17. Late Night Talking

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// warning of a poorly written smut, if you don't want to read, scroll like half of chapter till the dialogue

Just as you step into the huge room and the portal closes, both of your Cloaks leave your shoulders and fly to the window.

A moment of silence fills the room, but you're sure you can hear your heart beating in your chest. With two long strides, Stephen crosses the distance between you two and takes your head in his hands, kissing you again. You hold tightly onto his robes, feeling how your knees turn into jelly. The kiss is passionate, full of tongue, and heavy breaths. You try to undo his waist belt but unsuccessfully. He pulls away, grinning, "having trouble?"

"Shut up" you laugh, brushing your hair from your face frustrated. Finally, you get that belt off of 

him and smile as if you won the lottery.

"Someone's eager" he purrs into your ear, your body flushed close to his again. His beard is scratching a sensitive spot under your ear.

"Well, can't miss an opportunity like this, can I?" you say, hands already searching for a way to take his robes off.

"It would be the worst crime," he answers, lips already on your neck. His hands secretly look for a way to get you off your robes too.

"Okay, wait, too many clothes." you gasp as he bites your neck.

"Yeah, I agree on that" Stephen pulls away and takes the first layer off himself and you do the same. He touches your waist gently, checking if your bandages are still in place.

"I'm good, don't worry," you answer, guessing his thoughts. He kisses you again, slowly guiding you toward the bed. He sits down first, pulling you in his lap, hands swiftly unbuttoning your underneath shirt, finally freeing you from the uncomfortable clothing. You let out a heavy breath as he peppers your chest with kisses, lips hot, burning your skin.

You slightly move your hips and a grunt escapes his lips. You take off his shirt as well, gripping his shoulders."You've been working out?" you ask breathlessly.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he answers, getting another push to his crotch.

"That ain't gonna work with me, Doctor," you say and repeat your previous action, earning an audible grunt from him again.

"Fuck, you're such a tease." he grips your butt and pushes you into him, the sudden action making you moan at the contact.

Hands touching everywhere, swiftly avoiding your stitched and bandaged stomach, slightly pulling each other's hair, breathing heavily. You feel like you're going to explode. It's been so long since anyone touched you with such passion and love, or just touched you. You feel your panties getting wetter and wetter with every touch, every squeeze, every kiss, and every hot breath landing on your bare skin.
You push him on the bed, keeping him in place with one hand on his chest, leaning down as if to kiss, but then turning away the second he lifts his head, chasing your lips."Oh, come on!" he grunts annoyed.

"Easy, love or I may leave" you tsk him and move your hands on his toned chest. "Yup, definitely been working out."

"Complimenting me again?" he smirks, hands trying to reach your hips but failing.

"I would not get tired of doing so for an eternity," you say and leave a kiss on his chest. Stephen shivers, goosebumps painting his skin.

He pulls you to himself a bit and in one swift move changes your positions - now he's on top, caressing your skin and adoring you. He hooks his fingers on the hoops of your pants where the belt is supposed to be, slowly pulling your pants down. You rest on your elbows, slightly lifting your butt so that he could get rid of the clothing easier. Finally, your pants end up on the carpet, right beside both of your shoes that you took off before reaching the bed. He returns to you, kissing and biting your lips again. It seems like he just can't get enough of how good they feel when they make contact with his lips. His rough hands rub your thighs, so hypnotic - up and down, up, and down. You can't focus on anything, in particular, his lips taste like martini and you feel like you're getting drunk on this man every second. His hands are now nearing your sweet spot and you can feel his erection, pushed to your other leg, he's slowly moving his hips too, trying to get some friction.

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