13. Symphony Of Destruction

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"Hello?" Strange shouts as you reach the second floor of the Sanctum. You punch him in the ribs.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he whisper-shouts.

"This is exactly how people die in the horror movies." you whisper-shout back.

"Stop where you are. How did you get here?" a groggy voice shouts from upstairs.

"By accident." Stephen answers. Finally, from the shadows emerges a tall dark figure, apparently supposed to look like Doctor Strange of this doomed universe. He looked nothing like Stranges you've seen. Hair longer than ever, and all messed up, eyes empty and dark, a beard almost reaching his chest. As he finally got down the stairs, he stopped and looked at you. Feeling his burning eyes, Strange unconsciously puts a hand in front of your stomach, as if shielding you from the man in front of you.

"Who are you... what are you?" he asks, eyeing you both, but mostly you.

"I'm just, one of us." Stephen answers.

"Who's she?"

"She's with me. Don't worry about her." Stephen is quick to answer, which Sinister Strange doesn't appreciate.

"I asked her. Who are you, lady?"

Strange looks at you with pleading eyes but it's too late to change your answer now "The one who's not afraid to kick you in the balls", you answer, standing in a fighting position.

" Y/n, not now, please." Strange says in a hushed tone, an action that is not appreciated by Sinister Strange once again. He didn't like when his guests were disrespectful toward him.

"No, but it's true, I actually did kick you in the balls once," you whisper back, the look on Stephen's face is worth taking a picture of.

"Oh, you have one big mouth that can get you in trouble." Sinister Strange turns to look at Stephen, leaning on the railing. "You're from the Multiverse?"

"That's right." While you say "How do you know about the Multiverse?", Sinister Strange at the same time says "Prove it."

Strange stands still for a minute then confesses something you never knew. Not even your Stephen told you that. "We had a sister. Donna. She, uh... She died, when we were kids."

Sinister Strange's face shows interest, he's entirely focused on Strange now, "How?"

Strange takes a deep breath and continues, "We were... playing on a frozen lake, and... She fell through the ice. I couldn't save her."

You hug your side again, feeling the pain level in the room double.

"Sounds about right. But we don't talk about that, do we?" man before you asks.

"No, we don't. I suppose your reality wasn't always like this?" Stephen asks, taking one step closer to the man.

"I suspect it'd be somewhat like yours, until..." he looks at you, creepily tilting his head. "What universe are you from, y/n?"

"How do you know my name?" you ask, a plan of attack already spinning in your head.

"Oh, I overheard it just now, when he said it. When you spend most of your time alone, you really begin to listen more," he says it like it's no big deal but you feel the vein on your neck pulsating.

"Until?" Stephen asks beside you, hinting at the previous statement.

" Until I lost."

"To who?" you ask.

Rough Path to Memory Square - Doctor Strange x Reader (Earth 838)Where stories live. Discover now