Meeting The Parents - Chapter Fifteen

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It was Friday 12th march, Ant and Stephen were getting ready to leave for newcastle, and surprisingly out of the both of them ant was the most nervous. since their conversation the other night, Stephen has been rather excited to meet ants mother, still a bit nervous but more excited, ant on the other hand has gotten more nervous, the closer they got to the day.

Ant is rushing around the house making sure he had everything, even things he knew he didn't need. Just as him and Stephen were about to leave Stephen said, rather bluntly "keys." as ant turned around confused, when he finally realised he didn't have his keys "oh shit. yeah!" he said, which made Stephen laugh "you've spent the last hour looking for shit you don't need, but you almost forget your keys...the things you need to actually drive" Stephen said sassily as ant rolled his eyes and mouthed 'shut up' to Stephen which only made the younger man laugh even more.

they left the house and got in the car, ant was driving as he knew the way to newcastle best. as they started to drive up to newcastle, Stephen started playing music in the car and five minutes in, just to annoy ant, Stephen had downloaded a playlist of ant and decs songs, which they had to listen to the whole way up. "seriously?!" ant said laughing but also slightly irritated when 'lets get ready to rhumble' came on. which only made stephen laugh as he looked at ant, acting clueless. "do we have to listen to this the whole ride?" ant said "obviously!" Stephen said grinning sneakily.

after about an hour and a half, they finally made it to ants mothers house, by then ant had calmed down a little, but Stephen was starting to get a bit more nervous, as he looked at the front door. Ant noticed Stephen's leg bouncing, as he put his hand on his thigh and said "its going to be fine" he looked the younger man in the eye and nodded, as he nodded back, they got out of the car and made their way to the front door. Ant knocked and they could hear the footsteps getting closer, ant could see Stephen tensing up a bit, he put his hand by his side and slid it into Stephen's so they interlocked. He looked up slightly to the man as he mouthed 'breath'

The front door finally opened as they were met with Ant's mother. Christine, smiling at them. "Anthony!" she said as she pulled him into a hug, she pulled away as she saw Stephen in the corner of her eye. "Stephen!" she said smiling at the younger man, she looked him up and down and then pulled him into an embrace. "Hi Mrs Mcpartlin" he said smiling and returning the hug. She pulled away from the hug laughing "Christine. Mrs Mcpartlin makes me feel old." Stephen nodded "you are old mam" ant said mockingly. "Oi! watch it you, or do i need to get the baby photos early" ants expression changed in a flash "yes!!" Stephen said laughing whilst looking at Ant, "how about not at all!" ant said hopefully, as he watched his mam shake her head to say no.

"Right, come on in boys!" she said leading them into the kitchen "anyone for a cuppa?" she asked mainly looking towards Stephen, "um yes please." Stephen replied smiling. "Ant?" he looked over and just nodded.

"So Stephen?" she started, as she placed his cup of tea on in front of him. "Whats going on with you?" she asked simply. "oh nothing much, i pretty much have the same schedule as them, other than the meetings i have for the newest series of catchphrase" Christine nodded, and continued with some small talk for 30 minutes, asking Stephen questions about work and his own life, trying to dig some dirt on ant, in all fairness though Stephen was trying to do the same thing.

eventually Christine stood up to go and grab some thing from upstairs and Ant turned to face Stephen, who had seemed to calm down now. "see, easy-peasy lemon squeeze!" ant said to Stephen smirking. "She's very nice." Stephen said smiling, and gave ant a quick Kiss, when his mother walked in holding a book and ant new immediately what that book was.

"Mam!!" Ant pouted slightly. "What?" Stephen asked confused as Christine walked over "it's the family photo album." Ant sighed as he said, whilst in the corner of his eye he could see Stephen get excited, "this is going to be-" Stephen started his sentence before getting interrupted mid way by ant. "Embarrassing" he finished the sentence. "Amazing!" Stephen corrected.

Christine opened the book and the first photo was of ant on his very first day in primary school. "Aww ant! Your so small." Stephen mocked slightly, he was enjoying this moment way more than ant was. The book was filled with pictures of ant as a baby, when he was in school, his first day on the set of byker grove, the lot. This was definitely the highlight of the trip for Stephen.

It was 8:30pm now, ant and Stephen decided to go on a nice quiet walk. Ant took them to a quiet place not many people know about except him And Dec, they used to go there together when they were younger as a sort of escape from the world, it was always quiet and, as far as they were aware no one else knew about it.

They walked through a big field, through to the woods, and as ant was walking around looking for the spot Stephen asked mockingly "are you going to murder me?" He started laughing "maybe" ant said laughing too as he found the spot, "come on!" He dragged the taller man through bushes and into a little corner of the woods no one ever visited.

Just as Stephen got through and stood up straight, ant pulled him into a kiss. Stephen rested his hands on ants waist, whilst ants hands were cupped around his face, and just as ant pulled away, you could see the blush form on his face as he laughs awkwardly. "Well hi there" Stephen said, as he was took by surprise from the kiss.

They didn't do much there they just sort of hung out, finally getting some privacy. They were able to be a 'normal' couple, even though they could when they were at ants mums house.

They felt like they were teenagers again though, sneaking around, not telling anyone.

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