The Accident- Chapter nineteen

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Ant and Dec had just finished their last meeting of the day, and Ant was excited to get home to see Stephen, he hadn't seen the younger man all day as he had to get up at 5am for work so Stephen was still sleeping when Ant left for work that morning. "hey you coming?" Dec shouted over to Ant as he was getting ready to leave the office "uh no, you can go ahead got to finish up a couple things" Ant replied as Dec nodded his head smiling at Ant "okay see you tomorrow buddy" Dec said as he picked his bag up and left the office.

When Ant finished up the last couple of things, he check his the time in the bottom right corner of his laptop screen to see it read 7:30pm. "shit. i should probably get home." Ant said to himself as he turned his laptop off, put it in his bag and grabbed his jacket. He made sure he had his keys on him, left the office, making sure it was locked. He quickly put his keys in his pocket and as he got outside the office, he got a text message from Stephen.

hey, how long are you going to be? x

and he instantly messaged back

sorry lost track of time, i've just left the office should be about 30 minutes. x

Ant doesn't live that far from the office, so he is able to walk back to his house.

As Ant sent the message he put his phone back in his pocket, and headed off home. as he was walking he decided to take a short cut through the park when he bumped into a couple of homeless guys, they recognised him from the TV as well, Ant just stood there slightly confused and nervous at the same time. When on of the homeless guys said "give us your money." Ant was so nervous but he didn't want to give them his wallet so he just shook his head when the other guy then shouted at him "GIVE IT TOO U!!!" But Ant still refused, even though he was terrified.

Eventually one of the guys walked up to Ant and punched him in the face, when Ant didn't give them anything. Ant fell to the ground and the man said once more "give us your money!" Ant didn't say anything he just stayed on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. When one of the guys started to beat Ant up. But the Geordie man didn't give up. He with stood the punches and the kicks...all until one of the men grabbed Ant by his collar and whispered into his ear "I know about Stephen." Which made ant even more scared, he thought that he and Stephen had Been careful, that no one knew. So he had no idea how these homeless men knew about them, he didn't know whether they were bluffing or not.

"You guys are disgusting" he said. Ant had never had to deal with homophobia before, given he hadn't known he was gay, but either way he never dealt with it or seen it happen before. Having to deal with it guys he didn't know, he didn't know what to do, especially since he isn't out to anyone. He was so confused on how these guys knew, when only Dec knew.

When Ant didn't say anything, the other guy grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall and whispered into his ear "maybe this will knock the gay out of you" as he said that he punched Ant once more and searched him for his wallet and anything valuable on him, they grabbed them and ran. As Ant dropped to the floor, bleeding and bruised and in pain, he reached into his back trouser pocket and and took out his phone, it was smashed but it still worked, he couldn't decide who to call, whether to call Dec or Stephen or 911. He just sat there for a moment in pain with blood dripping onto his shirt. He eventually made the call.

"Hello?" Ant said out of breath "Ant?" The voice on the other end of the phone said "are you okay?" Ant took a deep breath trying not to cry, he was holding the tears back for dear life. "No..." he said breathy and in pain "what's wrong? Where are you?" The voice said incredibly worried, Ant couldn't breath, he was holding onto his ribs, with blood still dripping onto his shirt and onto the floor. "I-I'm i-in th-the p-park" he stuttered to the man over the phone "I'll be there in 5 minutes!!" The man yelled over the phone

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