You killed him

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Christian POV:
I ran outside, accidentally using my new vampire powers in my rage. "WHY CAN'T ANYTHING BE FUCKING EASY" I yelled punching a tree, accidentally knocking it down in the yard. Pure sorrow and rage filled my veins, I had let him kill me after he had killed my father. I knew I had fallen, but I didn't not feel it. Felt my arm crack as I landed on it, not bothering to use my vampire powers and fix it. The entire world was spinning around me, I felt my incisors elongate. My primal instinct was being summoned. I needed blood. Every twig snapping and leaf crunching just heightened my senses and increased my thirst. At this moment I truly felt like the monster I was.

I made my way back onto the front porch where I saw Ashley frozen in place facing away from the window.
My sister was crying on the couch, she hadn't know what happened either. And then I saw it. My mom was standing in front of Ashley, gun cocked and aiming. He did absolutely nothing, except raise his arms weakly in defeat. "Shoot me, death welcomes me now. My love hates me and so do I" he whispered weakly his voice cracking. Before I knew what was happening a sharp pain in my shoulder crippled my body.

I used my vampire strength to heal my wound and the pain slowly disappeared. The hunt was back on, my animal instincts kicked back in. I knew my Iris's would be a dark crimson by now. I reached over and grabbed my mom by her neck. Picking her up like a rag doll and cutting off her air supply. As I brought her neck close to my mouth I could smell her sweet nectar. Feel her small human heart beating this wonderful substance throughout her body. "You are no son of mine, your a murderer" she gurgled through her cut off air supply. My mouth widened, my incisors ready to puncture. The entire world went red with thirst.

Suddenly a strong arm pulled me away. "Christian your going to regret this. Ive regretted killing your father every day since I met you" Ashley cried holding me up against a wall, tears flowing from his now red eyes.

"I-Need-leave-where" I managed to get out through my now painfully burning throat and body. "Just run, keep on running and find a deer or something to kill" He said shakily letting me down from the wall. And that's exactly what I did, I ran and I ran and I ran. Flying over streams and fallen trees moving faster then I ever thought possible. I just needed to quench my thirst. Suddenly my ears perked up, my nostrils flared. Blood. Spinning my head around I found the source of the amazing substance. A massive black bear stood about 3 feet away from me, growling. Immediately I lunged at its neck, I felt it scrape my side but I could care less right now.

The animal inside of me took over and I sunk my teeth into the bears neck, it tried to shake me off but I continued to drain it. Each attempt it made to shake me off got weaker and weaker and weaker. About a minute later the bear stop moving completely. It was dead. What I had just done flowed back into my brain. I had almost killed my own mother. Sure she had never been the best mother, but she was all I had left. Her words still rang in my ears "Your no son of mine, your a monster". But I couldn't be mad at her, she was right. I was monster and there was nothing I could do to change that. And then there was Ashley, he had taken the only father figure in my life just because he was young, stupid and didn't care at the time.

He was the reason I didn't have a father. How many other families had he ruined without a second thought? I sat down on a rock to process everything. Ashley had killed my father, and I had almost killed my mother. Suddenly I got a strange sensation, my brain was trying to tell me something. Ashley was 2 miles away and approaching fast- I got a vision of him jumping over the same river I had leaped over 10 minutes ago. But did I really want to see him?

Fear rose in my heart, I smelled blood on him. My mothers blood. Had he really killed my whole family just to make me suffer and then kill me. But where was Adrienne? I cared about her more then my mother, I had practically raised her when my mother was to drunk to walk. Closer- closer- closer. Visions of my dad smiling and laughing popped through my head, I could just imagine a young thirsty Ashley killing him on his way to work.

A twig snapping distracted me from my trance. "Why is my mothers blood on you! Did you kill my entire family? Am I next?" I sobbed pushing him up against a tree. "She killed herself. She said that... That... That she "didn't want a monster for a son" he finished softly. I loosened my grip "she's right". "I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen." Ashley murmured. "Whetes Adri" I asked quietly sitting back down. "She's fine, she still loves you. Told me to tell you not to be stupid and come to come back for her" Ashley sat on the ground next to me. "Cc I know you probably never want to talk to me again, and I don't blame you but-" he started to say before I cut him off. "Why? Tell me the story? Why did you kill him?" my voice croaked. "It's a long story... Are you sure you want to hear it" he whispered sadly a tear running down his tanned face. "The only way to consider continuing this relationship is for you to tell me the whole story. Beginning to end, all details." I couldn't live my life wondering what had actually happened, it just wouldn't work.

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