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Christian Pov:

"Well it's kind of complicated" Ashley started before I interjected. "Just fucking tell me, I need to know" I spoke quietly. "Alright. Look Cc, me, Andy, Jake, Juliet and Jinxx have been hiding something from you the past couple of years" he said solemnly. "No shit" I snorted remembering Andy breaking the countertop. Ash chuckled "Well when we were all 14 we changed. Into something you would know as a 'vampire'. Now don't freak out, we don't hurt people and we still love you. But every vampire has a soul mate. Like Juliet and Andy, they are soul mates together. But sometimes the system is broken, sometimes vampires have soul mates that aren't already vampires. In this situation a vampire has 2 choices, to live a sad and desolate life where both the human and vampire die around age 25 from depression and the need of the others body. Or the vampire bites their soulmate, turning them into a vampire also. Understand?" Ashley asked kindly, obviously wanting to make this as easy to understand as possible. "So your saying I'm your soulmate?" I asked quietly. "Umm... yeah" he replied nervously. "But two questions. One, how did you know I'm your soulmate? And second, your definitely not gay? Shouldn't your soul mate be some fake tan big tits and ass blonde Barbie girl?" I added the last part bitterly.

Placing his hand on my thigh he continued "I know your my soul mate because of this" he said and began to pull of his black Motley Crüe muscle shirt. Looking at his chest I saw all of his normal back tattoos until I noticed something new. Right above his shoulder blade was a small red tattoo, or more like burn marking or scar. It said "Christian Mora". As soon as I read it I felt a small sudden burning sensation on my own back. Right where Ashleys tattoo was, before even taking my shirt off to look I knew in my heart what I would find. As I suspected, on my shoulder blade in the same place as Ashleys it said "Ashley Purdy". He offered a weak smile which I returned just as weakly. "These show up when you become a vampire, that's how you know who your supposed to be with forever" he smiled.

"So you knew for 4 years that you were my soul mate? Why wait that long? Why not bite me as soon as you could?" I asked curious, why had he waited so long? "Because it is physically impossible for anyone under 18 to be bitten and survive the change. Your body just isn't strong enough to survive the change when your younger. That's why I slept with so many girls, to take my mind off of you for 4 years. It was hard at times but I knew it was for the best" Ash smiled at me, blushing a bit. "Oh... Well thanks for waiting I guess." I chuckled, if he hadn't waited I would be dead right now. "So everyone else is vampires? Even Jinxx?" Ashley smirked slightly at my question "Yeah, even Jinxx". "Why did you guys stick around with me when you guys grew fangs or whatever? It would have been so much easier? Not have to worry about the awkward human kid all the time" My mind reeled. Why would they stick around with the sad emo kid? "Because cc! We all love you! Just because we are vampires doesn't make us like you a single bit less" Ash said sadly, "Did you really think we would let you go because your human". "Its just that I found it hard to believe that I was cool enough for human friends, let alone vampire ones? Especially a hot vampire sole mate" I confessed blushing. "You think I'm hot?" Ash said beginning to blush furiously. "Not that it's a bad thing, I think your pretty hot too" he added quickly.

"Must be a soul mate thing" I smiled jokingly. "Hey Ashes... Can we go see everyone else?" I asked nervously. "Are you sure your ready? I don't want to rush you" Ash said seriously. "I'm ready" my voice strong well inside I was wondering myself if I was ready. Nodding, he took my hand and led me out of Jakes bedroom and down the stairs. The second I reached the bottom of the stairs I felt myself being hug tackled. Juliet. "Oh C... I love you so much and I'm so sorry for lying and don't be mad" she cried. "Babe let him breathe, it's his last couple of days that he will need too" Andy chuckled. "Oh sorry, I'm just gonna let go now" Juliet smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry for hitting you earlier, I was trying to hit Ashley. In my defense he deserved it" Jake grinned at me. Jinxx and Ashley just rolled their eyes. "Don't worry about it. I don't even really remember moving, just getting hit" I admitted. "AWWW!!! That is literally the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life" Juliet squealed. "What do you mean? I just had like an adrenaline rush or something" I questioned. It wasn't that cute. "No silly! Your mate instincts were kicking and and you were protecting your love" Juliet sang doing a little happy dance. "Sooo who wants to watch a movie" Jinxx suggested. The second he said that everyone knew what movie we would be watching. "HOW ABOUT BATMAN" Andy started fangirling in the corner doing his own little happy dance. We all groaned but gave in and let him watch his movie.

About halfway through the movie I got hungry and went to the kitchen to find some food. I went straight to the movie cabinet and found some twizzlers, popcorn and soda. Putting my popcorn in the microwave was a little hard considering Andy had shattered the countertop the microwave was on. But eventually I figured it out. Ash walked in halfway through my popcorn popping time and wrapped his arms around me. All of the sudden my neck started to throb again and I tensed up.

"Babe when is this gonna stop happening? It hurts so bad" I asked through gritted teeth. Ash sighed, "when you become a full fledged 'vampire'". A knot started in the bottom of my stomach, I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to my next question. "When and how does that happen" The pain in my neck finally evaporating away. Ashley inhaled deeply, looking nervous "There's 2 ways. You either have to kill someone and drink their blood or have sex with your soul mate. It's your choice, but you have until the end of the week or you will die. Your body will not be able to continue functioning with vampire virus in you and still be a human. If you die then your mate also dies so we don't have to be apart" Ash looked down to the floor.

"I dropped the twizzler I was currently eating, my stomach dropped. Either lose my virginity or kill someone by the end of the week. "Of course you would kill a criminal, we never kill good people" Ash added in nervously. "This would have been nice to know earlier" I mumbled and ran out of the house, slamming the door behind me. Leaving Ashley calling my name. What the hell was I going to do?

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