21. Funeral For A Friend

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The next day America returned to Earth 616, promising to visit you again, during the official ceremony of you becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. You knew she'll be back soon but the goodbye was still bitter. You were also pretty sure that she will tell Strange and Wong about what happened with Mordo, and that Strange is going to be angry as fuck.

Mordo did return to the Sanctum the same evening. Said he'll announce his resignation during the funeral of Illuminati members. But never apologized. Typical.

You were busy organizing funeral stuff and crying your eyes out in the spare time. After you learned the truth, it was much harder to accept the fact that your Stephen was gone. Along with your friends - Charles and Reed.

Two days after your return, was the day of the great funeral - the Illuminati members, to ordinary people known just as America's (or even world's) greatest heroes, were surrounded by their supporters on their very last journey. The hall was full, Mordo took the stand and looked at you, fixing the microphone.
Your face hardened and he looked away.

"Today, we say the last goodbye to Earth's greatest defenders - Reed Richards, Captain Peggy Carter, Captain Marvel or as the closest ones called her - Maria, Charles Xavier, Blackagar Boltagon and scientist Christine Palmer. They were all victims of a brutal attack from the cosmos and sacrificed themselves to protect us. To protect you. Many great ordinary people gave their lives away as well, and even though they are not here, together with great heroes, but already resting in their final destination, I, Sorcerer Supreme, want everyone in this hall, and everyone in the world, watching, to pay your respects with a minute of silence. "
Mordo stops, looking at the ground for a minute. The hall is quiet, only some of the closest friends and family members of the fallen ones are crying silently. The camera man in the left corner wipes his eyes, a woman behind you sighs loudly. You're trying to keep calm, although the loss of your friends is tearing you apart.

"Thank you." Mordo says loudly, bringing you out from your thoughts. "Now before we all go to the graveyard, I have an announcement. Possibly for the first time in years, as this has happened only couple of times in the past, I am... I am resigning from my position as the Sorcerer Supreme and leaving the magic world. My place will be soon taken by my student, my closest friend, and the woman I respect the most, y/n y/l/n." a loud wave of murmuring passes through the hall, and you're sure that people near the TVs are doing the same. "The decision was a difficult one to make but it had to be done. Thank you for the opportunity you all gave me to help and serve you and protect the world. I'm sure you'll be just as safe in great hands of a great woman." he points at you, sitting in the first row, dressed in black suit. You feel everyone's eyes on you, hear every word of dissatisfaction.

"Please, y/n, take the stand for a couple of words before we go to the graveyard." Mordo says, pushing you into an uncomfortable situation before the whole world. You feel how blood is leaving for face, and you're damn sure that everyone, especially Mordo, noticed how pale you've became.

Climbing up the stairs you feel your legs getting wobbly, and the heels are not the case this time. You reach the stand, Mordo stands aside. With one hand fixing the microphone, you take a moment to look at all the people sitting here. Everyone united by the same pain, everyone here with the same purpose. You awkwardly cough, desperately searching for something to say but then you decide to go with your heart.

"Like my colleague said," you shoot a glance at Mordo, "today we say goodbyes to greatest defenders, who sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Their unselfish action will be forever engraved in our hearts and minds." you fall silent for a moment. Everyone is looking at you and you suddenly feel so small in this big hall that you fight the urge to leave and never come back. "Sorcerer Supreme's decision is highly respected and welcomed. I'm sure that for some of you it will be a great loss but I promise... I swear to protect you from any threat that's yet to come. Thank you." you bow to the people and stand aside.

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