9. Clashing Iron

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You and Strange run out of the hall through the entrance that he walked in before. You almost slip on the bloody tiles, but Stephen grabs the hem of your robes at the last moment. Furthermore, you see a body lying in a pool of blood and Peggy's dead eyes stare into space, her shield stuck in her stomach. You feel like you're gonna vomit from the sight.

"Holy shit." escapes Stephen's mouth. Yeah. Holy shit. They really pissed off Wanda. You notice Christine and America running towards the secret hideaway on the right and grab Stephen's hand.

"We gotta go, I'll lead you to the Book of Vishanti. Quick, to the left." you whisper, "America is safe for now, we can trick Wanda."

You sneak behind the statues and finally reach the hidden door. Turning one last time to look at Wanda, you see her and Maria fighting, never have you seen Maria so angry.

"Fuck" you only mutter, knowing that if you were to face Wanda, you'd be dead in a blink. Quickly shutting the heavy door behind you, you run after Strange, who reached a crossroad of paths and stopped to wait for you.

"Which way?" he pants.

"Right, and then to the left, this should be the quickest way." you reach him and without stopping for a rest, run again. "You know, if someone told me that as a magic wielding person I had to run half a marathon, I'd say they were totally crazy."

Stephen shoots you a smile, thinking exactly the same.
As you reach the turn to the left, you almost crash with the people running from the right - Chavez and Palmer. Christine lets out a shriek, scaring you even more.

"Crap, it's you" you sigh, grabbing your chest in order to keep your heart from jumping out of it.

"Oh, thank God!" America exclaims and attacks you and Stephen and in a bear-hug. In an instant, warmth fills your chest, and you close your eyes, Stephen, on the other hand, seems a bit stunned by the action but gives into it as well. Out of nowhere, Stephen's Cloak appears and lands on his shoulders. What surprised you the most was another Cloak, a blue one, appearing after the red one.

"Cloaky? How? What?" you only manage to say before noticing Christine smiling.

"I brought it from the Museum, and I see that it really missed you"

Cloak lands on your shoulders softly before wiping the dried blood from your eyebrow. Touchy as always. Now two cloaked sorcerers stand tall together, ready to face the biggest threat of their lives.

"Enough of the sentiments, we got a book to find," Strange says, hiding his grin. The blue Cloak really fit your whole attire.

"Yeah, now right ahead until you see the big door." you grab America's hand and get ready to run until you hear a loud crash somewhere in the chamber.

"Shit, shit, shit" you panic and slightly push the girl into Strange's open arms. "I'll hold her off, run."

"What? No, that's suicide, y/n, come with us, we're gonna take the book." Strange argues, but you stand your ground.

"Go! Save America!" you shout and start running towards the place where you heard the noise, there's no time for these stupid arguments.

Two turns later you see a woman, who you once considered your friend, limping towards you, all bloody and seemingly barefoot.

"Move!" Wanda shouts, from still a great distance, moving her hand to the right. Apparently the action was supposed to throw you to the side, but you stand exactly where you were. She stops, a bit confused, but not for long. In a minute, she's moving towards you more angrily, swinging her arms to both sides. Suddenly, you disappear from her view and a blast of energy shoots right in her back.

There you are, floating a bit above the ground with the help of Cloak, hands creating another energy ball that soon changes color from bright orange to red. You send another blow her way, however, not one. Multiple versions of you suddenly surround Wanda in the small space and all, looking exactly the same, begin spinning around, mixing Eldritch and Chaos magic, confusing the Scarlet Witch. Images of Ikonn - one of the hardest spells that Stephen taught you individually. And your favorite one.

Wanda's shooting her red magic balls at the spinning versions of you, missing the real you just by the length of the hair. You, including all your copies, shoot powerful chaos magic blasts at Wanda, and she falls to her knees, stunned for a moment. Chaos magic is equal to another chaos magic. But of course, Scarlet Witch had more practice.

"Leave my universe!" you shout and send another blow at Wanda. "Leave my friend's body, you impostor!"

Wanda looks up at all your versions, making another red magic ball. She wipes her nose and notices the real you. "There you are, you hypocrite! How dare you use my magic?"

"Honestly, this is the second time today I've been called like that. You can't own magic, witch! Leave. My. Wanda. ALONE!" you try to use Eldritch magic and summon the Eldritch whips, but Wanda stops them halfway. All your fake selves disappear, the illusion coming back to your body. Staring into your eyes, she's silent for a moment, but then a menacing grin distorts her face.

"Aw, poor little girl, still in love with a dead man." she tries to hurt you verbally, reading your mind, but you stand your ground, hoping that Strange already made it to the Book of Vishanti. "You, know," she begins, walking closer toward you, "we could rule the multiverse together, you could get whatever you want. I could bring you back your Strange. Or send you to a universe where you could be happy with him. Hell, I can give you my universe's Strange, he's too annoying for my taste." Finally, she's just a step away from you. Wanda tries to reach your face, but something invisible blocks her hand.

"Every magician has a trick up their sleeve" you say, feeling your heart beating loudly in your ears.

"I'm so tired of your tricks, you harpy." she suddenly breaks your shield, pulls you by the hair, her face close to yours. "Now, you're gonna get me to the girl, and ah, ah, don't try to lie, I know you helped them escape."

"Keep your hands off my hair, the hairdresser is fucking expensive." you say, still stalling.

Without any further comment, Wanda pulls your hair harsher and drags you right where Strange, Chavez and Palmer went.

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