Valentines Day - Chapter Ten

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It was February 14th 2016, Or better known as valentines day. This was ant and Stephen first valentines day together, it's been just under two months since they got together and neither of them really knew what they were going to do for valentines day, it's not like they can go out for a meal, the public didn't know either of them were gay.

Dec was going out with his wife, Ali, for dinner. Stephens never really been able to celebrate Valentine's Day,  he's never really had many relationships to be able to. I mean he's had small ones but nothing major. Ant had celebrated though it was with girlfriends, so he's never really enjoyed it. They were both looking forward to doing something for Valentine's Day with each other...just as soon as they figure out what to do.

Ant was working today, which did give Stephen time to find him a present, but he still wasn't sure what to buy him. He'd asked Dec, and he suggested a watch or something, Stephen wasn't sure if that was good enough though.

He had only 5 hours to decide and actually buy the gift, before ant got home, he wasn't sure what ant had got him. All he knew was that ant was proud of it, as he'd mentioned how proud of it he was every 5 minutes the last couple of days.

Stephen been stressing out for the last week on what to get ant, he wanted to get something that meant something, that had meaning behind it, not just a watch and chocolates or something like that. He spent almost an hour and a half scrolling through the internet, looking for the perfect gift. He finally gave up and started looking through instagram and looking at 'ideas to get your boyfriend on valentines day' when he came across one that caught his eye.

A home made book, sort of a mix of a scrap book and a diary. It would have pictures of the two of them and some of ants nicknames for him like 'stevie' or 'nonsense.' Also some things that Stephen has said or written down in a diary like 'I knew this man was the love of my life, ever since I first laid my eyes on him' or 'I'm going to marry that man one day'

Stephen got up and went down to his local supermarket to get supplies like, a new notebook to actually make it, some glue, some stickers etc. He's got 3 and half hours to make this book before ant gets home. He spends the next 2z hours non stop working on this book, he puts all his favourite pictures of the two of them in it with some romantic quotes and some of Stephen's diary entries that he talks about ant in.

He finally finishes, with 1 hour before ant gets home, he gets a message from ant saying;
I'm finishing early tonight, on my way home, make sure you wear something smart. I've got a surprise for you. x

Stephen checks his phone, reading the message, as he looks at it slightly confused, he heads up stairs to his wardrobe. He skims through it looking for what to wear but not really sure what ant means by smart, does he mean shirt and trousers or a suit? He sends ant a quick message asking.

By smart, do you mean shirt and trousers, or a suit, should i wear a tie?

Stephen could see even through the message he was probably over thinking the whole thing, but he wanted tonight to be perfect, he wanted tonight to be the best night ever!

Ahah, yes wear a tie but it doesn't need to be a full suit. x

As soon as Stephen read the message he put his phone down and for the next 5 minutes skimming through his wardrobe when he finally decided to go with, a white shirt, grey waist coat and grey trousers. He kept looking in the mirror to make sure he looked perfect.

He checked himself out one more time, fixing his tie and his waist coat, he grabbed his favourite cologne, sprayed his neck with it, when he headed a knock at the door. His face instantly lit up, he ran down stairs and opened the door to see...Emma?

"Emma?" He said shocked and surprised and confused all at the same time. "Hey, your looking snazzy, got a date?" She asked mockingly. Stephen didn't know what to do, he wasn't out to Emma yet nor was ant, he didn't want her to find out this way or for ant to have to come out this way. "Uh I guess yeah." He said trying to hurry this conversation along before ant got here. "I guess? Hmm. So what's her name? What's she like?" Emma asked, whilst letting herself in. Stephen didn't want her to come in, he knew she'd be here for ages otherwise, and hearing 'she' and 'her' just brought him back to his mother again. He hated people thinking he liked girls, when he knew he didn't, but he's also worried of people knowing he was gay, what they'd think, if they'd still like him.

"Uh nice...listen Emma you've got to go" he said trying not to sound too rude but he didn't know when ant was getting here. "Aww come on. I wanna meet her!" She said begging him to let her say. "You already have" he mumbled under his breath. "Huh?" Emma asked not hearing what he said "nothing. Listen Emma maybe another time. Please?" He said also begging, when Emma finally gave in and decided to let Stephen win "I will meet this girl!" She said, as Stephen rolled his eyes laughing, even though the statement made his stomach hurt, he just nodded to her as he not so subtly pushed her out. "Goodbye, I'll see you in the morning" she said, which reminded Stephen he had to do heart breakfast tomorrow morning with Emma, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape the inevitable interrogation of the night before. "Right...yeah, I almost forgot about that" he said laughing nervously.

He'd finally got Emma out the door, when he noticed ants present still on the table, he was hoping that Emma hadn't noticed it, just lying around on the table when the doorbell rung.

He walked over to open the door expecting emma again "emma did you-" he stopped mid sentence when he was met with a flower, hiding a familiar face. His face instantly lit up with a huge grin, he took the flower as he started blushing "happy Valentine's Day stevie" ant said with a sheepish grin on his face. "Happy Valentine's Day ant" Stephen said blushing even more, Stephen offered ant to come in but ant shock his head. "Nope we've got somewhere to be" he said as he was met with a confused face from the other man. He ushered Stephen out of the house but Stephen stopped and turned around quickly running to grab ants present that he put in a gift bag so ant didn't see what it was and then followed ant out to his car.

As he got in the passenger side he put ants present in the back seat to make sure ant couldn't see what was inside there. He sat down and put his seatbelt on, when he was given a black piece of fabric. Stephen took it out of ants hand. "What do I do with this?" He looked at ant confused "wear it." Stephen shock his head. "Why do I have to wear this?" Ant laughed quietly "so you can't see." Stephen rolled his eyes "no shit Sherlock" he tried to hide his smile whilst saying, as ant let out a laugh. "Because it's a surprise so your not aloud to see" Stephen rolled his eyes once more as he put the blindfold on "your gonna have to do the back" he said reluctantly "and no peeking at your present!" He said firmly. "I won't. I promise" ant said slightly sarcastically whilst tying up the back of the blindfold. When he drove off, they were driving for at least ten minutes before ant said "okay, we are here! But keep your blindfold on." Stephen sighed as ant got out and walked round to help Stephen out, he grabbed the man's arm and guided him to the spot "okay take your blindfold off."

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