Coming Out Pt 2 - Chapter Thirteen

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"I'm going to do it!" Ant said out of the blue. "Huh?" Dec said confused. The boys were out in the pub, hanging out and having a drink. They haven't been able to do that recently with their schedule being so hectic. They were sat in a booth in the corner of the room, where they usually sit.

"I'm going to tell my mam!" He said slightly hesitantly. "Wait really..?!" Dec says slightly surprised he wanted to do it already. "Yeah I do." Dec looked at his mate with a rather proud expression on his face. "You do mean tell her your gay...?" Dec asked, making sure he had the right idea. "Yes" ant replied as he huffed out a laugh "I mean, I'm going down there for a few days anyway I may as well tell her then right? Other wise I may never tell her!" He said half stating and half asking Dec.

He was sure he wanted to tell his mam now, he was just nervous. He didn't want to disappoint his mum. All he's ever wanted was for his mum to be proud of him, and he doesn't know how she will react to this news. That her son isn't straight. Ants thought through almost every possible out come, for this situation. One being, his mum never speaking to him again. And another being, his mum is incredibly proud of him for telling her and accepts him for who he is.

Just before he left, he told Stephen what he was going to do, that he was going to come out to his mum.

A. Because he wanted him to know
B. Because he needed to know if he could tell his mum about him

He didn't want to say anything unless he had Stephen permission, he didn't want to out someone who didn't want to be outed, especially the man he loves. So in the middle of their conversation he said "I was thinking...Umm well I thought maybe I should come out to my mum this weekend." He stopped mid sentence when he saw the smile on Stephen face grow, which only made ant start smiling too. "And I wanted to know if it was okay if I told her about you? Im not going to if your not ready" Stephen giggled slightly when replying with "'s fine, I mean she's your mother!" The smile on ants face only grew as Stephen spoke those words. He grabbed hold of stephens hand which was laying on his thigh. "Are you sure?" He asked making sure "I don't want to rush this. If your not ready-" Stephen interrupted the shorter man "ant it's fine I promise. Tell her." They both smiled at each other as ant pulled Stephen into an embrace "I love you" Stephen smiled into ants shoulder "I love you too"

*skip time*

"Hi mum!" Ant says as he walks through the door of his mothers house. "Hiya love, how's it been?" His mother, Christine, asked. "It's been good thanks, how's it been up here?" Ant asked as they made their way into the kitchen. "Yeah, it's been good. Cuppa?" She said as she opened the cupboard full of mugs. "Yeah go on then. Imma put my bags upstairs" ant said as he started to walk to the stairs.

He got to his room and he put his bags down, he quickly went into the bathroom to 'sike himself up.' He took a deep breath before heading back down stairs.

"Here you go love" his mum said as she handed him the cup of tea she'd made him. "Hey mum, can I talk to you?" He started as Christine nodded and sat down. "Umm so there's something I need to tell you." He started not knowing exactly how he was going to actually tell her. "And i hope your not disappointed, and that this doesn't change your opinion on me." She looked at her son, worried, she wasn't sure what he was about to say next but she new that he was scared to tell her.

"Okay um.." he mumbled under his breath. "Mum...I'm gay" he said nervously. It went quiet for a moment. No one said anything. Ant started to get nervous until he looked up at his mum to see a smile on her face. "Aww anthony!" She said as she stood up, walked over to her son and gave him the biggest hug. "Your- your not mad?" He asked nervously with a hint of relief in his voice "no. Of course not!" She said as she huffed out a laugh. She let go of ant and went back to sit down.

"So..." Christine started as ant looked at her curiously. "Anyone special in your life? A boyfriend maybe?" She said nosily, which made ant laugh and spill his tea a bit "woah your just straight in there" ant said smirking at his mother who just shrugged her shoulders. "Well..." he started off, which made his mother smile "there is....a boyfriend" he said as the smile on his mums face grew even more "but it's still kind of new, it's only been 5 months" she nodded and without hesitation said "what's his name?!" You could hear the excitement in her voice and see the excitement in her face. "You've actually met him once." Ant said, which only made his mum more curious "who is it!" She said slightly impatiently. "Okay, okay calm down mum" ant said laughing teasingly at his mother "Stephen..." he said waiting for her reaction. "Mulhern? From BGMT?!" she said confused as ant nodded "He's gay?!" Was the first thing she said after finding out. "Yes mum, he's gay." Ant said laughing even more, "well I mean...he is a looker" she said laughing, "you don't have to tell me twice" ant said jokingly as they both started laughing.

"Mum?" Ant started "yeah?" She asked "Umm neither of us are out to the public or anyone other than could you, keep it quiet?" He asked nervously "yes love, of course!" She replied which made ant smile even more.

He knew how lucky he was that his mother accepted him. He knew not all parents did, it saddened him when he knew one of those parents, was Stephen mum. He wished he could help the other man in some way and he hated that he couldn't just snap his fingers and everything would be okay, life didn't work like that. He wanted to be able to just change her opinion but he couldn't, like pointed out before.

Life doesn't work like that.

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