Endless apolgizies

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Adrienne POV:
*knock knock* I groaned hoping the annoying noise would go away *knock knock*. Not so much! Who in this house hates me enough to wake me up from a nap with the most perfect man on earth. "Adri, can we talk" I heard a voice call from outside the door. Andy.

It all made sense now! He had just been told what happened that night and came to apoligize. I had actually kind of been dreading this conversation with him. I just wanted to forget that night even happened. "Jinxx" I hissed "Jinxx get up and put your shirt on! Andy is here" I jabbed him with my elbow waking him from his slumber.

"What babe? Did something happen" he yawned groggily. "Adrienne are you okay? I really wanted to talk" Andy called from outside the door. "Just give me one second Andy! I'm err.... ON MY PERIOD" I regretted saying that as soon as it came out of my mouth. "Umm... Okay Adri. Take as long as you need I guess" Andy replied awkwardly a couple seconds later.

It may have been incredibly awkward but hey, it worked! "Really? Your on your period? That's the best you could come up with?" Jinxx chuckled at me. "Just put a god damn shirt on" I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay Andy I'm ready" I called out to him. "Wait! Adri don't you want to put on-" Jinxx started to warn me but it was too late.

Andy paled the second he walked in "Adri... Do you wanna put a shirt on". I'm guessing that in about 3 seconds flat my face turned redder then Ash Costellos hair! I got up and ran into the corner of my room trying to cover my black lacy victories secret bra. "Woah Adrienne! You got a tattoo! Your only 17" Andy gasped as I grabbed a shirt off the floor. Shit! He saw Jinxx's name. "What are you talking about? She doesn't have a tattoo" Jinxx said almost instantly and got up and stood behind me blocking me from Andy's view.

"Jinxx did you sign the paperwork as her guardian? Just show me, I won't tell Cc" he said suddenly very interested in my back. Using his vampire speed he raced past Ashley to get a clear view of my "Tattoo". "Wait a second... That's not a tattoo is it" Andy stuttered shocked. "Look it Andy we are both still trying to figure this out" I admitted finally pulling a shirt on.

"Does Jinxx have his" Andy questioned. Jinxx nodded, looking down at the ground. "Just don't tell CC" I pleaded him. "Why? He would be thrilled you found a mate!" Andy asked looking puzzled. "Because I'm his best friend and am now permently bonded with his little sister that's why!" Jinxx pointed out. "Fine my lips are sealed" Andy grumbled "but you guys are gonna have to tell him eventually". "Whatever we can figure that out later" Jinxx sighed "I'm gonna go so you 2 can talk" he left the room.

This left just me and Andy. The mood was somber once again. "Look Adri, Juliet explained what happened" he started, his voice cracking. Was he crying? "Andy, you were possessed by that Sammi bitch! I don't blame you in any way shape or form" I said sternly, he did not need to be feeling this guilt. "I know I was possessed, but as Juliet was telling me what had happened I started to remember it. The horrifiying things I had done to my girlfriend and a young girl who was also my best friends little sister. I remember the fear and pain in your eyes, the exact sound your screams and cries made. How neither Juliet, Jinxx or Jake could help. How helpless you were. And most of all how it was my fault" he cried softly. Slow tears running down his cheeks.

"Andy, when I came to this house I was terrified of everything here. Now I'm not. Sure it's not the most amazing memory but I can get through it! We can get through it." I grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes. "I remember touching you and you screaming and crying. My body was getting ready to takes things.... All the way. I could have bitten you! You could be dead right now" he shuddered in horror at the very memory.

My stomach dropped at this. Looking up at his face I remembered looking up at that face as it raped me in front of everyone. "Look it Andy, you did some things that you had no control over that no one could have EVER seen coming or even prevented." I tried soothing him.

"So you forgive me" he asked a hint of happiness in his voice. "Completely" I smiled hugging him from across the bed. "Thank you, you've made me feel a lot better" he smiled and got up from the bed. Giving each other one last teary eyed hug he left. "Oh and you might want to talk to Jinxx, mating with a vampire before your 18 is very hard." he called before leaving the room.

What did he mean? "Jinxx can you come help me with something" I called into the hall. Trying to be nonchalant to avoid Christian suspecting anything. Almost immediately he was at my door "You called for me me'lady" he chuckled . "Me and Andy talked, were fine now. But when he left he said that 'we should talk because mating at our age would be harder" I admitted confused.

"Well more at your age, you mind if we sit down? This might take a while" he said seriously. Was this really that big of a deal? "Here, sit over here with me. Now start talking" I motioned towards my little reading corner with a couple chairs in it.

"Well as you may know a human under the age of 18 is physically unable to survive the change. Like Ashley waited till Cc was 18 to turn him, or else he would have died almost immediately. You have 2 months until you turn 18, until then you must remain human. It will be much harder for us to stay apart, since we bonded before the change began. Once I do bite you, which it will eventually come too, you will have 1 shot to get pregnant. If you choose to kill someone as the way of finally finishing your transformation you will never be able to have kids. If you choose to make love to complete the change your female parts will stay intact and you will be able to have kids. Whatever way you close to complete the change with is ok by me, I will support you in anyway I can! Before the Change we will not be able to go all the way physically for your safety. It has a 50% chance of kick starting the change in you and a even higher risk of pregnancy. Once pregnant both you and the baby will die and therefore I will die also. Mates cannot live without each other so when one dies so does the other" he held my hand, trying to make me understand.

"Jinxx... I'm not killing someone, we are gonna have to do it the other way' I blushed sheepishly. "Well I can't wait till your birthday" he kissed the top of my head and we spent the rest of the day cuddling. I was nervous but knew I would be fine with Jinxx at my side.

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