The Live Show - Chapter Seven

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"All this too come, after the break!" The guest announcer says as they go into the ad break.

When the director said In the boys ears that they had gone to a break. Ant let out a long sigh, as if he didn't have to show a certain image for a few minutes he could go back stage see Stephen and just be...him!

He whispers into decs ear "I'm off to our dressing room" he didn't say to see Stephen In case his mic was still on, but before leaving to go he nodded to the sound guy to make sure his mic was off when the sound guy gave him the thumbs up to say it was off and ant started to make his way back stage when ant stayed with the rest of the crew.

Ant started to make his way back to his dressing room, excited to see Stephen, and be able to kiss him and hug him without worrying that people are staring or becoming suspicious about anything.

He finally got to his dressing room, and just before he went in, he took a deep breath and fixed his hair. He got so nervous. He's never felt this nervous about seeing someone before but here he is.

He opened the door to see a slightly taller figure stand up instantly when he walked in. The smile on his face grows bigger when he sees Stephen, he just uncontrollably smiles. He walks over to the other man and gives him a massive hug and kisses him on the cheek.

"Hi there." He says still uncontrollably smiling. "Hiya!" The taller man says also smiling. "You been watching the show 'en?" Ant asked "no I never watch the show." Stephen said trying to keep a straight face "I mean you guys don't watch BGMT?" He says cheekily, ant pulls a comical pouting face "of course I've been watching you idiot" Stephen said laughing. "Good!" Ant says still pulling a small pouty face whilst nodding and Stephen can't help but smirk.

"You okay?" The younger man asked, even though ant was smiling he couldn't help but worry slightly. "I'm good, even better for seeing you." Ant says smiling still as Stephen lets out a huffed laughed "you'll see me after this ad break. For ant vs Dec..remember?" He says sarcastically "I know. But we have to pretend to be mates and that I don't actually like you" Ant says smirking "oh so it is pretend" Stephen says mockingly "sometimes"

They stand there laughing for a bit ant holding stephen by his waist and stephen holding onto ants arms. Just as Stephen was about to go into kiss ant, they hear a knock on the door and they see the door begin to open when they realise it's not Dec they jump apart quickly. Too see one of the stage crew come "hey ant-" he stopped when he saw Stephen "oh hey Stephen.." he said sounding slightly confused. " breaks almost over" he says to ant still looking at Stephen confused though "uh okay, I'll be there in 2 minutes" ant said looking worried as the man continues to stare at Stephen, when he looks back to ant, nods and heads out.

When the door shuts, Stephen lets out a loud sigh, when he starts to feel his chest get tight. He grabs his chest and starts to Walk backwards when he's stopped by the wall. Ants looks over to see Stephen holding his chest. "Stevie?" He says "are you okay?" He asks with more worry in his tone than before. Stephen was unable to say anything he just continued to breath heavily, holding his chest, when ant runs over to him. "What's wrong stevie?" Ant asks even more worried, Stephen just slides down the wall clutching his knees to his chest, when he's is finally able to speak "I...I uh- I can't breath" he says very breathy. Ant didn't know what to do he's never really had to deal with Panic attacks. He's had a few himself but he's never had to deal with someone else having one.

He just kneels next to him and looks around starting to worry. "Do you know what triggered it?" Ant asks with a lot of worry in his tone. Stephen takes a moment before he answers ant. "He...we...." He starts off trying to breath closer to normal so he can finish his sentence "it's okay stevie. Take your time." Ant says trying not to rush Stephen too much. "We...we almost got caught. He could've seen us...I'm not ready f- for that-" Stephen finished his sentence still quite breathy. Ant just nodded "he didn't though stevie. We are fine, we didn't get caught." He said trying to calm the other man down, he can hear the director in his ear saying "ant we need you back ad breaks almost over." But he ignores him and focuses on trying to calm Stephen down.

He pulls Stephen into an embrace and strokes his hair. Thats what ants mam used to do when he was having a panic attack. He didn't know if this would work on Stephen but he thought it was worth a try, so he hugged Stephen and started to stroke his hair and whispering "it's fine, your safe" into the younger man's ear. He kissed Stephen on his head hoping this would work.

When the younger man started to calm down and his breathing started to even out and he was able to talk normally again "th-thank you ant.." he said gratefully. When he suddenly saw the time and realised that ant was suppose to be at the studio. "Ant! Your supposed to be on set right now. The ad breaks are about to finish." Stephen said confused and worried at the same time. "Yeah well you were more important than that. I needed you to be okay before I left." He said lovingly whilst Stephen starts smiling.

After about 30 seconds he smacks ant on the arm "ow! What was that for?!" He shouts slightly. "Your going to be late!!" Stephen shouts back. When he gets up and reaches a hand out to help ant up, whilst ants smirking "calm down. What are they going to do? Fire me!" He says cocky "they won't fire me. I'm half of the actual duo." Stephen just stands there and laughs quietly to himself! "Well they can fire me! I'm suppose to be at make up, so I'm ready for ant vs Dec!" Stephen says as ant rolls his eyes at him "they won't fire you stevie" ant says cockily again. "GO!" he shouts whilst also laughing, no matter how hard he tried not to, he just burst out laughing. "Okay fineee" ant says sighing and as he walked past Stephen to go to set, just before opening the door he pulled Stephen into a kiss. "See you nonsense." Stephen try's to hide his blush after the kiss but fails. "Your cute when you blush." Ant says which only makes Stephen blush even more. "Go!" He says huffing out a laugh whilst saying it.

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