We are forever

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Adrienne POV:
I began to feel myself in my body once again. Like I was princess aurora awakening from her 100 year sleep. My arms, then my torso, then my legs and finally my feet. When I woke up I found myself in my bed, wearing a black "Bach Rocks" shirt. Someone changed me?!?! I really hope it was Juliet, because I'm assuming this was Jinxxs shirt.

Then the memories of last night came back. They killed him, they really did. But then I remembered their kindness towards me and the pain in Ashley and Jakes voice when they had to hurt me. How much they hated putting me through that, how much it would hurt Andy knowing what he did. Remembered dancing with Jinxx the first night I got here. A thought occurred to me. What if seeing that wasn't a way to bring the pain of my fathers death back but my fathers way of giving me his blessing of being around them. Showing me what a 360 they had done, what great people they were now. He was telling me that I could finally put my fathers death behind me.

My door cracked open, looking up I saw it was Juliet. "Hi sweetie, if you don't want to talk right now I totally underst-" she started to say before I cut her off. "Im over it. I believe that was my fathers way of giving me his sort of blessing to be with you guys" I smiled tears of happiness flowing down my cheeks. "Adrienne I think you need to tell the guys that, not me" she smiled brightly wiping a couple of her own tears of joy away. "All of them were devestated. Especially Jake, he said what you saw was literally... Nevermind! It doesn't matter right now, what matters is you got your fathers blessing" she hugged me laughing and crying tears of joy.

"Where's Cc?" I asked cautiously. "He's err... Out thinking about some things. He didn't take this lightly at all" she admitted. "I want to talk to him first" I decided. "Of course" she smiled sadly.

A couple minutes later after I had showered and gotten dressed in a pair of black leggings and random sweatshirt Juliet was gone and Christian was sitting at the foot of my bed. "Christian look it! What if this was dads blessing! A final way to put everything behind us, no more secrets now. No more wondering what happened. He's saying that he's ok with us being around these guys. I really believe he sent me that vision" I explained hoping he would understand. "You really think so" he wondered quietly. "I know so" I said to him as much as I was telling myself. "Ok sis, I trust you" he smiled and hugged me tight for probably a full minute before pulling away.

"I think the guys need to talk to you" he got up and left the room giving me one last kiss on the forehead. A little while later Andy, Ashley, Jinxx and Jake walked into my room. All looked pained, Jake especially. He had seen what I had seen and lived it. All 4 of them started apologising profusely and begging for forgiveness. "Guys stop" I said coolly and explained my theory to them. "Im glad you feel at peace. But I'm still really sorry, we all are!" Andy hugged me. "I saw what you saw and I will always respect you for living that twice and now coming to that conclusion" Jake hugged me and left the room with Andy. "I feel terrible, I'm here for you if you ever need ANYTHING" Jinxx leaned in and KISSED ME ON THE LIPS! He quickly pulled away and left the room instantly using his vampire speed. "Ahh" I hissed at a burning sensation on my back, but it quickly left so I ignored it.

This just left me and Ashley. Me and my brother and law Ashley."Sooo you and Jinxx" he chuckled. "Ashley I swear to god if you tell ANYONE especially my brother I will dye your hair pink and take Cc on a month long vacation. You know what CC on a month long vacation means? No sex for a month" I threatened and watched as Ashley paled in fear. "No sex for a month? That is practically illegal" he gasped. "Then Dont tell Christian and we shouldn't have a problem should we" I smiled innocently. "Clever bitch' he mumbled.

"Look seriously though, I'm sorry about everything last night." He admitted running a hand through his hair. "Seeing you like that was like seeing Christian like that and it broke me inside" he lifted his hand to wipe a tear off my cheek. "What do you remember" he asked cautiously. "Everything except who changed me" I admitted looking down. "Juliet and Andy, but its Jinxxs shirt." he chuckled but got serious again.

"Even me holding you? In your room?" He asked quietly as if hoping for an answer he knew he wouldn't get. "Yeah... But it's not your fault you weren't here. I just remembered his hands all over me and" I broke diwn into tears remembering his eyes on my chest and bare body. "I am literally so sorry" he wiped a tear from his own eye this time.

"I think it's time you hear the story on how I was changed" he sat on the side of the bed. "I promise I will be quiet with no interruptions" I added, I couldn't wait to hear this story. "It all started on the 4th of July 1930. Me and my friends were at an annual party that my parents threw every year. My brother had died in the army so it meant a lot to them. I was 19 and back then that was legal drinking age so I drank all evening. By 10 I was hammered, there was this girl at the part. Her name was Sammi. The very Sammi that possessed Andy. She was beautiful, tanned skin that looked like she had rolled off the beaches of cancun. Long black wavy hair, piercing light blue eyes and pearly white teeth. Her body was amazing, almost inhuman. This was before i realised i was gay of course. She grabbed my wrist around 2am and led me into my parents barn. I was drunk past understanding what was happening so I just let her do whatever. At first I thought I was gonna get lucky, but then instead of kissing me she bit me. Me being the drunk 19 year old boy I was barely felt it. But I was pretty confused when she left without a word. I ended up falling asleep in the hay that night, but when I woke up I expierenced the same pain your brother did. Shrugging it off as a hangover pain, I went back in the house hoping my parents weren't up yet. Luckily they weren't, so I snuck upstairs. Just as I was tiptoeing by my parents room I smelled the most delicious smell in the world. I heard the sound of their hearts beating. Without even knowing what I was doing, kind of like what happened at your house back there I went and drained my entire family dry. My parents, 2 sisters and younger brother. As soon as I realised what I had done I felt incredible remorse and loneliness. For a couple days I locked myself in my parents house, sobbing. But then I got an idea- turn a few if my best friends and we could be together forever. So I called over my friends-Jinxx, Jake and Andy- and made it look like a parlour trick. Like the best thing that had ever happened to me, showed off my super strength and amazing hearing. Being stupid teenage boys they wanted in. I changed all of them. We lost everything, Jake even lost his fiancé Ella." he sighed sadly. "Ashley I'm so sorry" I gasped. "Don't be! I never would have met you or your brother and you never would have met Jinxx" he got up and left hugging me before he went.

Jinxx came in as soon as he left, and layed in bed with me. "Sooo err.... Since you didn't totally freak out when I kissed you I have something to show you" Jinxx mumbled nervously. "What happened?' I asked intrigued. Jinxx began to take his shirt off "Just trust me" he assured me when he saw my baffled look.

He turned his back to me. At first I didn't see anything irregular until he pointed it out. "Look right above my shoulder blade" he urged. Right above his shoulder blade in tiny cursive print it said "Adrienne Coma". Remembering the burning sensation on my back I pulled my shirt off not even caring that Jinxx would see me in my bra.

"Jeremy Ferguson" he whispered and I felt his cool fingers on my back. Right where his name would be. "Is this it? Are we forever" I asked cuddling into his chest. "We are forever" he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. "Juliet is telling Andy what happened right now, he's gonna feel like shit" he whispered in my ear. "Great, more profuse apologies about stuff I already got over" I said making us both chuckle before we fell asleep in each others arms. Shirtless. I knew Andy was gonna walk in and try to apologize soon but I could care less I was with my soulmate.

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