A drunken kiss - chapter one.

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NTAs 2016.
The NTAs for 2016, just finished and Ant, Dec, Stephen, Phil and holly all went back to ants to celebrate. They were all already a bit drunk, so they took a cab back to ants house.

In the cab phil and holly sat on one side and on the other side Stephen sat in between ant and Dec, as they were heading to ants house they chatted about random things like SNT and this morning

The entire car ride there Stephen spent every other minute looking over to ant. Whether or not ant was talking, that didn't matter, he would just 'take in the view.' To Him there was no one more good looking than ant, he was perfect, his smile was so enticing yet also calming at the same time.

Stephen came out to the boys roughly 2 year ago, it was one of the scariest moments of his life. He's always scared of what people may or may not think of him, but especially when it came to ant and Dec. The only other people who know stephen is gay is his family, but he doesn't really talk about them, when it comes to Stephen's private life, he's rather...well private about it.

Stephens liked ant for ages, but he's never told anyone how he feels, as far as Stephen was aware ant was straight and a lot of the time Stephen hated himself for liking ant, because he can't ever do anything about it, if he tells ant he risk ruining a friendship with one of his best mates and when it came to expressing his feelings Stephen wasn't great at it.

As they finally get to ants house, they get out of the cab and walk over to ants door, whilst ant struggles to find his keys, Stephen starts staring at ant, just sort of day dreaming, when he starts to feel someone staring at him, he quickly turns around to see dec staring at him with a very confused look on his face, when Stephen quickly looked away into the distance. As ant finally got his keys from his pocket and opened the door they all walked into the living room.

"who wants to play pie face!!" Ant screams at the group, whilst they all look slightly nervous but also excited. "Your joking?!" Dec says laughing at ants suggestion. "Nope, come on it will be fun!!" He says mocking dec as Phil and Holly are nodding along agreeing with ant, they all look at Stephen, for him to make his decision. He looks up from the floor to see them all staring and gives a questioning look as to say 'what?'

"Stevie? Pie face?" Ant gives him a begging look "come on it will be fun!" The younger man looks at him with an unsure look on "I've never played it before." Stephen reply's. Ant gives a comically offended look "you've never played pie Face!! That's it we are playing." They all start laughing whilst decs still giving Stephen a look as if he's trying to figure something out, but every time he did Stephen just looked away.

*time skip*

Stephen spent all night worrying that dec had figured out he liked ant, he was so anxious he pretty much drank all the alcohol in ants house, If dec finds out Stephen likes ant, he will undoubtedly tell ant and then ant will talk to Stephen about it and it will become awkward and he doesn't want that, he made the decision a long time ago to hide his feelings from ant and he is determined to stick with it, there's no way he is going to risk his friendship because of a crush.

The younger man convinced himself that these feelings will go away too. He keeps telling himself, when he can't sleep because he's thinking of ant, that's it's just a crush and it will go away. He's been telling himself that for a year and a half.

Decs always been pretty good at reading Stephen, not sure why, but whenever there's something wrong with him dec always knew.
dec motions to a slightly tipsy ant to head to the kitchen so he could talk to him in private.

"I think somethings up with Stephen.." dec says worriedly "what do you mean? He seems fine to me" ant said confused and just as dec was about to say something stephen comes strolling, well more like stumbling into the kitchen.

As he walks over to the kitchen island he falls over and Ant ends up catching him, laughing, ant says "I think you've had enough for tonight mate" dec laughs along "i think we all have, maybe it's time call it a night" they both laugh and agree.

Ant takes stephens arm and puts it around his shoulder to help him walk. They decided that Phil and Holly would stay at decs and Stephen stays at ants. They all say goodnight and dec, Phil and Holly all stumble over to decs house across the street.

"Okay mate. Time to get you up stairs" Ant says to Stephen. "You've got nice eyes you know" stephen says drunkenly. Ant laughs slightly awkwardly not knowing what To do. "Stephen their just green-ish" as their walking upstairs to the guest room in ants house "yeah but they look pretty" a drunk Stephen says as ants laughing.

They finally get up to the guest room and ant put Stephen sitting down on the bed, he takes Stephens shirt off, but leave the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath on. He runs into his bedroom and grabs some sweatpants and changes Stephen into them. He folds his clothes and puts them on the chair in the corner.

"Okay come on stevie" ant says as he try's to get Stephen into the bed.

Stephen looks ant in the eyes and just starts smiling. Ants looks down on him to see him smiling and laughs confused and nervously "what?" He asks, And Stephen just looses control, he grabs ants face and pulls him into a kiss.

At first ant was surprised and didn't know what to do, and after about 30 seconds he puts his hand on Stephen waist and kisses back, and is snapped back to reality after about 1 minute and pulls off of Stephen.

"Uh..." he searches his brain for the words and just comes out with "your drunk" and laughs nervously. "It's time for bed, come on" he puts Stephen under the blanket lays his head on the pillow and heads out turning the light off behind him.

He shuts the door and goes to his bedroom when he shuts that door he leans on it and lets out a sigh.

He was confused. He enjoyed kissing stephen and for a while now ant has been secretly questioning his sexuality, he hasn't told anyone not even dec and he thinks that now he's finally figured it out...

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