27. Ceremony and Devotion

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What felt like eternity later, only it were 4 hours or so, you found yourself back in your room, preparing your new robes again. You hear a knock on your door and drop the belt you've been fixing on the bed.

Opening the doors, you see a small figure standing there, smile as big as the moon.

"Y/n!" America shouts, and your breath is knocked out of your lungs as she crushes you in a hug.

"Oh, kiddo! I missed you." you laugh, only now noticing that she came not alone. Awkwardly, tall figure of Doctor Strange appears in front of you. America lets you go and now you and Strange awkwardly stand before each other.

"Stephen..." you whisper and then run to hug and him. "What are you doing here?"

His cologne and warmth embraces you, along with his hands that push you closer to his chest. "I couldn't miss the ceremony."

"Oh, you shouldn't have." you sign and unglue your arms from his back, so you don't give certain thoughts to America, but she's studying the belt on your bed.

"Is this your new belt?" she notices how odd you look in your robes without it.

"Yes, trying to implement something new." you plop on the bed and Stephen sits near the table, eyeing the huge orange folder on it.

"What you have in mind?" America asks, sitting next to you.

"Well, I wanted to have red and gold somewhere in my attire, but it kinda doesn't work with the robes, soooo I'm thinking about a belt."

"Hm. What if you added one thin line of red on top, and then one of gold at the bottom?" Stephen says, looking at you and America.

"Okay let's try." you say and wave your fingers, two lines of colored leather appearing on the belt.

"Looks good." America says, and you look at the belt and the girl for a moment, before putting your finger on the back side of the belt and a white star appears.

"A star?" America asks, confused, but Stephen already knows the meaning of it.

"Yes, it's you. You're the little star, gotta have you close all the time." you smile at the girl and her eyes light up. "But wait. How did you know where to find me?"

"Mordo. Dude's just fuming." Stephen sighs, tapping his fingers on the orange folder.

"Anyone would be too if they knew that in couple of hours they are going to lose their position. And that you're both here again. " You huff and look around the room.

"When does the ceremony begin?" America asks.

"At 6."

"Oh, great, I'm going to the city for a while." she quickly jogs to the door.

"You need some money?" you ask in a motherly way, and the air in the room shifts.

"Uh, no, I'm good." she hesitates for a moment and then leaves the room.

You look at Stephen and see a little smirk playing on his lips.

"What?" you let out a laugh.

"Nothing. This was just very... Domestic."

"Yeah... Probably." you clear your throat.

He stands up and gently picks up newly designed belt. "Want some help with it?"

"Yeah, that would be nice." you stand up and walk to him. He slowly hugs your waist whilst putting the belt on.

Turning you around, he stands behind you, and although you can't see his face, you know that he is frowning a bit and eyes are laser-focused on the job.

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now