His story

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Christian POV:
Ash sighed and started to talk. "It all started with how I was turned. It was the 4th of July 1930. Me and my friends were at an annual party that my parents threw every year. My brother had died in the army so it meant a lot to them. I was 19 and back then that was legal drinking age so I drank all evening. By 10 I was hammered, there was this girl at the part. Sammi I think her name was, yeahSammi. She was beautiful, tanned skin that looked like she had rolled off the beaches of cancun. Long black wavy hair, piercing light blue eyes and pearly white teeth. Her body was amazing, almost inhuman. This was before i realised i was gay of course. She grabbed my wrist around 2am and led me into my parents barn. I was way past understanding what was happening so I just let her do whatever. At first I thought I was gonna get lucky, but then instead of kissing me she bit me. Me being the drunk 19 year old boy I was barely felt it. But I was pretty confused when she left without a word. I ended up falling asleep in the hay that night, but when I woke up I expierenced the same pain you did. Shrugging it off as a hangover pain, I went back in the house hoping my parents weren't up yet. Luckily they weren't, so I snuck upstairs. Just as I was tiptoeing by my parents room I smelled the most delicious smell in the world. I heard the sound of their hearts beating. Without even knowing what I was doing, kind of like what happened at your house back there I went and drained my entire family dry. My parents, 2 sisters and younger brother. As soon as I realised what I had done I felt incredible remorse and loneliness. For a couple days I locked myself in my parents house, sobbing. But then I got an idea- turn a few if my best friends and we could be together forever. So I called over my friends-Jinxx, Jake and Andy- and made it look like a parlour trick. Like the best thing that had ever happened to me, showed off my super strength and hearing and vision. Cleaned up my house really good, made sure to hide all blood. It really wasn't all that hard to convince them to change. They were more then happy too in fact. First I bit Jinxx, then Andy, then Jake. Went out and found an old sexual predator harassing a little girl before the guys woke up and killed him. I already had the blood in cups before the guys woke up. The sooner the change was official the sooner I wouldn't be alone eternally. I didn't even tell them the cups were full of blood, Jake actually thought I was giving him water for his parched throat. For about the next 80 years me and the boys ran around killing innocent people whenever we got hungry. No guilt, not caring who we hurt or what we ruined. Just living to kill. We all regret that stage of our existence more then anything in the world. We would kill almost 5 people a week, never got caught. A couple times sending innocent people into jail for a murder they didn't commit. Not feeling a tad guilty at the time. But I remember something different the day I killed your.... your.... your father. It was 2000, Andy was hungry so we all decided to go for a hunt. We saw him walking to work, wearing a suit. We figured that if we killed him we would make the news, since he looked so rich. It was a kind of game we had, we knew the cops would never find us. See if we could get on the news. But the second I bit your father it was like my mouth was on fire. Never before had blood tasted as disgusting as his did. Sure I'd had a couple drug addled strippers, but this was different. It almost seemed like it was hurting me more then helping me. Instantly I pulled away, the guys gave me weird looks. Shocked I asked if his blood tasted disgusting to then too. They said no, to then it tasted just fine. Just as we were leaving the scene his business card fell out of his wallet. 'Mark Mora' it said. I was never able to find out why his blood tasted so disgusting until I met you. That one day during social studies in 9th grade when we first met. First of all I felt almost drawn to you. My eyes were glued to you, and I couldn't figure out why. My back started to burn like crazy, right above my shoulder blade. Like someone was cutting into me with a burning knife. Quickly going to the bathroom I took of my shirt and saw something I had only heard about from Andy and Juliet. They had met about 5 years prior and they were the only vampire mates I knew. Right on my shoulder blade it said 'Christian Mora'. Ever since then I knew that we weren't meant to be together and I remembered that business card I had left in the street 10 years earlier. Ever since then guilt has consumed me day and night and I can only hope that you find a way in your heart to forgive me." He finished looking almost relieved but still nervous. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to say that" he smiled slightly wiping a tear from his eye. My sisters words rang in my ear "Dont be stupid and ruin love from your own stupidity to forgive". My silence scared him "Look if you still hate me I will just go. Just know that I love yo-" he almost finished. "Ashley wait. I know in my heart that my father would want me to forgive you. Love is love and everyone has a past" I got up. Ashleys face never looked brighter or happier. "Really!! Babe I was so nervous" he cried and I pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. "I take it you forgive me?" he smiled cheekily. I sighed sadly, "I haven't forgiven you. Not yet at least. But I understand. Everyone makes mistakes." I answer honestly. "I hope someday I can make it up to you" I frowns and leads me back to civilisation. The only signs we were ever there are a couple knocked down trees and a giant dead black bear.

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