1. Every night the same dream, every morning the same nightmare

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Stephen's lips are on your neck, peppering hot open-mouthed kisses, biting near your collarbone, and soothing with his hot tongue immediately. His hands are on your waist, never stopping in one place for too long, reaching higher and higher up to your full breasts. Your hands are in his salt and pepper hair, messing it even more and even tugging a bit harshly when his teeth bite more painfully. Your hot breath and occasional moans are in his ear, it's not annoying, on the contrary, it turns him even more.

"Stephen" you manage to breathe out. The way his name leaves your kiss-swollen lips sends him into another universe. Not literally though. He retreats and studies you with dilated pupils and lust-filled look.

"What? Am I too harsh?" he catches his breath, and even though his question is full of worry, this emotion doesn't reach his face.

"No, silly. But we should really go to my room, anyone can come to the library, you know. Especially Mordo." you roll your eyes as you say the name.

"Yeah, that little fucker may interrupt us." Stephen signs and rests his head on your chest.

"Plus," you say in a teasing voice as your kiss gets lost somewhere in his hair.

"Mm?" his voice comes out a bit muffled by your official robes.

"I want you to rip these robes off me." a smile forms on your face, and Stephen quickly pulls his head up and looks you in the eyes.

"Oh, baby, with pleasure" a quick kiss to your lips and not a minute later he's opening a portal to your room.

You both fall on your bed and begin rolling together. Clothes and limbs mingled together, hot breaths, needy moans and in a matter of time, the room's temperature is going through the roof of Kamar-Taj.

Stephen's lack of air in his lungs signals that it's time to breathe, so he hesitantly pulls away from your mouth. His hands are always busy, he waits for nothing and is now untying, or trying to untie, your robes.

"Fuck me, how many layers are there" he signs almost frustrated.

"You know the tradition, Strange, those who finished training have to change their robes. Although that red color makes me sick now." you sign as well, hands now busy with his bright blue robes.

"I'm proud of you babes, finally out of the lower league, one step closer to me." he steals a kiss in a spare moment.

"Yeah. You AND Mordo. Can't believe they think he's actually 'a valuable member of your organization' you say with air quotations and roll your eyes once again. Stephen huffs out a laugh and finally gets you out of the first layer of robes.

"I know how you feel about him, he gets on my nerves too, trust me. I want to punch him as much as you do. But The Illuminati needed more members working in the magic sphere rather than in labs. They said keeping in touch with the real-world may benefit us. But now as I'm one of the leading members, and you finished your training" he says kissing your now bare shoulder, "I will get you to work with me at any cost", another kiss is planted right under your ear. You slightly shiver. He smiles. "So that we can spend as much time together as we can, darling".

"What about Christine? Not worried that your old heartache will distract you?" you ask the question that was on your mind since he told you about their past together.

"No more Christine, just you, only you" he cups your cheeks with his still a bit trembling hands and waits for your response. You're silent, but the look in your eyes says a million words, and they all mean that you believe him.

Another passionate kiss is shared between the two not-so-secret lovers, breaths mixing, bodies and souls becoming one, until...

Until a knock on your doors wakes you up.

"Y/n wake up, it's time for training." You say nothing but angrily glare at the door as if your eyes could burn a hole through them, as well as the person standing behind.

"Are you up for the love of God? Y/n!" an even louder noise reaches your ears.

"Yes, I'm up! You stupid bastard." You murmur the last part, although Mordo knows that you might call him like that.

The footsteps get more and more silent until you're left with your own miserable thoughts and alone again.

"A dream. All this was a fucking dream" you sign and sit in your bed. Sheets wrapped around your legs, hair messy, pillows lost on the ground. You miss him so damn much, but even though it could've been avoided, you know one thing – Stephen, for some known as Strange Supreme, Earth-838 Stephen, did what he thought was right. He did what he had to do.

As the dream ended, the daily nightmare for you began.

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