The Work Party - Chapter Nine

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It's been just over a month since ant and Stephen got together. They've just finished the last episode of Saturday Night Takeaway, and they've got the end of series party tonight. Ant and Dec both head back to their dressing rooms to get changed out of their suits, ready to head home, to get ready just before the party.

Just s they got back to their dressing room, Dec noticed Stephen standing outside their door and nudge ant to let him know. When ant saw the younger man standing there waiting for him, the biggest smile grew on his face.

"Hi Stevie" ant said as they walked up to their door and to hide his smile as they walked up. "Hey ant." He said failing to hide his Smile. They both stood there smiling at each other for a few seconds. "Yeah. hi Stephen!" Dec said sarcastically. "Oh yeah...sorry, hi Dec." Stephen said, still looking at ant as Dec rolled his eyes and huffed out a laugh, he open the door to their dressing room and walked in whilst ant and Stephen followed.

As soon as the door shut ant grabbed Stephen and hugged him. "Nice to see you too" Stephen said laughing. "Shush I've missed you." Ant said as Dec sighed "oh get a room you too" Stephen started laughing. "Oh your just jealous." Dec just made a silly face to Stephen.

*time passes*

Stephen and ant pull up outside ants house, they both get out the car and scurry into ants house. They both run upstairs as they are a bit behind schedule. They've got to be at the party in 20 minutes.

As ant is getting changed, Stephen is still standing in front of his clothes. Trying to decide what to wear. "Stevie, hurry up, we've got to leave soon." Ant says in a rushed tone. "Yeah I know, sorry." Stephen says in a slightly panicked tone. Ant shock his head slightly and walked up to Stephen who was still standing in front of his clothes, and grabbed him so he was facing ant. He took Stephen into an embrace. "You don't need to apologise Stephen." Stephen nodded into ants shoulder, holding him as close as he could until they had to pretend and out on an 'act' in the party. Ant pulled away and went to go downstairs when he whispered to Stephen "go for the blue shirt, black jumper and blue jeans. You look cute in that." Stephen laughed and started to feel his face heat up.

Both ant and Stephen were almost ready now. Stephen was in the bathroom washing, he stopped for a moment and leant on the sink just looking in the mirror, trying to stay calm and not panic, when ant came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hey, you okay?" He said in a slightly worried tone, he didn't know how to answer ant without his voice cracking slightly, showing off how nervous he actually was. He didn't want ant to worry about him, he didn't think it was ants job to worry about him and he wanted him to have a good time tonight. He just laughed slightly nervously "yeah, I'm good." He nodded. "You sure?" He asked again, not fully believing the other man's answer. "Yeah...I'm fine" Stephen said laughing nervously as he turns around to face the shorter man. He put on his best fake smile he could muster and gave ant a peck on the lips. "You ready to go?" He asked trying to change the subject. Ant just nodded still slightly suspicious of the other man. They make their way over to the car to drive down to the party.

*at the party*

The 3 boys are hanging out together, talking about random stuff, ant and Dec spend most of the time trying to explain football to Stephen, which just sort of goes straight over his head, obviously they find it hilarious. Stephen shows the boys a few new card tricks, and the boys mock him over it.

When one of the shows executives came over and started a normal conversation with the boys, started off talking about the series highlights and all about Saturday Night Takeaway, then he asked "so anyone special in your guys life at the moment?" When he asked that both ant and Stephen looked at each other at the exact same time and started smiling. "Any girlfriends?" When that question was asked, it sort of threw the 2 boys off guard, for a moment they both forgot that no one actually knows their together, or in fact gay for that matter, except Dec. "Aha, no, no girlfriend." Stephen said glancing in ants direction smirking. "Oh well you'll find the right girl soon Steve." He said which made Stephen slightly cringe on the inside, especially since he's heard it from his mam since he was 17. He just laughed the comment off, but ant could see how uncomfortable he was. "Well I haven't got a girlfriend either" ant said trying to move the conversation along so Stephen wouldn't have to feel so uncomfortable anymore. "Well same with you ant. You'll make a lucky girl, very happy someday." A comment like that has never really bothered ant that much before now, but this time it really hit him this time. After that comment Stephen excused himself to go to the toilet to get a bit of space and breath, when ant saw Stephen walk off he followed him.

"Stephen...?" Ant asked trialing off nervously "everything okay?" He didn't know how to reply to ants question, he wanted to tell him the truth but he didn't want ant to worry over him. He wants to work on opening up more about his feelings now that he and ant were in a relationship, but he's so used to burying his feelings deep down, he wasn't sure how to start to open up.

"Yeah..." Stephen said as ant walked over to him and stood closer than he usually would at a work event. "Don't lie to me again Stephen." He said as Stephen looked up at him with a shocked face, Stephen knew when ant was being genuine because he wouldn't call him 'Stevie' or 'Steve' or 'nonsense' it was always 'Stephen.' That was how he knew.  "Again?" He asked nervously "you knew before..." Stephen said not breaking eye contact with ant as he laughed quietly "of course I did, but I didn't want to push too much. So tell me, what's wrong?" Stephen sighed and looked at the floor, he turned to face the mirror above the sink, as he started to grip it, he was trying to find the words to explain how he was feeling but he was so nervous it would come out wrong and ant would think the wrong thing like he wanted to break up because that was the last thing he wanted.

"I just..." he started, ant could hear in his voice how nervous he was "I've been so paranoid recently." Ant looked at him even more worried. "About what?" Stephen turned to look ant in the eye, he held onto ants hand lightly "that we're going to get caught.." he started fidgeting with ants fingers finally interlocking them and holding his hand "because I don't think I'm ready for that to happen" ant looked at Stephen with worry still in his eyes but also with a certain type of fondness "I know what you mean, I'm worried too." Stephen looked down to ant slightly surprised, he didn't think he was that worried, he always seems so calm about everything going on, whether they were at work or just at one of their houses, he just always seemed so...chill. "You are?" Ant looked at Stephen and sighed "yeah of course I am. I mean I haven't even told my mam yet." Stephen nodded, still looking slightly surprised at ants response. "What that executive really hit me today, I'm not sure why it never really bothered me before" Stephen smiled innocently at ant "because you didn't know you were gay?" Stephen replied half asking half stating. "Yeah, maybe. But all I know now is that I can't picture myself with a girl, I can only imagine myself with....well you." Ant said blushing heavily "you sap" Stephen said teasing ant, which made ant smile, which in favour made Stephen smile, he loved seeing ant happy. It was his favourite thing In the world. "You ready to go back out there?" Ant asked letting out a quiet sigh "yep!" Stephen replied "you sure? we don't have to if you need some time to calm down or if you need fresh air then we can-" Stephen interrupted ant "ant i'm fine, i promise, now Let's go, only another hour or so left to suffer through." Stephen said jokingly they both laughed and left to go find Dec again but just before ant could open the door Stephen grabbed his wrist and gave him quick kiss. "For good luck!" Stephen said smirking as ant could feel his face heating up.

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