking me up. I rolled over on top of Ashley, obviously not thrilled about waking up. "Babe I love you so much, you know that right?" Ashley kissed my forehead. "Yes, your my sun, my stars and my moon Ashley Purdy" I blushed leading a trail of kisses down his neck.

We were about to go for round 2 when my phone went off. Aggravated I went to answer it, it was Jake? That was weird, Jake never called me. Intrigued I answered "Hey bro, what's up". "Look it! I know your out feeding but Andy and Adri are both in the hospital. Get here as soon as you can so we can explain" Jake said seriously. My stomach dropped, what had happened?

"Ash. We need to leave now" I mumbled pushing Ashley back into the drivers seat. "woah? What happened?" Ash asked concerned but still putting the key in the ignition. "Andy and Adri are at the hospital- that's all I know!" I explained. Ash gasped and started to drive, faster then I had ever seen anyone drive. We were speeding like crazy, but I couldn't care less right now. The car ride was silent, neither of us knew what to say to the other.

I grabbed my phone, hoping to call Juliet or Jinxx so I could find out more. Looking through i quickly realized I had numerous calls from Jake, Jinxx and Juliet. Shit. Me and Ashley had both been to self absorbed to know when our friends were in the hospital. I was a terrible brother and friend. "Babe, hold it together for Adri" Ashley said sadly, wiping a tear off my cheek that I hadn't even realized was there.

He was right. Right now Adri needed me more then anything. Andy too! We both needed to be strong for our friends. "Your right, I'm sorry!" I thanked Ashley.

But then something caught my eye on my phone screen. An unidentified number had called my phone at 12 exactly. "Babe, what do you think this" I asked him worried. "Did they leave a voicemail? If not it was probably just someone with the wrong number." he replied, still speeding away to the hospital. "How long till we get there at this speed?" I asked, I needed to get thee as soon as possible. "Probably 15 minutes, we were really far away last night" he answered nervously. Kicking the speed up once again. I nodded and checked to see if the number had left a voicemail. They had.

Instantly my nerves went up like a thousand percent. I felt like a girl on her period with all these emotions. Hesitantly I pressed play, I couldn't help but feel this person may have something to do with Adri and Andy.

A girly and cheerful voice filled the car "Hi Christian! As you probably know by now your beloved sister and best friend are in the hospital! Or so you thought he was your best friend? I know that another one of your best friends killed you for personal reasons. Maybe even then made you think you love him? Well guess what, it's a lie! When you are bitten and then transformed with the same vampire it creates a certain type of attraction between you and that vampire. So in turn, you were forced to love Ashley with a dead unbeating heart. When did your mark appear? After he bit you? And poor Adrienne is being dragged into this now. Her life is on the line because of some false love? And Andy, poor kid! I actually liked him too. But shit happened I was forced to posses him. I almost chose Jinxx because he meant so much to the girl but he had a strong mind. Andy did too though. Managed to push me out before I had a chance to complete my plans with the girl. But I made my message clear I think, just a little less... Permanent? But yes, please tell Andy he had a very comfortable body" And the line hung up. The car was dead silent. "I know that voice, that evil voice... It's Sammi. The vampire who changed me" Ashley mumbled. I was in too much shock to answer. "Is it true? Is this fake love? Did I do this to my sister for fake love" I asked quietly. But I knew he could hear me.

Ashley pulled into the hospital parking lot. "Nevermind, I don't want to talk about this right now. We can talk at home. Right now Adri and Andy need us" I decided. This needed to be a long private discussion. I got out of the car and made my way into the hospital. Ashley trailing behind me. We used our vampire speed to reach the front desk.

When we reached the desk the receptionist looked up. One of her eyes was a deep Crimson. She was a vampire. "Hello sir, how may I help you" she smiled innocently. Ash smiled back, baring his fangs "Adrienne and Andy Biersack" She simply nodded and pointed us to a hallway to the right "Room 36". The hallway looked different from the others. The hallway lights weren't on as bright, some weren't even working. Something about it just gave off a dingy scary look. "It's the vampire wing, looks like this to keep humans out" Ash whispered to me. Ashley led me down there and stopped in front of a room. Room 36. We walked inside.

The first thing I noticed was Adri laying on a hospital bed. She looked so frail and helpless. Jinxx and Jake both had a chair pulled up next to her bed. If only I was there. I was supposed to be there, to help her. To protect her. Andy was laying on the bed next to her. Juliet was sobbing over him. I wanted to cry into Ashley's chest right now, to have him protect me. To have him love me and I love him. But I didnt, what if it was all fake.

"Do you see Andy and Juliet over there? She is devastated, torn apart and crushed. He changed her and it's real love" Ashley whispered pleadingly into my ear. "I still love you and we can work this out, but not here" I replied. Jake and Jinxx looked up, Juliet didn't bother. They got up to greet us. "What the hell happened? And we have something to show you" I said demanding answers. "Look it, Andy and Juliet were laying in bed watching TV when Andy goes all rigid and acting weird. Then he stands up and slaps Juliet across the face. Then he tries to err... rape her. She starts screaming and knocking stuff over. He was way stronger then her because she only drinks animal blood. She eventually backs up against the wall and then Adri walks in. Adrienne tries to leave but Andy notices her. He was about to bite her but then just tried to force himself on her too. He punches her and they both pass out. He just fell on the ground. Neither have woken up since" Jake explains quickly. Jinxx looks at me expecting a bigger reaction then what happened.

"Juliet, don't be mad at Andy. It wasn't his fault" I say to Juliet. She shouldn't be mad at Andy. "Guys Andy was possessed" Ashley adds grimly. "By who? How do you know?" Juliet gets up and joining us suddenly interested. I hear a shuffle next to me, coming from the beds. Juliet makes eye contact with me. We were the only ones who had heard them both waking up. She nods and I nod back. They both needed to hear this voicemail, especially Andy. He would feel terrible if he thought that actually happened because of him.

We play the entire voicemail, at the end we just sat in eerie silence. "Sammi" Jinxx growls "Hasn't she ruined our life enough". "So Andy didn't do that" a weak hoarse voice said behind me. Adri. "Do what? I just remember going to bed with a massive headache and waking up here? What did I do" Andy asked from his bed, sounding worried

"Babe I will tell you later" Juliet kisses him on the forehead "Right now I want to talk to Cc". She ushers me into the hallway. "Christian Coma you love Ashley Purdy! It wasn't just being turned! Remember how you felt about him before you even knew he liked you back? How you blushed whenever he was even mentioned? How you always used to gush about him to me? You loved before he changed you? You ALWAYS loved him! There's no question to that. He's worried sick in there that you're going to leave him because he loves you with all his heart" She looked me in the eye. I knew she was right instantly. I loved him and had always loved him. There was no other way. This change had only intensified our love. "Thank you Juliet! I have no idea what I would do without you" I hugged her kissing her cheek.

I ran back in the room and kissed Ashley full force on the lips wrapping my arms around him. "I take it you love me" he smiled eat to ear. "You take it correctly" I grinned.

We checked both Andy and Adri out. Juliet promised to tell Andy what had happened when we got home. It was already like 3. We headed home, I was even in more love with Ashley then ever.

I just wanted to make it clear that I have ABSOLUTELY nothing against Sammi! It was both of their faults the marriage didn't work, sooo..... Keep reading and commenting and starring because it makes me so happy and motavated! Dm if u need to talk or need anything because I am here 4 u if ur going through anything or just want to talk!

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