Dead and afraid

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Christian POV:
We headed back to my old house. On our way there I tried to prepare myself for what I knew I would see. My dead mother. And somehow how I would help Adrienne through this. "What's going to happen to Adrienne" I asked quietly, leaping over a tree. Ash answered almost immediately "Well... I figured she could live with us. Only if you both agree of course". My heart felt like it fluttered, even though I knew it didn't. My heart would never truly beat again. I was immortally dead. Eventually we reached my house again, I had never been more scared in my life. Err... death? "You ready?" Ashley squeezed my hand and I nodded. He lead me up the brittle old porch steps to the kitchen door.

Even from outside I could see most of it. The right side of skull was completely gone. Replaced by a dark red and black hole, dripping blood. Most of her face was unrecognisable. Bloodied and blown apart. Her body lay in a heap on the kitchen floor. Deep down I knew I was afraid I would feel hunger, but to my relief I didn't . Just repulsion. Standing there actually made me feel almost sick.

And then I remembered. Adrienne. Panic filled me, a knot growing in the pit of my stomach. What if she hated me for what I had become? Just like my mother had hated me afterwards. What if she didn't want to move in with me, Ash and the guys. I couldn't even blame her. 1 human surrounded by 6 vampires. Me and Ashley checked around the 1st floor for her. No sign of her, immediately I knew where she was. Motioning for Ashley to Ashley to stay where he was I headed up the stairs. To our secret room.

I went into my room, smiling briefly at all my stuff. Stuff I would probably never see again. Opening my closet door I hoped and prayed she would be where I thought she was. Moving some shirts and a box of shoes the small plywood door became visible once again. "CASA DE MORA" was carved onto it. I had used one of my fathers old knives. A pang of sadness filled me as I remembered him. I quickly and quietly opened the mini door squeezing my body through the now tight hole. I saw her instantly, her body wrapped tight in a blanket off my bed. She had her brown hair covering her face, she was wearing one of my flannels. "She's gone. Thank you " she cried softly and flung herself into my arms.

"Shhh... It's ok" I assured her rubbing her back softly. "Everyday she brought home a new guy with new drugs and new booze. She would always let then.. let them... touch me.... I hated it" she sobbed even harder. A pit of hatred growing in my gut. I knew that she was a terrible mother? But bringing home guys to rape your daughter? "Rape" even the word made me sick. "I promise you right now. That is never EVER going to happen again" I promised more to myself then her. "Thank you Christian" she smiled through her tears, hugging me even harder.

"Do you want to live with me and Ashley? And a couple of our friends? We all saved up enough money to buy a house together? It has an extra bedroom or two?" I asked her quietly still rubbing her back. If she said no I had no idea what would happen. We had no other family except my father, who was in jail for not paying child support. "Are they all like you? Will they hurt me?" she asked fear in her brown eyes. "Yes. They are all like me, but I promise they will never lay a finger on you." I cupped her cheek with my hand looking her in the eye. And what I said I honestly meant, no harm would come to her. She's all I have left. "Ok, I'm gonna go pack. Can you help me?" she asks seemingly reassured.

"Of course, Ashley do you want to come help?" I asked, suddenly Adriennne tenses up. "Sorry sweetheart, have to go sign the paperwork for thou house so we can officially own it. Pick you up in 3 hours?" he frowned. Obviously feeling bad about it. "No worries, just some sister brother bonding time" I smiled pecking him on the cheek. I was trying as hard as I could to not think about my mom right now, I had to be strong, For Adrienne. She actually seemed to get more relaxed when Ash said he couldn't stay. I would have to ask her about that.

Waving Ash goodbye I got ready to pack. We both headed upstairs to go pack, avoiding our dead mothers body with our eyes. A heaviness filled the air as we walked beside each other. "So your still dating? The creature that killed our father" she asked almost bitterly. "Adri... He was young and didn't know what he was doing. Just like I almost killed mom" I explained gently hoping she would understand. "Yeah, but you stopped yourself" she retorted quickly. Just as I opened my mouth to speak she ran up the remainder of the stairs calling "whatever" behind her.

Ugh. I quickened my pace to keep up with her. Which was now easy with my vampire abilities. "Adri! Wait! You know that feeling when you really love someone and you love them so much nothing can keep you apart? That's how it is for me, can you at least try to understand" I pleaded, my eyes brimming with tears. "I guess, it's just that I've never felt that. Dont really understand." she nodded, wiping a tear from her left cheek. "Besides, he changed me. We are eternally bound" I added in. "Did it hurt to be changed? What happened" she asked curiously grabbing a suitcase and starting to pack.

Shit. "Well he bit me, obviously. And then I was in a lot of pain. But then we completed the change and I haven't felt better" I replied hoping she wouldn't ask how to complete the change. "How do you 'complete the change'" she chirped. "Adri!" I groaned "its private". She gasped "CHRISTIAN MORA YOU DID NOT" Clapping a hand to her mouth. Blushing I tried to change the subject "Lets just keep packing alright". She shivered in fear and got back to packing.

But I noticed something. She didn't react how I thought she would, she acted quite literally terrified. Something sparked in my brain "Adri, I want you to be honest. Are you afraid of Ashley?". She stiffened and started to talk "Well its not just Ashley. Its vampires in general. Ever since I figured out that they killed dad." she admitted. My stomach dropped "Are you... Are you afraid of me?". "Not you, I saw you restrain from killing mom and you didn't even like her that much that was for me" she smiled slightly and hugged me.

"I promise none of my friends will ever hurt you" I hugged back. "Ok" she grinned and got back to packing. The rest of the time was silent. We packed for about 2 and a half hours. By the time we had lugged all of her bags downstairs we heard Ashley pull into the driveway. The corners of my lips lifted into a smile. I ran out to greet him "hey babe" I smiled into our kiss.

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