16. Rock Me Amadeus

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"Wong!" Stephen shouts a moment later. No one answers. "Come, I think he's inside."

You walk after him, watching his stoic figure walk confidently. No one pays attention to you at all, and that somehow doesn't make you feel out of place. You both step inside and are greeted by the fierce voice giving orders.

"No, no, bring this to the basement! To the one on the left." Wong shouts.

"Wong." Stephen greets.

"Strange." Wong says back, sort of expecting something but as nothing happens, he turns his attention to you. "And this is?"

"Y/l/n. Y/n y/l/n."

"Sorcerer Supreme, Wong." he says, and you bow to him, paying your respects.
He nods to you and then raises an eyebrow at Strange. The latter just rolls his eyes.

"Miss Y/l/n, I was hoping to see you earlier. Strange and Miss Chavez told me about your courage and achievements. Thank you."

"Oh, I did what anyone in my place would do. I would've come here earlier, as this is my last day here, but Stephen wanted me to rest the night." you pat your bandaged side, smiling, "patched me up real good."

"How's America?" Stephen asks, trying to hide his little blush. The patching up part this morning was a bit awkward.

"She's good, now almost recovered. It's truly magnificent how quickly her wounds are healing. This morning, she asked me to teach her the Mystic Arts. There she is, actually." Wong says with a smile, pointing to a little figure in the back, swimming in the sea of grey robes. She's also doing circles and other forms, not succeeding yet, but pretty determined. "Reminds me of someone." Wong mutters, looking at Strange. You watch the encounter between the two men and understand that their bond is deep. A sudden wave of sadness floods over you, but you hold your head up, putting your hands into the pockets of Stephen's jacket. You really miss the days when you used to hang out with Leta after practice.

You leave the two men talking and make your way to the girl and hear her muttering, "How is this so much harder than a Multiversal portal?"

"Hey, Miss Chavez." you say and see how America's eyes light up upon noticing your arrival.

"Y/n, oh God!" she runs towards you and crushes you in a bear hug. An "ow" escapes you from the sudden impact, and you hug the little figure back tightly, in order not to fall on your ass. A hand on your back steadies you and girl, and you see Strange, now in his robes again.

"Careful, she's still hurt." he says in a serious tone, but the smile on his face shows that he's not angry.

"Oh, sorry, sorry." America quickly let's go of your waist, but you bring her into a side hug, placing your hand on her shoulder.

"How you're doing? A full sorceress already?" you ask and slightly fix the collar of her robes.

"No, just started. Although Master Wong is an incredible teacher, I still can't seem to grasp the 'believing' part. Made some sparks though!" her face quickly lights up again. She's a pure soul.

"That's amazing." you and Strange both say at the same time, and America giggles.

"Your moms would be proud. I hope you'll get to show them one day." Stephen says with a soft expression on his face.

America almost tears up. Strange is about to go back inside when America calls his name, "Stephen? I'm glad I fell into your universe."

"So am I, kid. So am I." he answers, getting a bear hug from the girl as well. You look around, feeling like you're at home, like this is the place where you belong. A tug on your sleeve gets you out of your thoughts and Strange shows to go inside with the swing of head.

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