The L word - Chapter Twelve

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It's been a week since Valentine's Day, a week since ant realised that he loved Stephen. But he hadn't told Stephen that yet, he was so scared to say those three words, that the other man wouldn't feel the same way or that it was too early to say it, considering they've only been together for 2 months. He kept thinking that it was too early to say 'the L word' but he didn't know what to do, he couldn't help how he was feeling.

He's spent the last week trying to figure out how or even if he should tell Stephen yet. It's been playing on his mind non stop, he's lost sleep thinking about it, he's been distracted at work thinking about it. He just doesn't know what to do.

Then one Saturday night they were staying in watching a movie and eating Chinese, Stephen was sitting in the corner of the sofa and ant was cuddling into his side. Every time Stephen laughed at the movie ant looked up and started smiling. Which helped ant come to the conclusion that, he was indeed, in love with this man!

He kept thinking it through out the whole movie, he kept getting distracted by Stephens laugh, or when he would shout of the movie as if the different characters could hear him, which always made ant laugh, at one point Stephen shouted at the movie so loudly it made ant spit out his drink, he was laughing so much, which then made Stephen laugh. The younger man went out to the kitchen to get some kitchen roll to clean up with water and when he came back through to the living room ant was still laughing his head off.

"You got the sofa wet you idiot!" Stephen said laughing as he nudged ant backwards. "Oi, don't blame me! Your the one shouting at the TV." Stephen shock his head as ant laughed even louder. "Don't blame me for your mess" Stephen said comically arguing with ant. "It is your fault tho" ant said laughing. "Oh is it now." Stephen asked laughing as ant nodded along, "we'll see about that" Stephen said as he tackled ant into the sofa whilst laughing the whole time. "Oi! Get off" a Geordie accent said laughing. "Not until your say it was your fault." Stephen said laughing, whilst holding ant down on the sofa so he couldn't move. "Fineee. It was my fault." He said laughing as he gave in to Stephen. "There you go it wasn't that hard was it" Stephen said with a smirk "oh it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do" ant said sarcastically.

Stephen leant down and planted a quick kiss on ants lips as he got up off him. He picked up the glasses and the empty plates, and took them out to the kitchen as ant sat up straight, fixing his shirt, when Stephen came back in and sat down next to ant, the Geordie man looked at him in the eyes, as Stephen was still laughing slightly from the moment before.

"I love you!" He said, not knowing he was going to say it at that moment. Stephen looked up at him surprised. "Omg- I...I didn't mean to say that. I'm umm I'm sorry" ant started to spit out any words he could think to say "I'm sorry" he said again Stephen started laughing as ant was looking at the floor "what?" Ant said confused and nervously "nothing I just-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at the floor to try and hide his blush "I...I love you too" he said failing massively to hide his cheeks turning red. The smile on ants face only grew. He had made such a big deal of saying those three words for almost a week and a half, worried Stephen didn't feel the same, when he actually did, he did love ant back.

Ant jumped on Stephen hugging him, tightly and closely to himself. "Okay ant?" Stephen started "yeah?" He simply replied "I need to be able to breath" he said laughing, slightly out of breath. "Oh right yeah. Sorry" he said laughing along with Stephen as He let out a long breath. "I love you" the shorter man said again smiling. "I love saying that!!" The smile on his face just grew as he pulled Stephen into a kiss. He could feel Stephen smiling into the kiss.

Neither men had been this happy in a while.

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