23. Witch Wednesdays

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Knocking on the white-painted door, you endure a strange feeling riding in your chest again, making your head almost spin. For the longest minute ever, no one opens the door and you nearly run away back to the Sanctum until the clicking sound is heard. Shyly, the door opens and a familiar head appears.

"Hello, Wanda," you say, smiling a little, messing with a paper bag in your hands.

Wanda looks surprised but doesn't turn away. "Y/n?"

"I hope I'm not disturbing you," you tell, casting your eyes down. Although you know that everything that happened not even a week ago was not her fault, the pain in your side returns for a brief moment but you shoo away the prying bad thoughts.

"No... No," she says and after an uncomfortable silence and invites you inside. You see that the house is still a bit destroyed, especially the stairs. Billy and Tommy are watching cartoons, laughing at something that is shown.

"Boys, come look who came to visit!" Wanda shouts and the boys both jump from the sofa and run toward you. Almost knocking you down, both of them crash you in a double hug, laughing and shouting, "Auntie y/n!"

"Hey, guys!" you ruffle their hair with one hand, keeping the paper bag in the other. "Oh look how much you've grown! You're gonna be taller than me soon!" you smile at them, pinching Tommy's cheek. Wanda comes into the room and the boys run to her.

"I put the kettle on. Tea? Coffee? Anything else? " she asks, looking weirdly at you.

"Just tea, thank you," you say and lift the paper bag in the air. "I brought something."

"Come." she turns to the kitchen and sits down at the end of the table, Billy and Tommy begin running around, playing chase.

You sit on her right, putting the bag on the table, sun shining brightly in your face through the kitchen window blinds you for a moment.

"So, she begins but that's the only word she says. For longer than you want, Wanda looks into your eyes but then furrows her eyebrows a bit. Of course, she's trying to read your mind. But you already prepared yourself before the visit. A spell from an ancient book. A simple spell but quite unbreakable.

"You might be wondering what am I doing here... After everything that has happened. But before you jump to conclusions, I wanted to check on you. And boys." you admit, playing with the hem of your AC/DC shirt. Stephen really brought you into this rock obsession that you bought 5 more band shirts.

"Well... Thank you for that, y/n." the kettle boils and she stands up to make the tea.

You pull the pie from the paper bag and place it on the table, cutting it into eight pieces with a swift hand movement.Billy and Tommy grab a slice immediately and run back to continue watching the cartoon.

"Wanda... How are you feeling?" you ask cautiously. Her hand pouring the water shakes a bit but she quickly controls it.

"As good as one can be after having someone in my body going on a killing spree." She puts the cups down on the table rather loudly.

"Wanda, this is not your fault. You can't push your other self out of your body when they dreamwalk." you say and carefully put your hand on hers.

"I've tried." she begins, voice getting shaky. "I've tried to stop but I was trapped in my own body, without a way to escape, to gain control. I..." a tear rolls down her cheek, "I was just a mere watcher the whole time. I saw what I did. I saw what you did."

Suddenly you feel guilty for your desperate actions but Wanda continues talking.

"That was impressive actually. How you mixed your magic with the chaos one. Never have I seen or read anything like that."

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