Their Day Off - Chapter Twenty Four

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Today was Ant and Stephens first day off in a while, or at least their first day off they would be able to spend together. They didn't have much planned today, they just thought they would spend it together watching TV, chilling out, just being together. It was tough to do things together outside of the house because they weren't out so they would just have to hide themselves and they couldn't be bothered to do that today, so they just spent the day together in Stephens house.

They didn't do much all day, they just hung out, watched TV and ate some snacks. It was 5:20 in the afternoon "hey, wanna order something and watch a movie?" Ant asked as he turned to look at Stephen. "What food though?" Stephen laughed "umm, how about pizza? A bit of a change from Chinese" Ant said smiling as Stephen nodded, "okay. You order I'll pick the movie?" Ant asked as Stephen shook his head "nah, you order, I pick the movie, because you always pick and it's always the same." Stephen said laughing as Ant rolled his eyes and reluctantly agreed. Stephen stood up to go and get his phone to order the pizza as Stephen grabbed the Remote and jumped onto the sofa with a cheeky grin as Ant walked back into the living room.

Stephen had picked the movie and Ant had order the pizza, Ant didn't know what movie Stephen had chosen as Stephen wanted to surprise him, so h Ant had to order the pizza in another room until the younger man had chosen the movie. He walked back in to the living room with the TV on the universal logo screen. Which left the older man confused, they waited for 10-15 minutes for the pizza to get there, when they finally hear the door bell go off. "I've got it" Stephen said smiling as he stood up to answer the door.

"Hi." He said to the pizza man as he smiled "one large cheese pizza" he said as he handed Stephen the pizza as he nodded his head to say thank you "okay that will be £7.50 please." The pizza man said as Stephen handed him a £10 note and said "keep the change" as he shut the door.

Stephen walked back into the living room and placed the pizza on the coffee table as Ant walked out of the kitchen with two plates for them to eat off.

Both Ant and Stephen sat down on the sofa, Ant sat up against the arm of the sofa as Stephen snuggled into his chest resting his head above the older man's heart. They both made themselves comfortable as Stephen picked up the remote and pressed play.

Just as Ant took a bite out of his pizza, he rolled his eyes as he saw the opening scene "omg- really stephen!" He said partly annoyed and partly surprised "what?" The younger man asked oblivious "you know what! Why are we watching this" Ant said as looked down at Stephen who had sat up from his chest "because it's a good movie!!" he started "and it annoys you when I put it on" he finished as Ant roles his eyes "yeah because it's a bad film" Ant said as he sighed "it's not!! You and Dec were great in it!" Stephen stated as Ant rolled his eyes "alien autopsy is a shit film and you know it!" Ant said raising his voice slightly, as Stephen shook his head and picked up a slice of pizza "I got to choose the film, this is what we are watching!" Stephen stated as he took a bite out of his pizza and Ant rolled his eyes and reluctantly continued to watch the rest of the film.

As the film finished Ant looked down at the younger man and sighed at the sight. He had fallen asleep on Ants chest, for a moment Ant didn't know whether to wake him up or leave him sleep, but it was only 7:35 in the evening if he let him sleep, he knew for a fact that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

He shook the younger man's shoulder waking him up "stevie" he said in a slight whisper "stevie, wake up" he repeated as the younger man's head shook and he woke up. He stretched his arms out and looked around "what time is it?" He asked, whilst yawning "7:30" Ant said as Stephen sat up "in the morning?" He asked as Ant laughed and shook his head "no I'm the evening, I just thought if I let you sleep, you wouldn't sleep tonight" he said with a faint smile.

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