Coming Home - Chapter Twenty

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Today was the day Ant was coming home from hospital, and even though he was only there for 4 days, Stephen wanted it to be perfect for him, he wanted everything to go smoothly. He'd cleaned the house and made sure that it was easy for Ant to get around on his crutches, even if he was on bed rest for 2 weeks.

"Stephen." A voice in the distance said, but he didn't hear it, he continued to rush around "Stephen" The familiar Geordie accent said as he grabbed Stephen by his shoulders "calm down. Okay it's fine, he'll be fine. He's got you, he's got me and Ali. He's going to be fine and you don't need to Clean the house anymore" Dec said trying to calm the taller man down. "Okay take a deep breath." He instructed Stephen and he did what he was told "now you go pick Ant up from the hospital and we will make sure the house is perfect for Ant when you guys get back. Stephen just nodded, he took another deep breath, he rubbed his palms together as he left the house and got into his car.

Stephen didn't know why he was so nervous, he wanted everything to be perfect for Ant and he wanted to make his life as easy as possible, because he knows these crutches will be hard and Ant isn't going to like being on bed rest, he hates just lying around all day, he was one of those people that had to keep busy. "Right Stephen. Calm down, it's going to be fine" the younger man said to himself. As he started to make his way to the hospital, he was so anxious that every little thing was irritating him, the traffic that was slowing him down, when a bird was in the road and wouldn't move, everything, you name it and it was probably irritating him.

After a 30 minute drive, which was 10 minutes longer than it needed to be, Stephen finally made it to the hospital. He got out of his car quickly and ran to reception. "Mr Mulhern, good morning." The receptionist smiled to him "morning nurse evans" he replied. Stephen had visited the hospital every day Ant was there, even though it was 4 days, Dec had come with him sometimes so it didn't look to suspicious and so Dec could see him obviously, but he had got to know the nurses and doctors who were looking after The older man pretty well. "Last day today then?" She asked and Stephen smiled and nodded "yep" she smiled and let Stephen through to Ants room.

When he got there Ant was just sitting on the bed waiting for Stephen to get there and once he noticed the younger man leaning against the door frame his smile widened "how long have you been staring at me?" Ant asked teasingly "oh ages." Stephen said sarcastically "stalker" Ant said laughing as Stephen walked further into his room. He had to fight the Urge to give him a kiss, which was hard not going to lie.

"Ahh Stephen" a voice from behind said "doctor pierce" Stephen replied smiling as she came in to do Ants last check up just before he left. "How is everything?" She asked Ant "not good" he replied which left a confused face on his doctor "he's stalking me" he laughed, when Stephen gave him a light slap on his arm "I think she meant medically" Stephen replied with attitude "see not denying it!" Ant pointed out, which made both Stephen and the doctor laugh, as Stephen shook his head he asked the doctor sarcastically "you sure you don't want to keep him?" Which did make her laugh as Ant pulled a comically offended face "no. It's fine" which then made ant pull the offended face to her "why not? I'm great company" he said unable to hold back the little giggle.

"I think he fine" Stephen said laughing as well. The doctor continued to do the check up and make sure Ant was fit to leave today, Ant kept trying to make Stephen laugh, by pulling funny faces and winking at him, which didn't make him laugh it only made him blush slightly and Stephen would mouth to Ant 'stop!' And shook his head at him, trying and failing to hide his smile.

"Okay, Ant you look good" the doctor started as she went to pick up her chart "why thank you!" Ant said laughing "medically" Stephen interrupted, as Ant looked at him and stuck his tongue out at him as Stephen shook his head again and gave him a wink "sorry doc continue" Stephen said as he rolled his eyes at Ant "it's okay. Your ribs haven't fully healed yet, so they're still pretty damaged and your leg is still broken so you will need the crutches for around 2-3 weeks, after 3 weeks we would like you to come in so we can decide whether or not you'll need them any longer and whether or not we can take the cast off. Other than that you should be fine, your concussion has gone. No longer experiencing blurry vision?" The doctor asked "nope" Ant answered with a smile. "Then you are aloud to go home today. You just need to sign some paper work and you can be off then." The doctor said with a smile on her face.

They finally made it down to the car as they got in and put their seat belts on, Ant out his crutches on the back seats and then faced back to the front of the car, he looked at Stephen who was fidgeting with his hair in the rear view mirror, when Ant grabbed his chin and pulled him into a kiss, which took Stephen by surprise at first but he quickly melted into the kiss and he dubbed Ants face in the palm of his hands. As Ant pulled away he smiled at Stephen "you know I've been waiting 4 days to do that" he said smirking sheepishly "yeah...well I've been waiting 4 days for you to do it" Stephen replied laughing. "Come on lets get you home" Stephen said as he started the car and drove home.

After a 20 minute drive back to Ants house, Stephen got out of the drivers seat and got his crutches out of the back seat, he grabbed Ant under his arm to help him up and then handed his crutches to him and they made their way to the door, Stephen took the spare key out of his pocket and as he went to open the door Ant noticed the key "how have you got the key in your pocket...?" He asked laughing "uh..." Stephen replied not knowing what to say "I couldn't sleep at my place so.." he started when Ant interrupted "so you broke into mine?" He laughed "not broke...more like stayed without telling you" Stephen laughed awkwardly "idiot" Ant said as Stephen unlocked the door and when Ant walked in he was met with Dec and Ali waiting by the door with a sigh saying 'welcome home Ant!' And all of Ant's friends, like David, alesha, phil, holly even Simon, Which made Ant smile uncontrollably as he turned to Stephen "did you organise this?" He said sheepishly "well Dec helped quite a bit too" he replied laughing when Ant pulled the younger man into a hug, whilst fighting the urge to just pull him into a kiss. "Thank you stevie" he whispered into the younger man's ear which made him blush slightly and he hid it best he could from the crowd of people who didn't know they were together.

Since most people here didn't know about the two of them, when explaining what happened all they said was that Ant got mugged, which was technically true they just missed out part of the story.

The welcome home party lasted till about 6:30pm, when everyone started leaving. Although Stephen, Dec and Ali stayed back to help tidy up.

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