Jinxx and Adri?

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Christian POV:
I was just watching television, flipping through the channels when it happened. Jinxx walked in my room, he was acting strange. "Hey Jinxx, what's wrong?" I asked turning the television off. "Its about Adri, nothing is really wrong per say" he said fumbling with his fingers.

"Dude, what's up? Just tell me" I pressed curiously. "What would you say if Adri had a crush on a guy? Or even liked him?" he asked sitting in a chair in the corner of my room. My eyes narrowed "Why? Does she like someone? Tell me who so I can beat them into a pulp". "Lets not get crazy with beating so called 'crush' up" he chuckled nervously. I motioned for him to continue "Well you know how I was talking to Adri? Mama Jinxx style? Well she admitted she had a crush, and they were getting pretty serious. She was nervous about what you would say and that's why she never told you". "Wait, wait, wait, wait! She has a crush and its getting pretty serious" I fumed. "

"I just wanted to confirm that you weren't mad to her, so your not mad right?" Jinxx practically pleaded. "And it's getting pretty serious? I'm not mad! I'm fucking pissed!" I stood up from the bed outraged.

"Well what if it was a vampire" he asked hopefully. My heart dropped into my stomach. "Jinxx I don't want her trapped in this lifestyle. To be so commited so young, how does she know they are a vampire? Are they from school" I was a little calmer now as I spoke. "But if its true there's nothing anyone can do to put a stop to it. And she's absolutely positive he's a vamp because she's seen his fangs. And no he's not from school" He explained, why the hell was he so nervous?

It wasn't like I was gonna kill him? Only the guy who was this so called "love of her life". "Well how the heck does she know hims? Vampires don't just spear out of thin air" I chuckled to myself

Jinxx took a really deep breath and finally spoke "They live in the house". The world stopped for a second or two. Was I hearing him right? "Did you just say that they live in this house" I asked my blood pressure sky rocketing. "Err... Yeah I did" he looked like he regretted this whole conversation. He was paler then I had ever seen ANYONE! Even paler then my cousin Ricky, he was in some band called Motionless and White. But that wasn't the point right now!

My mind tried to slim down the options. It wasn't Ashley because we were mated. Same for Andy and Juliet. That left me with 2 other options. Jake and Jinxx! Suddenly it all clicked.

All the "warm" looks. "Kind" gestures. "Comfortable" touching. I was gonna fucking kill Jake Pitts. He fucking mated to my sister without me knowing and now there was nothing I could do about it. "Jinxx where's Jake?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Umm... In the living room why?" he replied nervously, as pale as ever. "Thanks" I called as I raced out of my room to the living room.

Jake was gonna fucking get it! I saw him laying on the couch watching "Get Hard". The movie with Will Ferral and Kevin Hart. He was laughing hysterically, he wouldn't be laughing for long.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE" I shouted shoving him off the couch in anger knocking his blood covered popcorn ever. "Dude, what the hell was that for?" he asked almost looking innocent. Haha, stupid he was for thinking I wouldn't find out! Jinxx appeared behind me. "You mated with my fucking sister and didn't even have the courtesy to tell me" I fumed. "What are you talking about? I never mated your sister?" he shouted in my face.

My anger faltered for just a second. "Look at my back dude! Then look at her back! Neither of us have anything there" he pulled off his shirt sowing me his back. He was right, there was nothing there? "Adrienne come here" i called to her and she scurried quietly into the room. Obviously trying to avoid every angry vampire in the room.

"Christian wait! She's bonded with me ok! We both are already marked so there's nothing we can do about it! I tried to tell you but chickened out and then when I finally did this shit happened. Trust me, I wasn't too thrilled about having to bite her either but quite honestly neither of us have a choice really! Just let us explain" Jinxx shouted getting all of our attention.

I paused my fist which was currently lined up with Jakes face. "Your mated to Jinxx" I asked Adri in disbelief. "Yes, we love each other CC! Just like you and Ashley, we can't control it! And just like you I'm ready to die for love" she spoke softly but sternly and I saw there was no changing her mind. "Sorry dude, that was uncalled for" I looked at Jake first and apoligized. Then back at the "happy couple'

"You really are both marked? And love each other? Adri are you sure your ready for this commitment" I asked shakily. My sister had never really stood up to me like that before."Yes, there's no going back now! We were meant to be together from the begining" she said more confidently this time. "Jinxx is this true" I asked finally starting to understand.

If they had bonded like me and Ash there was no way to keep them apart. I also knew that he would never cheat on her. "If your both sure your ready for this I guess I'm ok with it, but she won't turn 18 for like another 2 months" I finally gave in. "Really? That's aamazing Thanks dude, I'm so glad you approve" Jinxx practically smiled ear to ear. "Cc this means so much to us thank you" My sister wiped a year from her eye and embrace me.

Next thing I knew me, Jinxx, Adri and Jake were having a giant grouphug

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