The Date - Chapter Six

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It's 6 o'clock, on the next day, ant is rushing around his house trying to get ready. He's never been this nervous for a date in....well ever! Stephen one of his best friends and he doesn't want to mess this up.

"Dec you know you could help me?!" Ant shouted from upstairs and dec let out a sigh "finee". He walked up stairs to help ant pick out an outfit for his date. "You go wash and all that stuff and I'll get your outfit ready!" Ant nodded and headed to the bathroom.

As ant got to the bathroom he looked in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. He couldn't wait for tonight, it's the most excited and nervous he's ever been.

5 minutes later ant walks back into his bedroom to see two outfits decs laid out on the bed for him to choose from. One was, black trousers and a white shirt and the other was a pale blue shirt with black trousers. In the end he went with the black trousers and a white shirt.

He came down stairs to where Dec was "so? How'd I look?" He skied nervously Dec turned to face away from the TV and look at ants outfit. "You look amazing mate!" Ants face lit up. He grabbed his jacket and his keys from on top of draws by his front door. "Are you staying here whilst I'm out?" Ant asked, he was used to dec staying there whilst he wasn't home. "Yeah! I'll wait for you!" He replied. "Okay I'll see you later. Bye" ant shouted to him as he opened his front door, Dec shouted back "okay good luck!"

*skip to stephens house*

Ant walks up to Stephen's front door, he's a few minutes early, nervously stands there for a few moments fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket. He takes a deep breath in and out, he then knocks the door.

He can hear the other man walking to the door and as he opens it all ant can see is the massive smile on his face. "Ant!" He said with glee in his voice. "You haven't burnt the house down then?" Ant said mockingly. Stephen rolls his eyes "not just yet." He laughs as he motions for ant to come in.

Stephen takes ants jacket and puts it in the living room, while ant walks around looking at the pictures put up around his house. He's been to the younger man's house multiple times before but he's never really looked at all the photos. There were some from back when Stephen was working as a red coat in Butlins, some with his parents and siblings. Looking at all these photos brought a smile to the man's face.

After nosying around Stephens living room, he made his way to the kitchen where Stephen was still cooking. As he took walked in he was hit with a smell of garlic, when he noticed Stephen take out a tray of garlic bread from the oven.

"Ooh smells good!" Ant says leaning on the counter, he stood up properly and made his way to the kitchen looking at what he was cooking. Stephen was making spaghetti bolognaise, which the younger man has made a few times when ant and Dec had came over for lunch or something. Ant loves his spaghetti bolognaise, he's said to dec 'it's the best spaghetti he's ever tasted.' Obviously he didn't say it to Stephen face. He'd just get cocky.

Stephen could see ant in the corner of his eyes walking over to the garlic bread, he noticed his hand float over it and just before he could grab any Stephen hit his hand away. "Uh patients would you!" He said laughing as ant pulled his hand close to his chest giving a dramatic offended look to Stephen. "Ow." He laughed. "It's only going to be like 5 minutes, you can wait." Stephen said to ant as he shock his head. "No...I don't think i can." Ant said mockingly to Stephen as he rolled his eyes once more.

*skip to end of meal*

"Woah stevie. That was amazing." Ant said as he laid his knife and fork on his plate nodding to the man sitting next to him. "Ant, I've made This for you multiple times" he says laughing as he could see ant was trying to come up with a good excuse and just came out with "well if I told you then, you'd just be cocky about it, I couldn't handle that." He says as he shrugs his shoulders and smirks at Stephen. "What makes you think I'll be any different now." He asks curiously grinning. "Well I know how to shut you up now" ant reply's as Stephen looks confused "oh yeah how's that?" He asked "okay I'll show you, you start being annoying or talking about something." Stephen nods his head as he turns to look at ant at a more comfortable angle whilst he thinks about what to say.

"Um, you wanna see a magic trick? I learnt-" Stephen starts off talking when he is cut off mid sentence by a pair of lips on his. He cups the other man's face with his hands and kisses back almost immediately, when ant pulls away. "That's how." He says slightly out of breath. "Well- you didn't have to stop.." the taller man says blushing and out of breath. Ant smirks at him when he glances at the clock on stephens wall.

"Maybe not, but It's getting late.." ant trails off, when Stephen turns around to look at the clock, to read 9:00. "Ugh, time flew by!" Stephen moaned as he laid his head on ants shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow pet. Remember we do have a show to do." Ant said cheering up Stephen, when his head shot up nervously. "What? What's wrong Steve?" Ant asked with a worried look. "I don't know how long I can go tomorrow without kissing your adorable face." Stephen replied slightly mockingly with a hint of truth. Ant laughs at his reply not knowing how to respond. "Well there are breaks and we do have these things called...dressing rooms" ant said sarcastically as Stephen laughs "well that's a good thing."

As ant is putting his jacket on and getting ready to leave. He turns to face Stephen and smiles. "Tonight was amazing, you know." He says half stating and half asking. "It was the best night ever!" Stephen reply's smirking. "I will see you tomorrow at work." Ant says as he pulls the taller man into a hug. In the middle of the hug he whispers in the man's ear "meet me in my dressing room before the show." Stephen just smiles and as ant pulls away from the embrace Stephen nods agreeing to ants suggestion.

"Night stevie!" Ant yells to Stephen as he leaves the house, and the younger man just stands in his doorway waving to him as he smiles and walks off home. "Night ant!!" He yells back smiling even more.

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